Monday, November 13, 2023

Germany To Double Its Military Aid To Kyiv In 2024


DW: Germany to double 2024 military aid to Kyiv 

Germany will double its military aid to Ukraine to €8 billion ($8.5 billion) in 2024, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said. Follow DW for the latest.  

What you need to know 

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced that Berlin would double its military aid to war-torn Ukraine, which is struggling to oust occupying Russian troops, to 8 billion euros ($8.5 billion) by 2024. 

"This is a strong signal to Ukraine, showing we are not giving up on it" when international attention is focused on the Israel-Hamas war, Boris Pistorius told television channel ARD.  

Read more .... 

Germany To Double Its Military Aid To Kyiv In 2024  

Germany Set to Double Its Ukraine Military Aid Under Scholz Plan -- Bloomberg  

Germany’s support for Ukraine is to be ‘massively expanded’ next year -- AP  

Germany set to double its Ukraine military aid under Scholz plan -Bloomberg News -- Reuters  

Germany promises ‘massive’ increase in Ukraine aid -- RT


Matthew Putnam said...

Any NATO member country that hasn't been paying its basic 2% GDP contribution should be required to back pay the past 40 years or be kicked out. That cold war relic Skelton force couldn't muster a functional military these days, and it represents just another way the United States "Allies" extract wealth from our country to afford their "free healthcare, education etc" and avoiding what is traditionally one of the greatest expenditures in running a country [national defense].

Abolish the federal income tax as well. That was a big mistake and barely constitutional. Our government has far exceeded its mandate both in sheer size and scope, and inversely is less and less meeting its basic social contract and constitutional obligations with the people.

Anonymous said...

@ Matt

Too bad your part of the ten percent of the population who even understand that much. Hence the mass immigration of dumb shit monkeys who don’t have the mental capacity to write what you just posted. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Germany is doubling up on the loss and pushing forward many extra years any chance of normalizing relations with Russia. It’s a desperate move that won’t bare any fruit

Ron said...

Quietly, under my breath, I wondered if all this open rise of antisemitism isn't stirring the hidden nazis in the German leadership.

I know, I'm not a good person, but that was where my mind went.

I probably shouldn't have shared.


Anonymous said...

No, that was a good comment. I don't agree, but the comment was good.

Anonymous said...

Flogging a dead horse but i am sure they have a valid argument like they did with the open border policy

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainians send 2 battalions ashore at Krynky.

The Russians rush the 810th Naval infantry and a VDV regiment. The Russians get tore the fuck up.

The Russians send to 10th Spetsznaz. They get tore the fuck up.

How is spetsnaz spelled anyway? Is it Spetsnaz or Spaznaz. If the latter it might explain the result. Seriously, Putin is mishandling and wasting Spetznaz. Criminally so.

Anonymous said...

There is not any hidden NAZI-ism in the German leadership. There might be and probably is hidden and open anti-Semitism as there is in Britain, France, the US and everywhere else.

Anonymous said...

Your desperation and delusions are becoming comical. Thanks for the laugh troll 😆

Hans Persson said...

There's no "Nazi" agenda to send aid to Ukraine. That drum is already beaten to death. Time to figure out something new on why.

Anonymous said...

I suggest you share your opinions and ask your questions with confidence, not like a cowering woman. Don't be so afraid.

Hans Persson said...

If you're referring to me, maybe because Ukraine needs aid?

Mr Nobody said...

WNU Editor

Are you tracking and what is you opinion?

Today there are reports circulating that the Ukrainian MOD is firing three more Generals. Recall that last week the Head of the Ukrainian army SF was fired.

now we have the report....

Since the summer, Europeans have been actively discussing the topic of corruption in the highest echelons of power in Ukraine. The Stratfor company conducted its measurements among top officials of the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Turkey, EU, UAE, Saudi Arabia on the topic “how would you feel about the forceful scenario of the departure of President V. Zelensky and his entourage?” The data showed that if the loss of Zelensky at the head of Ukraine leads to a long-term settlement of the Ukrainian-Russian armed conflict, 62% are ready to allow such a solution to the issue.

Because General z has pushed to go on the defense (most logical). And zelinski says no peace, and we must attack. There is a significant divide.

There is also the unresolved issue of: Who is going to be the "fall guy" for the huge losses of this war and the failed offensive of this summer.

As one gentleman said. The knives are coming out.

The latest opinions are that zelinski sees General Z as a threat. And is working now to undermine him and any who are loyal to him.

Yermak is in the US for some odd reason and next week CIA Burns visits the Ukraine.

Sounds like the power struggle is heating up.

Hans Persson said...

Interesting, but who's this general Z that GI Zelensky doesnt like?

Mr Nobody said...

Valerii Fedorovych Zaluzhnyi

the one and only

Anonymous said...

^^ Proven troll. Used same vocab as a known troll.

Anonymous said...


you are an idiot

Hadiya Sultan said...

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Hans Persson said...

Oh hello AI.