Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Attacks On US Troops In The Middle East Continue To Rise


CNN: 8 more attacks on US forces in Iraq and Syria as Iranian-backed militias ramp up their attacks 

Washington CNN — American troops were attacked an additional eight times since Friday morning by one-way attack drones and rocket barrages in Iraq and Syria as US forces face ramped up attacks by Iranian-backed groups. 

The new incidents – one on Friday afternoon, another on Saturday, five more on Sunday and one on Monday morning – mark a total of at least 38 attacks on US and coalition forces in those two nations since October 17, just days after the start of a bloody war between Israel and Hamas.  

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Attacks On US Troops In The Middle East Continue To Rise  

Attacks on US troops in Middle East spike amid military buildup -- Politico  

Pentagon: 38 Attacks Target US Forces in Iraq, Syria -- VOA  

Attacks on US troops in Middle East rise over the weekend -- The Hill  

New attacks hit US bases in Iraq, Syria as Iran ups threats over Gaza -- Al-Monitor  

Pentagon: US bases in Iraq, Syria attacked 38 times in under a month -- Middle East Monitor


Anonymous said...

In other news, the GOP took another beating last night.

Nobody loves losing as much as Republicans.

Congratulations Gov. Beshear and the sane people of Ohio.

Anonymous said...

Roundup of Russian Telegram chatter. The chat is unverified, I read and translate gobshite’s posts so you don’t have to. I do not endorse the views expressed, do not take them to mean factual. Always Do Your Own Research.

πŸ‘‰ Russia has launched a training program for (anti #NAFO) media police - “specialists in identifying extremist and destructive materials on the Internet. The tasks of “media security” will include the fight against the propaganda of terrorism, the ideology of criminal culture, suicide among teenagers, insulting the feelings of believers, etc. - Lidiya Malygina. Since the beginning of 2022, 30 thousand calls for mass unrest, 190 thousand materials with false information, 85 thousand materials with elements of extremist content have been identified and blocked - Roskomnadzor.

πŸ‘‰ The minister explained why teachers should not raise their salaries: According to the Minister of Education of the Orenburg Region Alexey Pakhomov, a teacher needs to work for an idea, and not for a salary. “To equalize everyone’s salary and make it Moscow’s, what will happen is that people will go into our education system for the long ruble, and not for the fact that they have a calling to teach children,” Pakhomov said.

πŸ‘‰ Arbitration courts in Russia have imposed 93 seizures on the assets of foreign businesses over 1.5 years. Interim measures were taken in a third of cases, most often these were traditional measures, that is, seizure of assets, shares and real estate. At the same time, there were also “exotic” ones, for example, the arrest of the entire corporate structure.

πŸ‘‰ Here we go - time for fairytale 2024 election promises, this one is up there with the ridiculous 🀣

The government promised to move more than half of Russians to new housing within seven years. By 2030, the government plans to resettle 36 million families, which is approximately 80-90 million people, into new housing, said Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin. He noted that the provision of housing per person should reach 33 square meters by 2030, which is 20% higher than the current figure. In addition, the country's authorities intend to provide 100 million people with quality roads by 2030, which is two-thirds of the country's population. Khusnullin admitted that achieving the set goals will cause certain difficulties.

πŸ‘‰ πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ Relations between Russia and China are an example of strategic interaction based on trust and respect , - Shoigu at a meeting with Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Council of the People's Republic of China Zhang Yuxia. (Code speak for we need more Chinese ammunition and weapons).

πŸ‘‰ The West aims to provoke unrest and turn Russians against the country’s authorities, - Lavrov (Maybe soldiers wives who protest have their own motivation? 🀣)

πŸ‘‰ How to control an election: Step 1 - The Federation Council approved the law amending the provisions of the law “On the elections of the President of the Russian Federation”
The law introduces a ban on photo and video filming at polling stations in military units and provides for the admission of only government employees to meetings of election commissions.

πŸ‘‰ πŸ’€ Deputy of the People's Council of the LPR, former head of the People's Militia of the Republic Mikhail Filiponenko died in Lugans. The cause of the death of Mikhail Filipponenko was an explosive device that went off in his car - the son of a deputy, Ivan Filipoppenko.

πŸ‘‰ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ The issue of recognizing Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist organizations is not considered in the UN Security Council, - First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the organization Dmitry Polyansky

“Hamas is inseparable from the Palestinian national liberation movement, and Hezbollah is an influential political force in Lebanon” - Polyansky Viva Revolution UNSC comrades !

Anonymous said...

That was good. Normal everyday stuff. A lot like here, politicians promising things they have no intention of fulfilling. Election laws that suck. Just like here too, Need an ID to vote? No way! that is racist, so vote early and vote often!

And just make things go according to plan, pass laws that make sure the two party system cannot be significantly challenged and remains entrenched for ever consisting only of a majority of democrats and republicans.

Anonymous said...

Trollkins said Mariupol smelled better and things were going better now the Ukrainians were kicked out of Mariupol.

Trollkins can breathe easier since Filipenko is dead. The stench is gone.

Moscow-installed proxy official and former military commander Mikhail Filiponenko was killed when his car exploded in Russian-occupied Luhansk, Ukraine's military intelligence (HUR) confirmed.

Filiponenko was allegedly involved in the organization of torture chambers in Russian-occupied Luhansk Oblast, "where prisoners of war and civilian hostages were subjected to inhumane torture," HUR said on Telegram.

Anonymous said...

Filiponenko was allegedly,.....

allegedly is a big word for you Skods. Do you understand its meaning?

Unlike Our good Friend Budanov, who is a self confessed war criminal.

So maybe old flippy did some bad stuff., maybe not. We will never really know.

Drawn up that victory plan yet?

Things are going well in Andiivka. I understand that the Ukies have the Russians almost completely surrounded and all roads in and out are now covered by ukie artillery.

That's right, or do I have it the other way around?

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

"In the Luhansk, the car of the ex-head of the People's Militia of the DPR Mikhail Filipenko was blown up, as a result of which he died"


Filipenko what is it about that name?

Other than it looks like the cognate of ski, ki, or ke?

Ko, once you have seen one, you know that it is Ukrainian.

So this guy works for Moscow and he is of Ukrainian stock. If he is from the area, he is an ethnic Ukrainian, who is primarily a Russian speaker. WNU likes to count all Russian speakers as Russian, which some people say is true and I believe it.

I will never find the article from about 20 years ago that said you might draw national boundaries, but people vote nationality with their feet and a state of mind. The article I think talked about France and immigration and may have been in the WSJ. Politicians might think that an area for instance is France, but a great many people within those 'confines' believe otherwise. It can simply fall apart.

Do we go simply with who speaks what language? If so we could make or deem half the globe as Oceania. Do we go with 3 consecutive polls? What if those polls are influenced by information ops?

I would be for a Wilsonian poll. Village by village. Crimea would go Ukrainian. The Turks would tip the balance easily. Donetsk and Luhansk would be split. There might be some surprises with ethnic Russian areas anting to join Ukraine.

Maybe next time someone like Putin will go a soft power route. Not as much glory and you successor might get that glory, but it is more humane.

Russia is going to lose.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a mistake, but ...

For one there is China. China could clean up, if America keeps going down the Barack Obama road. Obama intends to destroy the US.

But there is a lot of anger for what that piece of shit Putin did.

Anonymous said...

ukie or Ruskie...they are salvs , so no difference.

the only reason these guys are killing each other is that Vickie nulland and USAID with the help of NED did a great job of propagandizing the ukie populace. The ukies must be even stupider than the progressives in the States, and that is hard to believe. They will believe anything. Like orange man bad.

But I bet the majority now wish that Kiev would disappear and the last 5 years would just go away, like a bad dream..

So Stay focused.

Putin has got nothing to worry about, but the Zman, think his days are numbered.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

ukie or Ruskie...they are "salvs", so leave them to us GAMBIT

Anonymous said...

which way is out forget it i want out

Anonymous said...

FBI Surveilling “Mapping Project” Targeting Jewish Institutions

A liberal group is targeting Jews. The FBI will watch and watch and watch until the body count gets too bad for the electoral chances of Democrats. Then they will belatedly act.

What is the over and under for the body count before Democrats act?

Anonymous said...

Housing illegal migrants in America's airports?

"Illegals don't belong in airports, period. But Pete Buttigieg is offering them up for migrant housing anyway. What could go wrong? "

Mayor Pete is considering a run for the presidency, because ...