Saturday, November 25, 2023

Is The 'Right' Rising And Reshaping Europe?

Washington Post: Dutch election shows far right rising and reshaping Europe 

When Austria two decades ago became the first nation in Western Europe to lurch to the far right since World War II, the rest of the continent roared in outrage. Protesters haunted its politicians. Diplomats shunned them. One Belgian delegate skipped a lunch with Austria’s then-defense minister, telling reporters: “I don’t eat with fascists.” 

Fast forward to 2023, when historic political momentum has given the far right a seat at Europe’s table and a chance to reshape the region’s politics and policies. 

The latest victory came in the socially liberal Netherlands, where hard-right icon Geert Wilders and his anti-European Union, anti-Muslim and anti-immigration Party for Freedom landed a shocking first place finish this week in parliamentary elections.  

Read more ....

Update: Where Europe's 'Far-Right' Has Gained Ground (Zero Hedge).  

WNU Editor: As to what is my take. I prefer to call what is happening in Europe a shift to the middle. Or as Armstrong Economics' Martin Armstrong points out, anyone who wants to return just to normal life is now disgustingly far-right (link here).


Anonymous said...

...and just what is normal life? No war? no inflation? no covid? no refugee problems?

Anonymous said...

I fear its far too late. The mass invasion of the west has gone too far, too quickly & is irreversible. Britain is due to become a majority Muslim nation around 2060...

Anonymous said...

The Russian losses at the Avdiivka sector continue to be so extraordinarily high that even Russian war correspondents such as Romanov are not mincing words.

Romanov has to be given the Igor Girkin treatment so his mind is right

Anonymous said...

Is WNU as much of the sanguine mid-level diplomat as he claims?

Seen this movie before. you elect a conservative in Ecuador followed by a socialist idiot supporting narco-terrorists followed by a conservative ad nauseum.

Several years back the Austrians elected a conservative and it fizzled.

I expect Orban to have staying power. I expect Slovak to be the same. IMO the rest have to have proof and that will take 2 or 3 years of governance and getting things done. Until then it is more pendulum swinging nonsense.

Liberals will ballyhoo every socialist win in South America or Europe and keep quiet when the opposites happen mostly. Here WNU is following their model. What a schmuck huffing copium!

Anonymous said...

"FAR RIGHT" == People who don't wish their children to be molested by the mentally sick, and who don't want a global tyranny system installed under the disguise of "compassion" for planet and others.

Anonymous said...

FAR RIGHT" == People who don't wish their children to be molested by the mentally sick, and who don't want a global tyranny system installed under the disguise of "compassion" for planet and others.

I may be a crackpot.

Hans Persson said...

I think that more European citizens are realizing that this whole green initiative seems to be a global Chinese operation and people is getting tired of the bullying. My work makes me socialize with ordinary people everyday and the discussion is very different today than 10 years ago.
People have contempt for politicians. And with social media it didn't help the situation. Now add mindfucking AIs that is ready to create anything from scratch in real time.

Hans Persson said...

And that makes me think that we need to create a new internet outside this because soon nothing online can be trusted, nothing.

Hans Persson said...

Also, somehow we have missed that a sentient AI was created long time ago already. Where is the discussion?

Anonymous said...

we had held a discussion in our music hall but no online and you were not there.

Anonymous said...

What if I told you that it's not the Chinese pushing the anti-carbon disaster, it's simply that Chinese society is not as easily infiltrated by the people who are (because they don't look exactly like Chinese people).

Anonymous said...

Do you know what a chink looks like? They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Unless.
Unless there are only 12 models.

Hans Persson said...


Haha yeah, actually spot on

Alex said...

The FAR RIGHT label has expanded so broadly that it's starting to bring people together. Up is down right is left: prominent leftists called far-right for opposing the Democrat establishment; anti-war folks are called fascist Putin apologists; Black American conservatives called white supremacists. None of it makes sense.

Anonymous said...

t 3:24 PM
Know what white trash looks like? look in a mirror

Anonymous said...

White trash? How old are you son? Elderly tend to miss sarcasm

I was replying to the not so bright person who type "Chinese society is not as easily infiltrated by the people who are (because they don't look exactly like Chinese people)."

The poster assumed that we assumed they all look alike.

"We describe 300 human homeobox loci, which we divide into 235 probable functional genes and 65 probable pseudogenes. These totals include 3 genes with partial homeoboxes and 13 pseudogenes that lack homeoboxes but are clearly derived from homeobox genes. "

The number of human HOX gene alone ensures that there will be considerable variability among humans. China has a wide range of humidity and altitude which will affect genetic expression. I suggest you get a sarcasm recognition model implant or see your geriatric doctor for a full physical. You need it.

Anonymous said...

The lack of a liberal education in the Soviet/Russian system shows. PWNED!

Anonymous said...

Do you have statistics for this? Genuinely curious

Anonymous said...

For Russian education? No.
Do I care? No, but I will eventual get some.

For the Soviet System? If it was like the rest of the Warsaw pact, my comment is spot on. I have relatives from the East Bloc

Do I think much of a lot of the American system now? No.
The Ivy League is now called the Poison Ivy League and with good reason. What has been done of a few decades is what COIVD and telecommuting did to certain city centers.

The guy's ignorance does show in his various arguments. He is shallow. I listened to a podcast by a producer. His opinion was that James Callis is a truly amazing dinner conversationalist about any number of topics. The ignorant guy is at the opposite end of the spectrum.

What I came here to post is that Russia is hitting Ukraine population centers hard with their V1 vengeance weapons. Sure they are going to hit infrastructures such as rail and electric, but the shahed is such a blunt weapon that they are hitting a lot of civilian housing. Of course the Russian does that with artillery and other missiles other than the shahed, so it is not simply collateral damage, but also a tactic.

Look on the bright side. Russia is in the news again.

Anonymous said...

Russia has aligned itself against the the Sudanese government.

Anonymous said...

Remember Russia is aligned with Hamas.

"I just have seen the video of Palestinian 🇵🇸 terrorists cutting open the belly of an Israeli 🇮🇱 pregnant woman while she was alive, forcibly kept awake to not fade away and remove her unborn baby. I am lost for words."

Baby Butcherers.

Anonymous said...

Where I am from if you are 85 a guy who is 89 calls you son.
comment above about white trash referred to "Chink" and not to anything else about Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Mikhail Kasyanov now listed as a foreign agent. Another one for Russia to hunt down and eliminate because he doesn't agree with the War.

I would like to say WNU goose steps to Putin's tune because he's afraid of such a label, but we all know he's a true believer.

Anonymous said...

Gee skods, I dont think so about the editor.

You have been the one screaming for blood the last few weeks, not to mention putting people into camps. If anyone around here knows how to goose step, it would be you.

by the way, you know how to do the chicken dance too, right?

You chickened out of giving me a answer on how Ukraine is going to win. , not too late to redeem yourself and publish you idea for Ukrainian victory otherwise... I will continue to follow the example of Cato the Elder.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

@11:04 I don't know who or what a 'Skods' is but I find it hilarious you think I'm this person. This is why ppl post anonymous, to avoid creeps like you.

Thanks for the insight into your psyche.

Anonymous said...

Well mr fair and balanced, sorry to disappoint, you and skods have so much in common., you can answer for him if you like. But I have to warn you he can be eccentric at times. You are not a facist like him are you? He also talks about goose steppers.

But if I remember correctly, you are also a performer of the chicken dance.

You still have not had the courage to answer the 5 questions.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine will lose the war, if this carries on, there's no doubt.

But unlike you; most sane morally stable people don't sit back and cheer on for their defeat as if war is some kind of cruel sport.

Your unhealthy obsession with this
'skods' could be put to better use. Mental health for example, which you seemingly lack.

Anonymous said...

@5:39 "The poster assumed that we assumed they all look alike."

No, I never said all Chinese look alike. I said none of them look like Chuck Schumer.

Anonymous said...

Russian told a dad joke. 11 out of 10 for effort.

7 posts from the Russian sock puppets. It is like their hive was busted up and all their honey was stolen.

Anonymous said...


You got it all wrong bud. I am not happy about this war at all. But I will continue to do what I need to do in order to fight false narratives and lies.

Anonymous said...

What we really need to know:

is the Ukrainian 53rd Brigade a bunch of cowards or is the 110th Ukrainian brigade full of crap? Someone is not telling the truth.