Thursday, September 14, 2023

US President Biden's Favourite Columnist Says He "Should Not Run Again In 2024"


Axios: Favorite Biden columnist: He "should not run again in 2024" 

President Biden, befitting his generation, loves newspapers and the classic columnists. David Ignatius, Tom Friedman and David Brooks top his list.  

Driving the news: Ignatius, 73, a well-wired Washington Post foreign-affairs columnist who writes spy novels on the side, is out with a column (page A23 Wednesday) with the blunt headline: "President Biden should not run again in 2024."  

Why it matters: Biden, 80, still sees himself as a young go-getter. Here's a respected voice he has known for 40+ years telling him that by plunging ahead, he "risks undoing his greatest achievement — which was stopping Trump."  

Read more ....  

Update #1: WaPo columnist argues Biden 'too old' to run again, should have stopped Hunter's 'attempts to impress clients' (FOX News)  

Update #2: More Voices Call On Biden To Withdraw From The 2024 Race (Moon of Alabama)  

WNU Editor: When you are a Democrat President and you lose David Ignatius. Yup .... you are in trouble.

Update #3: The poll numbers are certainly troubling (see below).


Anonymous said...

Family Annihilator

Anonymous said...

I would go along with what that journalist says. But then Trump, no longer young, with indictments piling up and likely to get jail sentence: he should run?
His age may or may not be an issue for many, but being the alleged leader to overturning the election, money fraud in NY, stealing and keeping classified documents etc and you say not a word about his eligibility!

Hans Persson said...

I don't care, its too late. Damage is already done.This is how they gaslit us to think the dems didn't do anything wrong.

All those with the Trump derangement syndrome should be institutionalized and never be able to touch even a keybord ever again. They can have a Doro phone (designed for elderly people).

All this little 8 years experiment showed us that Social Media is not for everyone.

Anonymous said...

sure Hans
you will decide who gets locked up
you will decide who is to use social media
just call you Hitler, Franco, Stalin

Hans Persson said...

Ok boomer.

Hans Persson said...

I know 51 coup members committing treason when they signed a special letter, lets start there shall we? No? Why not? Oh I'm soo shocked.

Anonymous said...

my reference is to those hundreds who were indicted and convicted by a jury of peers and who also pled guilty to the charges. guilty. they pled guilty.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Hans Persson said...

I have no idea what people youre talking about, but thats not what you replied the first time. You have a script that youre trying to follow? If youre going to argue, try to make sense or get a Doro phone you too.

Hans Persson said...

Obviously people with expertise in the relevant fields do the calls, I dont know how youre world works but there are experts that used to take care of people with mental problems. Maybe you dont realize that its possible without invoking Hitler, Stalin and idiot arguments like that.

Or you already in care and dont see the trees in the woods. Whatever the case, I hope you get better soon.

Anonymous said...

my reference is to those hundreds who were indicted and convicted by a jury of peers and who also pled guilty to the charges. guilty. they pled guilty."


People in DC people are not the peer group of the average American. They vote 80% or more Democrat.

Instead of information space wars I suggest you take up a collection to buy Russia some more S-300s/ S-400s and more patrol boats, landing ships and subs.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Joe Biden Says Black and Hispanic Workers Don’t Have High School Diplomas (VIDEO)

Joe 'I'm a racist' Biden: “We’ve seen record lows in unemployment, particularly, and I’ve focused on this my whole career, particularly for African-Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans—You know, the workers without high school diplomas! "

Anonymous said...

“unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” - Biden

Anonymous said...

Sources sent Gateway Pundit a copy of an unfiled legal document the Department of Justice’ (DOJ) appears to have leaked to the friendly press. The document is a draft Motion to Stay, to be filed at the U.S. Supreme Court. The draft motion asks the Supreme Court to stay (halt) last week’s ruling by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. There, the government had asked the Court of Appeals to reverse Judge Terry Doughty’s (United States District Court for the District of Louisiana) Preliminary Injunction (court order forcing government to stop), which ordered the Biden White House, the FBI, the DOJ, and scores of other government defendants to immediately cease censoring Americans’ speech on the internet.

David Ignatius will happily take orders form some other Democrat 'elected' president and censor information.

It is the way David swings

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

100% 👍

Anonymous said...

Somebody has to be the adult in the room. It sure as hell isn’t going to be a lefty loonie. They’re destroying western civilization

Anonymous said...

Hungarian Citizen Files Charges of Treason Against Leftist Opposition over Illegal Biden Funding

Max Blumenthal: SecState Tony Blinken Stands to “Make a Lot of Money” Off Ukraine war

Technically, this is not illegal. It is in a blind trust, but you know Blinken and others have gamed the system.

Blinken has gamed the system better than Joe. It is in broad daylight type of hiding.

There is not one troll here with the writing ability or ambition of Vasily Bykov. Bertolt Brecht would certainly try. You might feel a lot of wind more often to see one hit out of the park, but the sucker would try.

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah

but who is indicted and wants to run for president again?
why not note that?

Anonymous said...

we ae good and they are bad and that is why we keep winning

Anonymous said...

Biden is old
Pelosi is old
Feinstein is old
Trump is old

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah

but who is indicted and wants to run for president again?
why not note that?

There are people on this site, who get paid to troll. they have the time, resources and some talent. I might as well make use of it.

There are other people like former, retired bullshit artists and all around piece of shit, who could not write something like "Mother Courage", but they did write a soon forgotten and dismissed graphic novel about a wet dream of theirs involving late teens or early twenty somethings on a road trip.

The indictment in Washington DC really is illegal. Where that alleged crime will be tried is Florida. so what was Persecutor Jack shit doing getting an indictment in Washington DC? Jury Shopping.

The New York alleged crime is really a prime time, broad daylight, in your face crime by an elected Democrat. She the NY state AG literally ran on a platform of get Trump. If that is the justice system you want, Mencken said people like you should get it good and hard. Unfortunately , you might like that, since although your flog your wawa thrice daily while looking stuff up, it does not work. So a creature like you would like it good and hard.

Anonymous said...

Feinstein is demented and her staff have been audibly whispering in her ear during votes to tell her how to vote.

Biden is on Alzheimer drugs and is told what to say and what to sign.

Anonymous said...

there are doubless age, mental, physcial issues among some elected officials. But name the Democrats who are up for court hearings on illegal acts committed to overturn an election.