Monday, September 4, 2023

Who Is Rustem Umerov, Ukraine’s Next Defence Minister?


Business Insider: Meet Zelenskyy's pick for Ukraine's new defense minister, who's been deeply involved with Russian negotiations and prisoner exchanges 

* Rustem Umerov is set to become Ukraine's next defense minister. 

* Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made the announcement on Sunday. 

* Ukraine's defense ministry has been mired in corruption scandals in the past few months. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has named his choice for his country's new defense minister: Rustem Umerov, a man best known for negotiating with the Russians on prisoner exchanges and grain exports. 

Zelenskyy said on Sunday that Umerov will be taking over from incumbent defense minister, Oleksii Reznikov. Umerov's appointment as defense minister is still pending the parliament's confirmation.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: His priority in the coming months is to conscript another 500,000 soldiers, and get the military ready for a new military campaign in 2024/2025. And as for combating corruption within the Ukraine military .... good luck on that. 

Who Is Rustem Umerov, Ukraine’s Next Defence Minister?  

Who is Rustem Umerov, Ukraine's likely new defence minister? -- Reuters 

Rustem Umerov: who is Ukraine’s next defence minister? -- The Guardian  

Rustem Umerov: Who is Ukraine’s next defense minister? -- Times Of India  

Crimean Tatar set to become Ukrainian defense minister at critical moment in conflict -- CNN


Anonymous said...

"And as for combating corruption within the Ukraine military .... good luck on that. "

Ha ha! WnU told a funny.

Is the United States as uncorrupt as corruption indices show or are the indices faulty?

I think the latter.

Disaster and corruption in the Valley Isle of Maui

I think the relative ratings of many or all countries are closer than we would like to believe. There are differences. the US is not so much better than Ukraine or Russia and Ukraine is not as bad as WNU likes to harp about.

I see all the farmland that is being fought over via tree lines (mainly) and trenches or open fields, if you are Wagner and I can't help but think that the indices are wrong. clearly Ukraine is better than Zimbabwe or Iran.

What is mind blowing is how much grain Ukraine will export with some of it taken over by an aggressor nation and under wartime conditions. Also, you do not get such well tended fields with Zimbabwean or Iranian levels of corruption. Sri Lanka is ranked higher than Ukraine? Sri Lanka cannot fields itself. Its whole economy went into the shitter. That is not corrupt?

Russia already went after the electrical grid, the train system and shipping ports. How long before the orks sends hypersonic missiles to destroy grain silos?

VVV Russia did that VVV

"Due to a number of problems related to logistics, the increase in the price of inputs, the non-return of VAT to exporter traders, and the exchange rate difference, a number of small grain and oil crop producers (With a cultivated area up to 200 hectares, the share of farms among the total number of grain producers and oil is 70%.) moved into the shadow economy to maintain profitable. According to the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine estimates, about 27% of the income of the agricultural business in 2021 was in the shadows. Some experts claim that before the war, 40% of grain and 10% to 30% of oilseeds were sold for cash without paying taxes."

^^^ Own it WNU!

Anonymous said...

You forget Skoda, this is about Ukie corruption, not the US.

And that guy will need a lot of luck.

Ukraine is a corrupt cesspool. With all the money we sent why are the ukies still driving civilian vehicles in a war zone. Or they do not have enough ada shells of arty rounds. It is a sinking ship.

But not to worry, ole zelinski has a new mansion in Israel as well as his old villa in Italy.


You cannot see the corruption parallels between this and Nam? Zelinski is the next

Thien , Cao Ky and Cambodian Lon Nol

It is so similar its is sick.

Anonymous said...

oh by the way Skods...

The Ukies are doing so well that they have decided to expand thier recruiting standards.

From an Article .....

interesting that Zelensky fired Reznikov same day Ukraine MoD announced they're extending mobilization to those with hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis, mental disorders and so on.

end article......

Yes that guy is going to need lots of luck. Hepatitis? really? mental disorders?

Oh yea, I want that mental disorder guy firing artillery over my head. or supporting me in a Tank or firing machine-gun enfilade fire near my position.

BTW see all the blue tape on the ukies lately? They are really going overboard. But that is what happens when friendly fire becomes a problem.

sinking ship skods.

Anonymous said...

ah, the names back and forth. I can not speak to the alleged corruption in Ukraine, though I would say there are many many nations that have corruption and so to focus on this is to ignore the fact that that nation, corrupt or not was INVADED by Russia. Russia? a brain drain has taken left Russia with those who did not flee serving in an invasion and that means a large bunch of college educated--google that. And their economy is now reliant upon financial aid from China, can google that too.

Anonymous said...

"You forget Skoda, this is about Ukie corruption, not the US."

One of my arguments was that Ukraine could not be that corrupt while at the same time being that agriculturally productive. So I did directly address Ukrainian corruption or lack of it.

Those same corruption rankings show Russia to be more corrupt than Ukraine. You must be one of those "We're #1" type of people.

Mr. NSFW STFU. You are just a stupid penejo. Why or why does your caretaker not sit you in front of a boob tube instead of a computer? That is what readers at WNU want to know.

Anonymous said...

Skods you really are funny.

No, agricultural production has little to do directly with military corruption skods. So you are not addressing the question but trying one of your avoidance tricks. Ain't working.

You keep on yammering about a brain drain. Nope, what you have is their version of progressive liberals fleeing the country. Most of those dolts are in the arts and education fields just like here. That has been recognized by the majority of Russian society and they have said ...Good riddance

You also need to work on your Spanish. I believe the word you are looking for is a curse word of Mexican origin.
You know,kinda like another Mexicanism. "Su Madre"

Have a great day skods!!

Anonymous said...

I was talking overall economic corruption.

I enough money is given for 6 battalions, but you only kit out 5 battalions, I think the only compassionate thing to do is to shoot the offender in the back of the head and dump them in the river. Do that a few times and the problem solves itself. If the body is discovered, it was those Russians. That guy was too damn effective and they took him out.

Or you could kick him it of the country with 'his' money and then revoke his passport. Let that be a morality tale.

Penejo mentioned the brain drain not me.

My knowledge or Romance language swear words is just fine. NSFW's mother was a decent lady. It is not her fault that her son turned out to be a dolt of no accomplishment.

I visited San Francisco with some coworkers. They wanted to see the freak show. So we visited University of California, Berkeley. It did not disappoint. On major college campi, when I want to see a freak show, I head to the English Department. That is no lie.

Anonymous said...

indeed 👍

Anonymous said...

When Queer studies metastasized to the 2nd tier university I attended it had migrated to the English Department. Literally a glorified broom closet next to the English Department was made into a professor's office. A female assistant English professor moved in and that office doubled as her office and the Queer Department main office. The cancer grew from there.

So she jumped from assistant prof to department head and she did not have to cross dress!

She got the money for nothing. I wonder if she got the chicks for free?

Anonymous said...

and you kept on yanking your tiny dick!

Anonymous said...

Minister of Def. Shoigu has been ordered to mobilize another 200,000 troops throughout the Russian Federation. The mobilization will begin on 11 SEP and has ordered to be completed by 1 NOV.

I'm afraid 1:51 will become a mobik!

Anonymous said...

Nah, skods, did my time in the box. But if I was a lot younger, yea I would probably volunteer. Crazy , yea but some times the idealism just won't go away.

For God and Country!!

Death to the weirdos and perverse!

Defenders of the faith and Western civilization shall arise!!

Glory to God and the faith!!!

In reality, In the end skods, all you see is blood and sorrow. and hope for abetter day and that others may b=never se this stuff. But that is the way it goes.

For my part, I pity those boys, and it does not matter which side they are on.

Anonymous said...

jack off in private

Anonymous said...

You are a poor excuse for a human being and an American. You probably are not even an American are you?

Or are you one of them "new Americans". with nose rings and purple hair who have not appreciation of the past or common sense? Two steps below plant life with mental problems.

Anonymous said...

Mental problems?

Gee, he will be a great fit in the Ukrainian army.

1225 says they are looking for guys like him.