Friday, September 15, 2023

US-Saudi Arms 'Megadeal' Collapses Over The Kingdom's Ties To Russia And China

A visitor passes the Raytheon Technologies Corporation (RTX) logo at Le Bourget Airport near Paris, France, on 22 June 2023 (Reuters)  

The Cradle: US-Saudi arms 'megadeal' collapses over Russia, China links: Report 

A major US weapons maker called off a multibillion-dollar deal over their Saudi partner's alleged collaboration with Russian and Chinese companies 

US weapons maker RTX, formerly known as Raytheon Technologies, scrubbed a multibillion deal with Saudi firm Scopa Defense earlier this year over “concerns” that the latter was pursuing business with sanctioned Russian and Chinese companies, according to people familiar with the deal that spoke with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Saudi-US arms deal called off over ties to sanctioned Russian, Chinese firms: Report (Middle East Eye)  

Update #2: US arms maker cancels deal with Saudi firm over alleged ties to Russia, China: Report (Press TV)  

WNU Editor: This deal involved installing radars and multiple air defense systems in Saudi Arabia with an investment of $25 billion in the kingdom and $17 worth of sales.


Anonymous said...

Russia has better missiles. Probably far cheaper.

RussInSoCal said...

This cancellation is a major loss for the US. Not just in dollars, but in strategic cooperation, influence and access. If Russia and China gain control over the Saudi oil fields - which is their goal - they will be the global hegemony. Regardless of what the Saudis want.

The last thing the US needs right now is to be shut out of the middle east political game. With Israel in the lurch.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Saudi Arabia is a good partner. I mean that.

They are good, if you are strong.

They are neutral or hostile, if you are weak.

It is this way with much of the world. If you are not going to deal with countries because of this then you will not deal with 75% or 80% or more of the world's countries.

Question is not why are the Saudis like that, but why some assholes in elected office want America to be weak?

tom pain said...

The advanced S-400 ‘Triumf’ air-defence system was destroyed in a joint operation by Kyiv’s security service and navy in an attack off the coast of Yevpatoriya, Ukrainian official Anton Gerashchenko said.

Ukraine destroys prized US$1.2 billion Russian air-defence system with cruise missiles, reports say | South China Morning Post

Anonymous said...

^ Analysis tells me that 7:17 is the idiot, who has once again blessed us with his stupidity.

A S-400 is system with several parts. It has a

- command and control vehicle
- 2 radars
- several TELs

Now pro-Ukrainian sites (the ones worth reading anyway) have only claimed a Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) was taken out.

In order of importance people would rather the radar have been taken out followed by the command and control vehicle along with the operators.

If you follow more closely, there were some disturbing facts besides only getting the 1 TEL.

Now the economic of destroying the s-400 ordinance versus the ordinance expended was probably cost effective in terms of ordinance expended and especially if it save a pilot and plane.

7:17 is a very stupid person and I do not believe they will ever get better. Prognosis is very poor.

They need to be brought before a NHS board.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ukraine says a lot of things these days, doesn’t mean it’s true.

Anonymous said...

russia says a lot of things these days: means they are once again lying nonstop as is always the case

Anonymous said...

"Another group of prisoners, at the same time the enemy, realizing that the village is lost and their soldiers are surrendering en masse, orders to open fire on their own," the brigade commented to this video.

Hearing more and more cases where Russian artillery is taking out Russian soldiers.


This is for certain. The Russian and Ukrainians know, who is firing on Russian soldiers.

Are the Russians firing on their soldiers ,because Ukrainians soldiers are in contact and routing the Russians and a barrage might break the momentum. Or is it you take one step backwards, we no longer need barrier troops, we have barrier artillery?

There will come a day when the betters rue the day they callously and cavalierly expended the lives of the lessers.

Anonymous said...

^ you can lie to the public(s), you cannot lie to the soldiers on the ground.

t's crossed, i's dotted

so mote it be

Anonymous said...

You mean the Biden administration, fixed that for ya. Your welcome

Anonymous said...

9:47 fixed nothing. It is an unattached comment.

Anonymous said...

Ouch NICE comment.
The truth hurts.

Anonymous said...

Like I said. It is an unattached comment.

I, the author, meant it about both the Russian and Ukrainians soldiers. Scuttlebutt gets around.

Does it apply to Biden? Sure. American and Ukrainian soldiers will loathe him. but Biden is a non-entity. Biden is Biden Gray. At this point there is no use and no gain to vent fury on it. The DNC has begun washing its hands of it. Soon he will be a non-player and soon thereafter a non-entity. the only real question is will the gold gigger show that she has the faintest glimmering of a heart. Do I care that you disparage Biden Gray? Am I a Biden Gray partisan? No.

You the a$$ fcking Russian troll meant to be ambiguous, irritating and needling.

I'll take the needling, put it in my short pocket and store it up. Judo. I redirect the force and use it. So please do keep it up. I love you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ke your meds

Anonymous said...

Biden is this. Biden is that. But Biden has not been indicted 4 times.

Anonymous said...


Your favorite russian troll here. I see that you are getting harassed again. I just hate to inform you that I cannot claim credit this time. Nope, wasn't me who posted on this thread.

Just wanted to give you a friendly heads up. Would not want to leave you hangin out there in the wind believing in fake news.

But now that I am here, I just got to ask......

Was that you saying the russians are intentionally bombing thier own troops with arty?

Ok. NO? then your best guess.....did the author use the bubble gum machine or magic 8 ball to come up with that one??? My guess is magic 8 ball, but you know what, now that I think about it, it may have been the Ouji board????

But nah skods, the ruskies did not do that one. Though friendly fire has been an issue in this war. But to do it intentionally??

Don't think so skods. They would hear of that at home and there would be hell to pay. I mean look at all the ruckess the Moms of Russia kicked up and dont even mention what happened in the case of the 331. No one wants a debacle like that again.

Life in the internet age. You can only hide your mistakes for a little while.

But if you ever want to see how it really is, I am sure there is a slot in the VDV for you.

You got it Buddy.... Airborne all the way!!!!! OOOOORAH, 500 feet agl and no reserve. Or we could do the Rhodesia method...300ft agl. what a hoot.

Me , you and Saint Mike!!!!

Be seeing you around.

Have a great day.!!!

Anonymous said...

Stalin is this, Stalin is that. Stalin was not indicted 4 times like his political opponents.

1:19 you are one pugnacious prick for one so stupid. Did you learn that in the faculty lounge as a department head?

Funny thing is you never get down into the weeds despite being a viper. You just cannot hang.

"Assault group 2 of the mechanized battalion 3rd OSHBr takes another group of prisoners, at the same time the enemy, realizing that the village is lost and his soldiers are surrendering en masse, orders to open "fire on their own"."

Anonymous said...

Scrodal breathe

Do not knock the "ouija" board. It is a very popular tool in leftwing science and political circles. It always give the correct answer. Remember they own the science.

Both Melissa Fleming and Dr. Fauci have stated "We own the science". This was not a one off statement by someone who was off the reservation. No, it was an article of faith uttered by the religious.

Anonymous said...

“We own the science and we think the world should know it.” - German Studies major

Melissa Fleming graduated and subsequently joined Radio Free Europe. I have heard some bad things about it. Now here is another. She is an alumni and she is as dumb and arrogant as Al Gore.

Fauci also said "We own the Science." No, he said "I am the science." The former, retired lit two candles before a fane with a portrait of Fauci after Fauci blasphemed.

Anonymous said...

please cite the entire context of where he said what you state he had said.

we are good and they are bad. always. they lose and we win because we are right and we are good.

Anonymous said...

Sir --

Go delude yourself some more. Fauci lied about masks. I know little something about filters. I worked with them. I am familiar with industry standard filter specifications. I watched this guy lie and lie about masks. I am not a doctor, but you do not need to know everything about everything about being a doctor to know Fauci is a buffoon.

Why don't you talk to a non-doctor like a respiratory therapist. See what they say about masks and other items. Try. It might be too blue collar for you, but consider it a stretch goal for you.

Why don't you pull some information from NIOSH instead of yet an umpteenth download of a pic. Why? Because everything old is new again. They want to go NAZI with masks, distancing and shots again.

Greedy, attention seeking Fauci finally admitted that the vaccines can cause myocarditis. So nice of him.

I urge you to read articles more thoroughly than just the lede and nut graf. While you are at it learn how to model. Maybe if you do, you won't be such a sucker. But you won't.

Does not it bother you that all the COVID vaccines are not approved but under an emergency use authorization (EAU) except for one. that is the one that is not available to the public if it is available at all. Also, Many of not most European countries are not recommending these vaccines for youths. Does not those 2 items make you question the decision making here in America in relation to COVID?

Anonymous said...

Exactly, I always say this, but the US and UK are bragging about a technology that doesn't have as much reach as the Russian and Chinese, we now have North Korean technology, which used to be a joke is now frightening and apprehensive.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post 👍

fazman said...

So good that they list 2 x S400 in a week lol

fazman said...

It's been verified by multiple sources and video..

fazman said...

Lol 2 systems totally wiped , the dro Es took the radars , the Neptune's the rest

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

8:06 AM


Anonymous said...

Ye. Crazy, 2x s400 systems gone. Easily taken out too. What a waste... but how many on both sides of this war are dead coz of these numpties in power? That's the real waste.