Thursday, September 14, 2023

US Secretary Of State Anthony Blinken Says The Post-Cold World Order Is Now Over


The Press United: The Old World Order is over – Blinken 

Washington must preserve its leadership “from a position of strength,” the US Secretary of State has claimed 

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has claimed that the world is transitioning to a new diplomatic order in which Washington must lead the way in overcoming increasing threats from Russia and China by working with its allies to build trust among nations for whom the old system failed. 

“One era is ending, a new one is beginning, and the decisions that we make now will shape the future for decades to come,” Blinken said on Wednesday in a speech at John Hopkins University in Washington. He said the “post-Cold War order” ended as “decades of relative geopolitical stability have given way to an intensifying competition with authoritarian powers.” 

Namely, those powers are led by Russia and China, Blinken said, adding that “Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine is the most immediate, the most acute threat to the international order.” China poses the biggest long-term challenge, he claimed, because it aspires to reshape the international order and is developing the economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to do so.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Blinken Calls for New World Order to Counter Russia And China (Counter Currents) 

Update #2: Growing US’ competition with Russia, China, marks end of previous world order — Blinken (TASS)  

WNU Editor: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's remarks is receiving zero coverage in the Western media. But he is stating the obvious. The world as we know has changed. 

In this new "World Order" I see primarily two blocks forming. The first block will represent about 15% of the world's population and be dominated by what we commonly call the West. As for the other 85%, they will look at alliances and organizations like the BRICS that are not dominated by the West nor subservient to Western interests.

It did not have to be like this. 

I have mentioned it before in this blog. But if trends continue history will judge this U.S. administration's foreign policy to be a disaster. Maybe the worse in US history. 

We are now involved in numerous conflicts around the world, and these conflicts are only intensifying. The anti-US/Western mood around the globe is also something that I have never seen at this level in my lifetime, and I do not see it ending anytime soon. 

The West needs new leadership, new policies, and a new approach to how it deals with the world. Developing a mindset of mutual respect with other nations and what are their priorities will be a good start. If not. We are going to be entering an era that is going to be incredible unstable and dangerous and one that future generations will suffer for.


DinoB said...

At least there are no mean tweets

Anonymous said...

"Blinken stating the obvious." no coverage? why cover the obvious?
what was the old order and who why when did it change? Russia invaded Ukraine and the West responded and Russia then allied with China and N. Korea and Iran.

Anonymous said...

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says world order is changing because of Russia and China.

What a liar. We had it all after the fall of the Soviet Union. Good ties with both Russia and China and the potential to shape the future for the benefit of our children and grand children.

And what did the Neocon possessed Blob do in DC? They threw it all away by mismanagement, deception, greed, poisonous ideological thinking and just plain stupidity.

This is the fault of leadership out of DC, NYC and other foriegn western elites in the last 40 years.

the best and brightest???? These people suck. Now we walk into the darkening future.

Anonymous said...

nope. wrong. what we had fell apart when russian invaded urkraine. that began the change. then, desperate, Russia turned for help from china and allied with china and Iran and north Korea for aid. the west meanwhile turned to its allies for help in supporting ukraine.

tom pain said...

China Spends $700 Billion on Its Military Approaching US $900 Billion -

Anonymous said...

909. you got ukriane on the brain.

Your perception and thought process are extremely limited.

Diplomatic and political situations like this were a long time in the making. The Russian Ukrainian war is only one outcome of the US leadership's failures to lead.

Dont worry though, the best and brightest will only double down on thier mistakes, as they have done in the past.

Anonymous said...

The west has been led for the last 20 years by the worst & the dimmest. They may yet kill us all with their stupidity.......

Anonymous said...

Good analysis by WNU, thank-you

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...

Part of the responsibility for it being over rests on Blinekn's shoulders.

How did Blinken get to be Secretary of State? He hitched his star to Biden, who is a corrupt, venal demented man.

It is not what you know, it is who you know. Blinken knew Biden. They go back a ways.

It was more important for Blinken to attain stature instead of taking his chances with other candidates for the position.

It is not to say that Blinken is not a competitor. He is. he competes fiercely with Jake Sullivan for face time with the crook.

Anonymous said...

"Good ties with both Russia and China and the potential to shape the future for the benefit of our children and grand children."

That is a lie. WNU said he was told in the 1980s that China would present a friendly face for a decade or two and then it would show its wolf face.

The difference was economic strength and correlation of forces.

"The west has been led for the last 20 years by the worst & the dimmest. "

Trump? When did Trump invade anything?

Anonymous said...

9:36 AM

if i am wrong, as you say, then tell me how. simply stating a failure in leadership is nonsense and NOT an explanation. What leadership? who? when where? stop making silly statements that are meaningless if not presented with facts and data.

Anonymous said...

the only thing trump invaded was his sending in his minions to try to overturn the election he lost. and he failed at that too.

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...


Oh you do not want to open your eyes or subscribe to the policy of "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

But look , look how wonderful the world is right now.

Income disparity, hightened security and war concerns, ballooning debt, educational rot in the school systems. beginning flight from the Petro dollar woke facism and racism, cancel culture, crime and disintegrating infrastructure.

Who created this mess? It was not the deplorables in Minnesota , Montana or western Pennsylvania. It was the elkiets who did this. The "best and brightest". They filled their own pockets while looking down on the rest of us. The Blob, the uni party and their fellow travelers in industry , press and education. One elites.

You need the re-read the history of the last 30 years.


Are race relations better now or did Minneapolis and kenosha burn by themselves.

Is the country more united now or more fractured. Yes, everyone has true faith and confidence in our political system and voting system.

Why are the Saudis joining BRICS and agreeing to trade oil in non dollars? I guess they have a lot of confidence in the USA, right?

Why are our schools becoming cesspools of ideological gender and re-visionist history?

Why the Hell do we have over 30 trillion in debt, which out balances GDP and no foreseeable way to pay it back?

This and much much more.

It is called social and cultural decay or de-evolution.

Where have you been hiding ....under a rock?

Why are we having tranny shows at Military bases and Tranny military recruiting representatives?

Here is the deal.

Welcome to Weimar 2.0. Backed up by the power and Force that Weimar never had.

And all this trash flows right into a idiotic foreign policy, which is totally mistrusted by both allies and partners

It is seen as a policy of a bunch of weasel word plotters who have no feelings for anyone or caring about thier concerns ....only a crazed ideological bent for more power and income inequality.

Anonymous said...

Those of us predicting this exact disaster scenario that Blinken would steer our country into two years ago were shouted down by the koolaid drinkers, and continue to be to this day. There is no hope for the next election cycle; there is just slow immiseration at the hands of international elites and the new iron curtain.

Anonymous said...

11:26 AM

why bother asking me so many questions. you seem to know the answers and things are not so good for you. blame the elites? an elite for you is someone who finished high school. why not move to Portugal, or Yemen, or Haiti?

Anonymous said...

What is your definition of sublime?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


You moron

Blind as a bat and unthinking as a dirt clod.

Andy was a good guy , unlike you, so don't blame him.

And things are good for me, you dunce. That is why i am on a computer and not living under a bridge.

But for a lot of Americans they are not so lucky. And who is responsible for that one, oh genius of the age? But you do not care do you? You have the empathy of a dead frog.

As for ole Blinkey blaming the russians and chinese for all the changes in foreign events that has led to a new cold war.... his words are the epitome of arrogance...

But you do not understand this simplest of concepts do you? That is because you are untrained, uneducated and an arrogant ignorant idiot. You finished high school in the last 15 years ? I bet you did. It shows.

So why are things like this? Well genius, one of the main reasons is that progressive liberals NEVER , NEVER take responsibility for anything. And your country has abandoned its moral base that kept it together for over 200 years.

That is one reason and the main reason you will inherit a dystopian future, Suck it up buddy, and may the odds always be in someone else's favor.

Anonymous said...

wnu: But if trends continue history will judge this U.S. administration's foreign policy to be a disaster. Maybe the worse in US history.

not if the libs write the history books