Saturday, November 11, 2023

Editor's Note

I have a number of chores to do today. Blogging will return this evening.


Anonymous said...

"It's from the Metro, but reportedly, Kazakhstan caught Russian diplomats off-guard by choosing to speak in his native tongue instead of Russian, forcing Russia to scramble for translators. This comes after Kazakhstan's representative and Azerbaijan's representatives chose to speak to each other in their native tongues with translators, instead of the common Russian."

Russia is in trouble.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev is not afraid of the dumpy, old KGB Colonel.

Anonymous said...

Wiki: In October 2017, Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev decreed that the writing system would change from using Cyrillic to Latin script by 2025. The proposed Latin alphabet has been revised several times and as of January 2021 is close to the inventory of the Turkish alphabet, though lacking the letters C and Ç and having four additional letters: Ä, Ñ, Q and Ū (though other letters such as Y have different values in the two languages). It is scheduled to be phased in from 2023 to 2031.

Anonymous said...

11th month, 11th day, the 11th hour

Anonymous said...

11th month, 11th day, the 11th hour

I like it. I hate it. It is memorable but what if they had settled for 0800? How many French, British, and Germans would have lived past November 11th?

Being memorable is important, but it was the War to End All Wars so all that slick meme making did what exactly?

Personally, I would rather celebrate Tiradentes.

Anonymous said...

“The East [China] is rising while the West [the U.S.] is declining.” - Xi @ Bali summit

Anonymous said...

They could not see, they made the next war as they were signing the documents to end the first. Tragedy really.

But to them, at that time, it was to be the end.

The losses were horrendous and who could foresee or, at that time, even comprehend, another blood letting?

Anonymous said...


brought to you by grandpa

" if you haven’t seen Tucker Carlson’s most recent interview, this one with Douglass Mackey, you don’t know that the administration is also using its police powers to silence political speech.

Douglass Mackey is the man who posted a joke on Twitter telling people to text their votes for Hillary. It was a joke identical to posts that Democrats were putting up regarding voting for Trump. However, unlike the Democrats, Mackey was hunted down. Seven days into the Biden administration, he was on the receiving end of an FBI raid and staring at 11 years in prison for election interference. The fact that there was no evidence that anyone, even a Democrat, was stupid enough to take his joke seriously was irrelevant."

In Democrat-run America, political jokes will get you arrested. So, while the Democrats haven’t succeeded in amending the Constitution to remove the First Amendment, they have engaged in policies that effectively chill political speech. They have done directly that which they cannot do directly.

Anonymous said...

not happy? move the fuck out!!
it is Vet's day and some of us served while you pulled your dick and worked the late shift at a fast food joint.

Anonymous said...

Desert Storm and OEF or OIF. So I served. Due to being a citizen and a vet I have a right to criticize the fuck out of the evil Democrats.

Now go take your hormones.

Anonymous said...

Veterans Day Rememberance ruined by the guy who should be in a nursing hom,e

Not AGAIN Biden! President suffers yet another embarrassing gaffe as he appears to get lost while laying wreath for Veterans Day - and has to be given stage directions by Arlington honor guard

Anonymous said...

That is SO HATEFUL of his family to put him out there like that. He has no one in life who cares for him or is watching out for him. I do think Biden is evil, but I still feel sorry for him. He has never gotten to retire. He should be in Florida, resting & hanging out by the pool, drinking margaritas, and laughing with some evil like-minded friends.

Anonymous said...

I saw a video online where Obama talks about a third term where an elected official wears a wire and he sits in his basement in sweats and calls the shots. Could this be happening now?

Anonymous said...

An ice cream trail would always work.