Monday, November 13, 2023

Iran Says 4 U.S. Soldiers Were Killed In A Missile Attack At Two Bases In Eastern Syria

TEHRAN, Nov. 13 (MNA) – Four American military forces were killed and several others were injured after two US bases in Syria came under attack on Sunday night. 

MEHR News Agency: 4 US troops killed after American bases targeted in Syria 

The US bases in Syria's Deir ez-Zur and al-Shaddadi were targeted with drones and rockets in response to US airstrikes on the cities of Al Bukamal and Al Mayadin. 

Arab sources reported that the US base situated in Syria's Koniko gas field has been attacked with 15 rockets and missiles. The attack led to the killing of four US forces. 

The US base in Syria's al-Shaddadi was also targeted with three drones.

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WNU Editor: It should be noted that none of this has been confirmed by the US or other Western sources.


Anonymous said...



reports that US forces in Iraq and Syria have been attacked at least 52 times since October 17. These attacks have been carried out by both Iranian proxies and directly by units of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.

So the IRGC is attacking directly and there is no plausible deniability?

And Biden has done FUCK ALLL about it?

Obama must be wee weed up!

Where is Obama's body man with a fresh change of trousers?

I hate it when the president pisses allover himself

Anonymous said...

It has been alleged that the US hides deaths in Syria from the press. That they may using training accident or traffic accidents elsewhere as cover. Might be true. Sometimes it might be useful and necessary.

Bit if it is known to have happened before and the Iranians make claim of casualties. That might be enough for the Arab or Muslim street to join a jihadi group or other wise be incited.

Sitting back and pretending nothing happened whether it was a near miss, wounded or killed, is a sign of weakness.

Anonymous said...

US soldiers in body bags slowly coming home.

Anonymous said...

In Moscow, five Wahhabi bearded Islamist migrants tried to slip through a turnstile at the Metro but were stopped by a female worker. One smashed her nose with a fist.

Thankfully, passengers did not allow the criminals to…

A lot of Americans would do the same. A lot would not through fear or ...

If you have to wear a beard to know you are a man, then you are not.

Hans Persson said...

Wait.. So Iran itself now announces the killings without even hiding they did it? Oh, end is near for you beards.

Anonymous said...

And let the skuds fly Merica fk yeah

Anonymous said...

Fake American misspelled Scud.

Anonymous said...

Artem tells me how he was kidnapped from school at gunpoint by Russian troops, kept in a patriotic school and forced to dress in Russian uniform. His story tonight at 11pm on Channel 4. My directorial debut and I’m really proud of it.

Anonymous said...

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