Tuesday, September 19, 2023

U.S. Marines Corps Orders 2-Day Stand-Down For All Jets

An F-35B jump jet practices vertical landing at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma. (US Marine Corps)  

Breaking Defense: Marines order 2-day aviation stand down after F-35 goes missing, third mishap in 6 weeks  

During the stand down, units will discuss "fundamentals of safe flight operations, ground safety, maintenance and flight procedures, and maintaining combat readiness," Marines say.  

Acting Marines Corps Commandant Gen. Eric Smith today issued a two-day stand down for all Marine aviation units, following a six-week stretch that saw two fatal accidents followed by a 24-hour jet-hunt for a missing stealth fighter. 

In a press release, the Marine Corps said that with “three Class-A aviation mishaps over the last six weeks,” Smith “directed all Marine Corps aviation units to conduct a two-day pause in operations this week to discuss aviation safety matters and best practices. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: As Marines continue to search for F-35 after 'mishap,' officials order 2-day stand-down for all jets (ABC News)  

Update #2: With F-35 still missing, Marine Corps holds aviation standdown (Marine Times) 

WNU Editor: Some are wondering if this was a cyberattack .... New Footage Reveals Wreckage Of F-35 Jet Amidst Speculation Of Potential 'Cyberattack' (Zero Hedge).


Anonymous said...

He could have inadvertently pulled the ejection handle....it has happened before.

Anonymous said...

F-35 is now woke and gay.

Anonymous said...

takes one to know one

Anonymous said...

2 days of safety meetings and procedure

RussInSoCal said...

Now the questions start to center around the pilot. Was the pilot competent? Did the pilot have a mental episode? Was he/she a diversity hire? Was the pilot pushed through training because they needed to check a box? Was the F-35B hacked??

No ID on the pilot as of now.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Could you imagine a cyberattack, crazy. But the cracks in the military are really starting to show and we haven’t even gone to war yet. It’s one thing to bomb a bunch of villagers in Iraq and Afghanistan, but Russia and China is anything but that.