Thursday, November 16, 2023

CIA Director Burns Makes A Surprise Visit To Kyiv

Asia Times: CIA boss heads for Z-Day in Kiev as Ukraine falters 

William Burns, boss of the CIA, is flying to the Ukrainian capital for urgent, secret meetings with Zelensky. 

Wednesday, November 15th is Z-Day for the War in Ukraine. CIA Chief William Burns will arrive in Kiev for urgent, secret meetings with Zelensky. It is worth asking: How come Burns is on an urgent mission to Ukraine? The answer to the question is that Ukraine is imploding. 

The crumbling of the Zelensky regime is unsurprising: Ukraine has been sustaining far too many casualties to survive for much longer. Ukraine either must find a way to make a deal with Russia or face an internal rebellion.  

Read more .... 

Update: CIA Chief's Ukraine Visit Linked to Looming Palace Coup Against Zelensky (Sputnik)  

WNU Editor: The CIA director has been a busy man. He had just finished a tour of Middle Eastern countries concerning the Israel - Hamas war, and now this sudden rush trip to Kyiv!?!?!?!? 

The CIA Director is always being briefed on the Russia - Ukraine War. For him to make a rush trip to meet Zelensky tells me that from the CIA's point of view, the situation is becoming grim for the Ukraine Army.


Anonymous said...

WNU Editor-

I agree, The Ukraine situation is at World War One stalemate. Only this time Putin has the big battalions, more supplies and what Zelensky sorely lacks besides troops- TIME.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't WNU tell us whenever the heads of the FSB or GRU go to China, Iran, Syria?

WNU is very circumspect in his reporting or story choice.

Anonymous said...

ask for a refund and move on to another site

Anonymous said...

could I ask a question to the authorities about if this is legit?

Anonymous said...

Yes. submit your question and we will get back to you asap

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Russian army is the second army in the world…

Russian soldier under the influence of drugs. His further fate is unknown; perhaps he was killed.

So 2nd army of drug addicts and alcoholics...

Lots of videos like the one linked. The kid looks or looked salvageable.

I blame Putin and the Oligarchs.

Anonymous said...

When the CIA Head comes to visit, it's never a good thing.

Anonymous said...

When will Zelenskyy flee Ukraine with the millions he has stolen? My sources tell me, within a year's time. Where will he flee to? Uncertain as of now. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

He has some options, but it will all depend on his American sponsors/ facilitators. Panama, Italy, Spain or England would be the best guess. One of these countries could be paid off to take him and the Brits may do it just to piss off the Russians.

Anonymous said...

Such thuggery form the FSB or vatniks.

Is Russia going to occupy all of Ukraine? No American president can allow that.

Have a puppet government arrest Zelinski for fighting back against an illegal Russian war of aggression? That cannot happen either. I could happen under Biden, but that fuck is on his way out. Better get your money's worth out of Biden now pooftahs.

How is Russia winning when it cannot push the Ukrainians back across the Dniepr after a month?

How is Russia winning, when its fleet is hiding in the most distant ports on the Black Sea it can find?

1 Taurus cruise missile with 500 km range can reach Novorossiysk and touch a Russian sub.