Friday, November 24, 2023

Gloom Falls Over Ukraine As The War Grinds On

Zero Hedge: Gloom Falls Over Ukraine As Recruitment Dwindles And Israeli War Steals Spotlight 

The enthusiasm in the western media for an imminent Ukrainian victory over Russia has been ever circular; people who only get their news from corporate sources are likely to believe that Russia is about to be defeated any day now. 

However, as with all propaganda campaigns the public eventually grows tired of hollow optimism and skeptical of bombastic claims. Influencing hearts and minds is a fading prospect if your campaign is based on lies.

If the war has taught people anything it is to never trust establishment media sources to be accurate in their reporting, or prescient in their predictions.  

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WNU Editor: The above video of Ukrainian soldiers sitting and listening to a singer at a concert captures the mood of Ukraine today. I see nothing but weary and heavily wrinkled faces who are barely able to conceal their trauma or enjoy the moment.


Anonymous said...

I think that singing constitutes a,war crime

Anonymous said...

They are all dead men and know it.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE end this war

It is our fault (the West) for having expanded to the East, breaking our promise

THEN, in 2022 there could have been a peace deal, but Boris Johnson (BlackRock ambassasdor by now) CONVINCED Z to keep fighting, that we (UK..) would back them to the hills

That was a lie

Boris wanted blackrock to "build back better"... over the corpses of our Ukrainian brothers.

It's about money
It's about domination and power
It's not about saving Ukrainian people or fighting Russia

Anonymous said...

yes said this almost two months ago

The graveyards are over flowing. You got to wait to have a relative buried.

The new recruits are old and fat.

This is some kind of sick joke.

Mr Nobody said...

watch the film

The Grim expressions on these guys says everything. I have been to USO shows combat zones, You do not see "consistent" looks like this.

But I have seen looks like this before.

These guys look like they are in a planning brief for an upcoming mission that is going to be ugly.

I wish them luck.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Nobody. Honest question here. Which of your sock puppets do you like to exercise the most? Which sock puppet fits like a glove?

Mr Nobody said...

You have no military experience do you? Or you would know exactly what I was talking about.

What I really do not like about individuals like you. You would mindlessly send others out into a combat zone with no fore-thought of what those soldiers would be facing or the suffering they would have to endure.

People who do so are beyond contempt and deserve to face an eternity of damnation.

For myself, I pity every soul in that auditorium. Why? because

" But for the grace of God go I. "

People like you, who have not been to combat, do not understand such things.

Anonymous said...

and they are dancing in the streets in Russia for all the great victories they have on a weekly basis.

Anonymous said...

About as much as all those Ukrainians attending funerals.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not celebrating during the week, but they have a lot to be happy about in the last 3 months. 70-90k of the enemy dead. nato built forces decimated and an abortive ukie offensive dead in its tracks.

And now, with the Nato built army destroyed, what will the ukies use now in their next offensive? Thats right, there will be no great offensive. just mear ukie skirmishes that go nowhere and in the end, ukie defeat.