Monday, September 4, 2023

Where Is All The Money That Was Sent To Ukraine?

DNYUZ/New York Times: ‘Where Is the Money?’ Military Graft Becomes a Headache for Ukraine 

The removal of Ukraine’s minister of defense after a flurry of reports of graft and financial mismanagement in his department underscores a pivotal challenge for President Volodymyr Zelensky’s wartime leadership: stamping out the corruption that had been widespread in Ukraine for years.

Official corruption was a topic that had been mostly taboo throughout the first year of the war, as Ukrainians rallied around their government in a fight for national survival. But Mr. Zelensky’s announcement Sunday night that he was replacing the defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov, elevated the issue to the highest level of Ukrainian politics.

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: According to the former Ukraine Defense Minister there is no corruption .... Ukraine spending $100 million a day on conflict – Defense Minister (RT). There is also blow-back against Zelensky's new anti-corruption efforts .... Zelenskyy’s corruption crackdown plan raises cover-up fears (Politico). 

As to what is my take. 

Corruption in Ukraine is nothing new. What is new is the massive and unprecedented influx of Western aid into the country. And while the above New York Times article focuses on the corruption in the military, the real corruption is in the financial aid that is being given to the Ukraine government. My sources tell me that 40% is being skimmed off from the top, and can only hope that this 40% is an exaggeration.


Anonymous said...

Just like Vietnam..

The inflow of huge amounts of money from the United States and the corruption warped the economy of South Vietnam. It became a mess with no solution. I imagine it is the same in the Ukrainian.

Anonymous said...

Fatman and Littleboy have a solution in mind. It is why they keep harping like two old biddies.

Anonymous said...

So they sent you off to war and die like a true fool ...dear God let a asteroid hit the earth soon please

Anonymous said...


Skoda what in the world are you talking about now. This ain't Japan bud.

Anonymous said...

This equal Syrian War is only for testing Super Power Weapons, nothing more than the globalist agenda of NOW 2030 behind the curtains also in the middle of the theater.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line. zelinski is corrupt and that society has more holes in it than a termite nest.

Like the guy said on another thread today. This is just like America's other efforts in supporting corrupt regimes.

Iran (under the shah), Viet nam, Cuba (under Batista) and Afghanistan. All ends badly like a sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

z man's family just bought a new compound in Israel. They had to pay for it some way. That's at least where part of the money went.

Anonymous said...

You're such a quitter

Anonymous said...

Uh whut?

Anonymous said...

Whole thing stinks

Anonymous said...

10:57 (assbreath)

A similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar.

WNU is like Fatman, the plutonium bomb
You are like Littleboy, the uranium bomb with the shotgun design.

It blends into the other analogy where you ride shogun for the stage coach driver (WNU).

I said last week that WNU would make another run at the corruption angle. WNU is literally fighting for Russia in the information space for Russia in my opinion.

Consider the number of US military bases which is narrative run yearly by concerned news organizations and NGOs. WNU or they rarely count the number of Russian or Chinese bases. But yearly WNU will dutifully trot out the US is bad, because base count story. He will run the story, because someone else is running the story. That is the excuse to run it. It is the same technique many news organization use.

I said 10 days ago that WNU would run this story again and he did. He knows what he is doing. He is keeping the pressure on like one unit in contact with another unit.

The Little boy name suits you. You are less accomplished than WNU. Moreover, you have shall we say certain inadequacies.

Anonymous said...

Six of the more 1,100 Jan. 6 defendants became – or were — fugitives over the course of this summer.
FBI searches for growing number of Jan. 6 fugitives

Anonymous said...

When Trump “usually makes an accusation, there’s some truisms about his own behavior and personality,” noted Jolly.

But the narrative of the “Biden crime family” does “hold tight within the Republican constituency,” he admitted.

That could be countered, though, by what appears to be the motivations of the pair. Trump only “wants to wrangle over his own personal jeopardy issues and try to blame Joe Biden for the deep state,” Jolly said. “Joe Biden’s got a strong message on how he’s helping Americans. Donald Trump just on how he’s trying to help himself.”

Anonymous said...

Questions asked of two recent witnesses indicate Smith is focusing on how money raised off baseless claims of voter fraud was used to fund attempts to breach voting equipment in several states won by Joe Biden, according to multiple sources familiar with the ongoing investigation.

In both interviews, prosecutors have focused their questions on the role of former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell.

According to invoices obtained by CNN, Powell’s non-profit, Defending the Republic, hired forensics firms that ultimately accessed voting equipment in four swing states won by Biden: Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona.

Powell faces criminal charges in Georgia after she was indicted last month by Atlanta-area district attorney Fani Willis, who alleges that Powell helped coordinate and fund a multi-state plot to illegally access voting systems after the 2020 election.

Anonymous said...

So this thing, it is more akin to a rock or a breeze, than an articulate thinking person knows not the history of electors, contested elections or elections decided by Congress going back to 1824. there have always been two sets of electors form each state. Congress gets to decide which set to seat.

Amazing that all the swings states with close tallies decide to suspend counting in the wee hours of the night, when no one is looking because they have all gone to bed. Nothing shady there.

There is a story of a butterfly flapping its wings... Wait, not that story.

There is this story.
Katniss Everdeen: It must be a fragile system if it can be brought down by just a few berries.

Lastly there is this story.

A group of men were crossing a mountain pass, when a storm broke. They took shelter in cave and waited the storm out.

It was a mountain pass, so it was high up. It means it is colder up there. It is colder when you are soaked to the bone. these things have to be explained to a wretch like 7:01, who is a very dim, dim bulb.

So this group of men did not die of hypothermia, but they had a problem. They were late to the recruitment center. Thus, they were now outlaws. If they showed up making their best time possible, they would only get beheaded while explaining it was not their fault.

So one of the men spoke up and said we are dead either way, but at last if we rebel we have a chance. He ended up wearing yellow.

The Walking Dead will look like Nirvana if Democrats keep crapping on the country. TWD is unrealistic. They keep find usable gas after more than 6 months past the apocalypse. How is Democrat control like TWD. Lockdowns for one. Democrats ruined the water supply. It never occurred to these thinkers and intellectuals that water had to be kept running. And of course, you cannot be a Democrat without shutting down domestic oil production while begging someone you call a murderer to increase their production. Trust a Democrat to call someone a son of a bitch and then expect them to play nice. Why not run oil producers out of the US. Democrats ran foundries out of the US.

I think the fugitives are going to be Democrats running from other Democrats, when they have run everything into the ground.

Anonymous said...

Hitler salute photo shame of Finland's new opposition leader: Old image emerges of Social Democratic Party chief posing with friends who made Nazi gesture

What is it with liberals wanting to show their inner fascist?

Canada is the same way. Look at Justin Trudeau.

America is the same way. Look at most Democrats.