Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Israel And Hamas Reach A Hostage Deal And A Four-Day Pause In The Fighting


Axios: Israel and Hamas agree to hostage deal, four-day pause in fighting in Gaza 

The Israeli government and Hamas announced separately on Tuesday they have agreed to a Qatar-mediated deal in which the militant group will free dozens of Israeli hostages in exchange for a four-day pause in fighting in Gaza and the release of dozens of Palestinians held in prisons in Israel.  

Why it matters: The deal, once implemented, will be the biggest diplomatic breakthrough and the first major pause in fighting since the war began. 

Details: In the first phase of the two-phase deal, Hamas is expected to free at least 50 Israeli women and children held in Gaza, while Israel is expected to release about 150 Palestinian prisoners, mostly women and children over the four-day pause. 

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 Israel And Hamas Reach A Hostage Deal And A Four-Day Pause In The Fighting  

Live: Israel and Hamas agree deal to release hostages during pause in fighting -- BBC 

Israel-Hamas war live: Israel and Hamas agree four-day ceasefire and release of 50 hostages held in Gaza -- The Guardian  

Qatar announces Israel-Hamas truce-for-hostages deal that would pause Gaza fighting, bring more aid -- AP  

Gaza hostage deal: what do we know? -- The Guardian 

Israel-Hamas war: Deal reached on hostages, fighting pause -- DW

Israel-Gaza ceasefire deal reached to release hostages over four days -- ABC News Australia  

Israel, Hamas agree to temporary cease-fire, hostage release deal including freeing 3 Americans -- FOX News 

Israeli government approves Hamas hostage deal, short-term cease-fire in Gaza -- CBS 

Israel and Hamas agree deal for release of some hostages and four-day ceasefire -- The Guardian 

Hostage deal is 'right decision', Netanyahu tells Cabinet -- France 24 

Inside the painstaking negotiations between Israel, Hamas, the US and Qatar to free 50 hostages -- CNN  

Hamas hostages: Stories of the hostages taken by Hamas from Israel -- BBC


Anonymous said...

The Kyiv Independent
Update: At least 2 killed by Russian strike on hospital in Selydove on Nov. 20.

Two bodies have been found in the rubble of a hospital in Selydove, Donetsk Oblast, that was struck by Russian missiles on Nov. 20, Ukraine's State Emergency Service reported on Nov. 22.

You are not Russian unless you bomb a hospital.

Anonymous said...

"There are 10,000 Russian troops in Armenia, and the Armenian prime minister does not see any advantage to them being in his country. He rejects Russia as the mediator for peace talks with Azerbaijan, preferring the EU. Azerbaijan rejects the EU as mediator, preferring Russia. Russian state TV has been attacking the Armenian prime minister, saying he should be replaced and asking, “Guess what fate awaits him?”…"

So Russia has 10,000 troops in Armenia and the Azerbaijanis invaded anyway?

Are the Russians in collusion with Muslims against Christians or are the Russians that big pieces of shit?

Prime Minister asks the Russian to leave. They do not. That is occupation!

Anonymous said...

"Some more details on the manipulation of immigrants. For instance, it is illegal to drive from Russia to Norway or Finland without a permit, and it is illegal to enter by foot, so the immigrants were issued bicycles…"

Russia engaged in hybrid warfare against NATO members Norway and Finland.

Russia attacked Norway and Finland. Invoke article 5 of the NATO charter and nuke Russia!

Anonymous said...

If nuclear war breaks out between China and the US will these people still post about the ukrainian war under those stories?Seriously they're obsessed with that war. Not everything is about that war. There are other events in the world.

Hans Persson said...

A bicycle counts as a vehicle in Scandinavia. You can get a DYI and driver license revoked.

Don't really know where you're getting your information, but they don't know basics.

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

I am getting my information from armchair (i.e. they have a day job). It is as good or better than WNU. They have been wrong before and have been criticized before.

"Matti Pitkaniitty, a colonel in the Finnish border guard, told BBC News the migrants included citizens of countries such as Iraq, Yemen and Syria who had arrived legally in Russia but were not authorised to enter Finland, which is an EU member state.

"Traditionally, Russian guards haven't allowed people to arrive at the Finnish border without proper documents," he said. But he added Russian authorities had "definitely" changed their policy in recent months.

Many of the migrants are crossing into Finland by bicycle, exploiting an agreement allowing cycling across the border. Last week Finland banned crossings by bike."

The BBC and other new agencies reported it as well. The BBC does have some small worth, when they are not running stories like black women hardest hit in medieval London.

Anonymous said...

Does a riding lawnmower count as a vehicle for DUI.

Riding lawnmowers are kind of a meme, urban legend and a thing in the US.

Anonymous said...

Russias sing about ballistic missiles in a St. Petersburg Protestant church.

They perform hymns praising "Lord's ballistic missiles" and the supersonic aviation of angels during their service.

So embarrassing.

I am embarrassed for WNU.

Hans Persson said...


Of course, you can still manage to cause accidents..

Hans Persson said...

I know instances where people got their driver licence revoked just by trying to get home drunk on a kicksled.

Anonymous said...

any and all MSM sucks except when they run stories that I approve of

Anonymous said...

I agree with that only as long as it is on a road or a bike path. Not sure if I agree with a person operating a kicksled on a bike path getting ticketed with DUI. Would not drunk and disorderly do just as well?

Hans Persson said...

These are extreme examples, the drunk person must have been all over the road or something and not cooperating with the police. Usually up in the north where the kicksleds live the police are very nice and dont care about that. I'm just clarifying. I also agree, any instance where someone operates a vehicle under the influence should be stopped, its not about him anymore, its the innocent people on the road that can suffer from it.

Anonymous said...

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson almost stated that Israel had the right to commit genocide.

Anonymous said...

drop the maganaga bombs

Anonymous said...


Hans Persson said...


Yep. Almost. And?

B.Poster said...

As a supporter of Israel I do not like this deal. Israel is going to get a few non combatants released. While the article states that no Palestinians who have been convicted of crimes will be released, it seems highly likeky that Arab soldiers captured on the battlefield will be released. Essentially the Arabs are going to get scores of battle hardened fighters released who will return to the battlefield. Additionally the four day ceasefire allows the Arabs time and space to rest and rearm. It gets worse. The aid convoys primary purpose will be to assist the Arab fighters in rearming and getting other support to them.

Israel is a sovereign country and a staunch ally. They've agreed to this farce of a deal. I pray it works out for them.