Wednesday, November 22, 2023

ABC News: US Shell Deliveries To Ukraine Have Dropped Over 30% Since The Start Of The Israel - Hamas War

A Ukrainian soldier prepares 155mm artillery shells in his fighting position in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine on August 6, 2023. Diego Herrera Carcedo / Anadolu Agency  

ABC News: Pentagon chief in Kyiv amid questions over future US arms supplies 

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made a surprise trip to the Ukrainian capital. 

On a surprise trip to the Ukrainian capital, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin tried to rally support for Ukraine and even suggested Ukrainian forces would be “even more aggressive” in their fight against invading Russian forces throughout this winter.

Austin’s buoyant prediction about the next phase of fighting comes after Ukrainian forces failed to achieve any decisive breakthrough during a six-month counteroffensive which came at a heavy cost for Ukrainian troops. There is also serious concern in Ukraine about the longer-term future of U.S. military aid, with some Republicans wanting to halt support.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The key sentence in the above ABC News report is this one .... 

 .... Just ahead of Austin’s trip, a Ukrainian official told ABC News that U.S. deliveries of NATO-standard artillery shells to Ukraine have fallen "by more than 30%" since Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza began last month

In response the Pentagon is denying these claims .... Pentagon dismisses claims that projectile supplies to Ukraine shrank by 30% (Ukrainska Pravda). More here .... Pentagon denies claim that shell deliveries dropped 30% (Kyiv Independent). 

ABC News: US Shell Deliveries To Ukraine Have Dropped Over 30% Since The Start Of The Israel - Hamas War  

Ukraine’s artillery supply declines as shells go to Israel -- Defense One  

ABC News: US shell deliveries to Ukraine have dropped over 30% since Hamas' Oct. 7 attack -- Kyiv Independent  

US reduces artillery shells supply to Ukraine by more than 30% -- Ukrainska Pravda 

Supplies of shells to Ukraine drop by 30% since Israel-Hamas war - ABC News -- RBC News Ukraine  

ABC: US shells delivered to Ukraine down 30% since start of Israel-Gaza conflict -- NHK


Anonymous said...

What I want to know is, will Ukraine repay the US the money spent to buy shells, armaments and munitions from the US, or is the US gifting these very expensive weapons and implements of killing? Because the US can not fucking afford to gift these expensive items, at a time when the US is awash in debt.

Anonymous said...

This is all lies. Everbody knows that the US is supplying more than enough ammo to the Ukies. That is why the Ukie artillery is more effective than the Russian artillery and ukie artillery out matches the Russians by 10 to 1, or 7 to 1 or or 5 to 1

or what ever number the idiot NEOCON propaganda machine wants to come up with today.

Isn't that right.... mr fair and balanced ...or maybe cris will chime in... or skoda to give us the new figures for today..

Anonymous said...

"What I want to know is, will Ukraine repay the US the money spent to buy shells, armaments and munitions from the US, or is the US gifting these very expensive weapons and implements of killing"

Russian pig. Ukraine will send the US a bill for the demilling of ordinance at or past its shelf life.

You do know that with military gear, you cannot throw it in the trash can for Waste Management to pick up and take the the city dump.

Here is a link for you since you are obviously a fucking loser or a Russian (same thing)

While you are at it look up shelf life too.

Anonymous said...

Austin would lie to keep his job. He would consider it a white lie told for some higher purpose like keeping President Grandpa and company in power.

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia gives some of the historic dud rates. But it would not fit into WNU's self-serving SHOCKING post!

No Russian tanks have been destroyed for 2 days. They are keeping them 10 km or farther back form the front line or there are not any around to hit.

This is going to be a drone war. Then Ukrainians will out produce the Russians... this year. The Russians are making on heck of an effort and catching up.

I do not expect President Drooler to assist especially in an election year.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Russia

Hans Persson said...

Wonder what will happen next year when the US has to ship tons to the pacifc?

Anonymous said...

Two things

Keeping the tanks back. Yes because if you have not kept up, the weather and ground is a md big. Tanks are not very effective at this point.
What happens next year?

They Yanks will not have enough weapons or ammo to fight more that two weeks

Anonymous said...

^^^I luv it when vatniks prognosticate. Gets me hot!

Anonymous said...

Skoda you are being an idiot again.

You have no idea if those bombs were past shelf life. And if they were , why were the Americans giving defective weapons to the ukies? If the ukies are sooooo important?

Where is you criticism of such action , like your criticism of the russians buying NK ammo with a "possible dud rate" (based on a fallacy of the island bombardment that happened years ago)

Do the Americans give defective weapons to the Jews too or just to the Ukrainians?

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Russian propaganda bitch. The wiki article gives the dud rate. If you stop being a Goebbel's trollop for a split second and check the history, you will see that the dud rate was given before the current two wars.

If you had good or common sense, you would know a priori that nothing is ever perfect. You could take a course in quality and know that every process has a defect rate including an assembly line.

Look at Russian propaganda has a defect rate. You are an example. You are an extremely fucked up mouthpiece.

How was your performance review? Was it good? Was that before or after your boss took you out back?

Anything is better than going to the front, right?

Anonymous said...

No you fuck head. You people are the propaganda machine. Everything is wrong I Russia , but when your precious ukies screw up or the US sends them into the meat grinder all is well.

Fu you pos. Stupid morons like you are leading this country into the grave.

and crazy is right, Ukraine will be defeated because stupid retards like you keep on believing the lies they put out.

Anonymous said...

I might be a moron, but it is my right as an American to opine about the course of America unlike you, you Russian dog!

Anonymous said...

You said it all. you are a moron and you act like one and that is why America is on the downward slope to hell.

Anonymous said...

The word might has meaning. I also find interesting that you do not deny the charge that you are a Russian dog.

! FSB agent died in Russia near Karkhiv. 3 died in Donestsk with another poisoned. He is to more FSB agents dead.