Friday, September 15, 2023

U.S. Senate To Probe Elon Musk's Decision to Deny Ukraine Starlink Services To Launch An Attack On Russia


Bloomberg: Musk's Denial of Ukraine's Starlink Request Prompts Senate Probe 

The Senate Armed Services Committee is looking into national security issues raised by ’s decision not to extend the private Starlink satellite network to aid a Ukrainian attack on Russian warships near the Crimean coast. 

Chairman Jack Reed said in a statement that the reports on the use of Starlink exposed “serious national-security liability issues and the committee is engaged on this issue.” “The committee is aggressively probing this issue from every angle,” he said Thursday. 

Musk’s SpaceX also has become a major US contractor, launching spy satellites for the Defense Department and operating the Starlink network. The company didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is the background on why the US Senate wants to probe Elon Musk's decision not to extend the private Starlink satellite network to aid a Ukrainian attack on Russian warships near the Crimean coast .... Elon Musk says he denied Ukraine satellite request to avoid complicity in "major act of war" vs. Russia (AFP). 

Elon Musk responds (see tweet below).

U.S. Senate To Probe Elon Musk's Decision to Deny Ukraine Starlink Services To Launch An Attack On Russia  

The US Senate wants answers over Starlink's Ukrainian satellite internet denial (Endgadget)  

Senate Armed Services Committee to probe Starlink operations in Ukraine -- Space News  

Three senators ask DOD if Musk undermined Ukraine by limiting Starlink access -- NBC News


Anonymous said...

When was the last time Pocahontas worried about military affairs, military funding (except to cut it) or studied military science?

She lied about your race for personal advancement.

She decried people flipping houses for profit. She did it and took advantage of an elderly person to do it.

Now, she is concerned about things military. And the reason would be she spotted a lime light?

I sincerely hope no one was grieveously injured as she barged her way to the cameras.

Anonymous said...

the globalists are angry that a privately owned company refuses to be a warmongering puppet. how dare they disobey us!

Anonymous said...
