Thursday, November 23, 2023

European Central Bank President Lagarde Warns The Global Economy Is Fragmenting Into Competing Blocs

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde looks on as she attends the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, at the European Parliament, in Brussels, Belgium September 25, 2023. Yves Herman | Reuters 

CNBC: ECB’s Lagarde: Increasing signs that the global economy is fragmenting into competing blocs 

* Focusing on Europe, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde said that a continuous decline in the working age population looks set to start as early as 2025, alongside climate disasters which are increasing every year. 

* Her answer to these shocks was that massive investment would be needed in a short space of time, requiring what she called “a generational effort.” 

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde on Friday said Europe is now at a critical juncture, with deglobalization, demographics and decarbonization looming on the horizon. 

“There are increasing signs that the global economy is fragmenting into competing blocs,” she said at the European Banking Congress, according to a transcript. 

 Focusing on Europe, she said that a continuous decline in the population of working age looks set to start as early as 2025, alongside climate disasters that are increasing every year.  

Read more ....  

Update: World economy may split into rival blocs – ECB (RT)  

WNU Editor: She is giving everyone a heads-up that the days are numbered when when the US dollar was the world's reserve currency and the Euro was a close second.


Anonymous said...

WNU is all wet. The USSR fell in 1991 and later China was invited into the WTO by GWB in a boneheaded move for reasons...

For a brief moment we thought there was one system. Then the Russian and Chinese told us that they were just using us. There were always two systems. We played make believe for a generation.

Anonymous said...

There is a away to "enjoy" capitalism and not be run by multinationals. Follow the Japanese or Brasilian model.

1) 51% of any subsidiary has to be owned by locals.

2) There is a grace period set after which all management is to consist of locals.

Two very simple rules.

Russia certainly does not know how to follow those 2 rules. Why? ruled by greedy, grasping morons. We say this in the decade long BP saga.

How is Putin's Domus Aurea coming along in Sochi?

Anonymous said...

Is this her victory dance for destroying the petrodollar? Vile oompa loompa puppet.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Vile Russian bitch

Anonymous said...

The euros strength depended on a strong European economy which in turn was depended on cheap Russian gas/oil that now is obviously gone of course the everyday man/woman will pay dearly for these fat cats idiotic decisions while the parasitical beings will be sunning themselves in far off sunny destinations where the keep their accounts.By the way whatever happened to Eva Kaili??Remember Her??Loyal team player

Anonymous said...

They are alive to pay unlike the 1,000+ Russians, who die every day.

Kind of sad when the Russian cannot eliminate the 1 mile by 1/4 mile beachhead at Krynky.

Maybe the Russians lack valor.

Maybe the Russians cannot compute the trajectories to get artillery ordinance on target?

Maybe the Russians are pussies?

The 810th was sent as a fire brigade to contain the Ukrainians in Krynky.

They lost a platoon's worth of men in a HIMARS strike. In the same strike a company's worth were wounded. This after they have had two times turnover of their total strength due to casualties.

They are so decimated they were pulled off the line at Krynky after being rushed there and are now guarding islands. They will be picked of there too in the quiet sector.

You call someone, who has been with the 810th longer than a day, a veteran.

Anonymous said...


Major General Vadym Skibitskyi, deputy head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) reported that the unit had a large scale mutiny on July 31, 2022, which saw upwards of 200 personnel refuse to return to front-line combat.

The Ukrainian general staff reported on September 12, 2022, that the 810th Brigade lost more than 85% of its personnel in the Kherson direction and that many again refused to return to combat. The Russian ministry of defense would largely rebuild the 810th from the ground up with new personnel.

All the mutineers are dead.
The deputy commander? Dead.
The replacements? Dead
The noobs? Dead

Anonymous said...

Love the Ukrainian version of RawRealNews being regurgitated back here. It’s like hitler moving around his imaginary armies on his map and a bunch of chunky brosint guys report on it as factual.

Every day he posits a whole array of stunning victories for the ubermensch, and yet every day ends worst than the last. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

"ohhh we need to import XYZ from all these countries because Europeans don't have babies"

You cunt - we don't have babies BECAUSE of your family-destroying policies that make it impossible to afford a family!

It is treason to our societies and security

Anonymous said...

Beachhead still there. The videos. Despite not being an OSINT type a person can confirm and analyze many things. Many of those are geolocated and other people give the pics to prove it. I look at the material destroyed or personnel killed to confirm things.

I looked at Avdiivka. What the Ukrainians hit the Russians with tell me the Russians are sucking air.

Kamyshin is being hammered

When Russia is defeated, any treaty should stipulate that propagandists like 12:45 are to be handed over for lifetime incarceration.

Anonymous said...

Skods you are truly an imbecile.

your 1206 comment was hilarious.

Why yes skods, the russians are not jut pussies , they are big pussies. They have no valor, all their equipment sucks, and they cannot shoot straight.

That is why the Ukies are kicking the Russians ass, used the summer offensive to take Crimea and are on thier way to Moscow.

Oh , I am sorry, I forgot!! The Ukie offense was an unmitigated disaster and the ukies and there western allies are taking about "stalemates and negotiations"

So once again skods, if the Russians are such incompetent dumb asses and the ukies cannot beat them does that mean the ukies are even bigger incompetent dumb asses?

You are not calling the ukies incompetent dumb asses are you skods?

Hillary would not be pleased with you.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

"When Russia is defeated, any treaty should stipulate that propagandists like 12:45 are to be handed over for lifetime incarceration."

Brother, when that day comes, I will personally hand myself over to your imaginary ziocuck LGBT gulag. I'm not going to hold my breath though. When Ukraine is defeated I wish nothing but the best for you and your family and the country.

Anonymous said...


Dont worry about him. That is just old skods blowing big propaganda bubbles and being bombastic in his proclamations...with a nice sprinkling of self loathing and hatred to others.

If you are a woke liberal you have nothing to fear.

But if you are: a believer, you are a conservative or a traditionalist, your fate will be the same as mine and our good friend Skoda.

Manzinar awaits us all.

Skods just refuses to see it , just like Skoda refuses to see.....

Ukraine will be defeated.