Thursday, November 23, 2023

Finland Steps Up Border Closings In Dispute With Russia Over Migrants


 DW: EU deploys agents to help Finland bolster Russian border 

The EU border agency Frontex will deploy officers and equipment to Finland to help stem the flow of "weaponized migration" from Russia. Some 50 border agents and other staff, vehicles and equipment will arrive next week. 

The European Union border agency Frontex announced Thursday that it would be deploying personnel and resources to Finland to combat what it suspects is "weaponized migration" orchestrated by Russia. Some 50 border agents and other staff will be in place next week, according to Frontex.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Finland is not the only country facing migrants from Russia .... Estonia accuses Russia of weaponising immigration at Europe’s borders (The Guardian). Norway is also threatening to close its borders with Russia .... Another Russian neighbor threatens border closure (RT). 

Finland Steps Up Border Closings In Dispute With Russia Over Migrants  

Finland Steps Up Border Closings in Dispute With Russia -- New York Times  

EU sends border police reinforcements to Finland over fears that Russia is behind a migrant influx -- AP  

Finland erects barriers at border with Russia to control migrant influx -- France 24  

EU's Frontex To Provide Additional Support To Help Finland Patrol Russian Border -- RFE  

EU deploys border agents to Finland amid increase in asylum seeker arrivals -- Al Jazeera  

EU country to further close border with Russia -- RT


Anonymous said...

Russiards should try the weaponizing illegal immigration against Lithuania.

Putin and which army?

The Russians were sending reinforcements to Southern Kherson via the R0804 near Kairy. they got pounded at a checkpoint. Checkpoint forces trashed. Reinforcements trashed.

Reinforcements died tired.

To support any part of the line from caving in Putin has to send units from other areas.

So, if Lithuania closes its borders, where will Putin the master strategist pull units from?

Russian cities are getting hammered. Look at Kamyshin. 90 dead compared to 18 for 9 years for the Afghanistan war. Hell yes, it is going to leave a mark. If it continues Russia is going to look like feudal manors in France after Crecy.

All WNU can do is gloat. Like he is Goebbels or something.

Anonymous said...

Good Job Joe!

Biden destabilized Northern Mexico and now Mexicans are fleeing to the US!

How does a little destabilization in Mexico sound for the U.S.?

InSightCrime reports that Mexicans in northern Sonora state are so under siege from cartel infighting over the migrant smuggling trade they are now fleeing their homes -- and into the U.S.

According to InSightCrime:

On a recent November evening, residents of Sásabe, a small outpost on the US-Mexico border, received threatening messages warning of an impending attack. The next morning, they awoke to several houses engulfed in flames and dozens of men with high-powered weapons shooting at each other around the main plaza.

Hours later, nearly 100 locals, among them elderly men and women and young children, took off for the US-Mexico border. They found a hole in the border fence, crossed into the United States, and pleaded with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials to protect them.

If Mexico had the military might, they would have cause to invade the US.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean Finland is a xenophobic, racist white nationalist anti immigrant country? Here in America that’s what closed borders equates to. So fuck Finland, bunch of racist xenophobes.

Anonymous said...

you tell them 9:45!!!

those finns are just a bunch of white privileged crackers who are part of a white patrimony construct that oppresses brown people and others not of their liking.

Racists !! They do not even realize that the Nordic gods are cultural appropriations of the Zimbabwe creation myth!!

I bet Trump is running the whole show over there!!.

Anonymous said...

Yes, precisely so 👍

Anonymous said...

^^^ Russian trolls still going at it like it is 2016.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Delusional septuagenarians still living the 2016 election.

Anonymous said...

Diversity is our strength

Anonymous said...

Russian were mucking about in 2016 and they have never stopped. They smell more like a creature pure excrement though.

Anonymous said...

You dip shit liberals will never learn. walls work.