Friday, November 24, 2023

Israel - Hamas Truce Begins. Hostages Being Released


Daily Mail: Free at last! 13 women and children Israeli hostages are finally released after 48 days in captivity in Gaza - along with 12 Thai nationals who were also being held by Hamas 

* A fragile four-day truce begun at 7am local time (12am ET and 5am GMT) 

* The 13 Israeli and 12 Thai hostages are the first of 50 expected to be freed 

The first group of hostages have been released from Gaza after 48 days of captivity as part of a truce deal between Israel and Hamas that went into effect this morning. 

Thirteen Israeli women and children and 12 Thai hostages, who were kidnapped and taken into the territory by the terror group in its October 7 attack on Israel, were finally freed today after an agonising wait. 

Israeli media reported the hostages had been transferred by Hamas to the Red Cross, then on to the Egyptians, before crossing into Egypt. They will next be given to the IDF who will transfer them by helicopter to a hospital in central Israel.  

Read more .... 

Live Updates  

Live updates | Israel-Hamas truce begins; 13 Israeli and 12 Thai hostages are reportedly released -- AP  

Live Updates: First hostages released after Israel-Hamas truce begins -- CNN  

Follow live: First hostages freed under Israel-Hamas truce deal on their way to Egypt -- France 24  

Live: Israeli hostages reported to be in Egypt after being released by Hamas -- BBC 

Israel-Hamas war live: first freed Israeli hostages cross into Egypt, local media says; 12 Thai hostages released -- The Guardian  

Live Updates: Israel-Hamas war live: Hamas releases first Gaza captives amid truce -- Al Jazeera 

 Israel - Hamas Truce Begins. Hostages Being Released 

 Israeli media say Hamas has released 13 Israeli hostages -- AP

Israeli hostages handed over to Red Cross, on way to border crossing with Egypt -- France 24  

First hostages arrive in Egypt, Israeli soldiers say -- France 24 

13 Israeli hostages have crossed into Egypt after 49 days of Gaza captivity -- Times of Israel

Delicate process to exchange hostages for prisoners begins, but no end in sight to Israel-Gaza war -- ABC News Australia 

Hamas releases Israeli and Thai hostages from Gaza, officials say -- CNN  

Israel due to release 39 Palestinian detainees -- BBC  

Cease-fire brings respite for Gaza's civilian population -- DW  

Palestinians return to destroyed homes in Gaza as Israel-Hamas truce begins -- Al Jazeera  

What we know about Israel-Hamas Gaza deal on hostages -- BBC

How the hostage deal came about: Negotiations stumbled, but persistence finally won out -- AP

 Hamas-Israel: Qatar's foreign policy balancing act pays off -- DW  

What can we expect from the four-day truce between Israel and Hamas in Gaza? -- France 24


Fred said...

Hamas plan: release a few hostages at a time and extend the time for very long period.That will give Hamas time to trdy to rebuild efforts to combat Israel forces. At the same time, after a long lull in warfare, world opinion will try to get Israel to call it quits in its warfare.

By contrast, here is the israeli plan:

Israel’s 4-Step Strategy to Destroy Gaza Terror Threat

Anonymous said...

Does Biden work for the other side?

Ukrainians want more ATCMS.

More ATACMS exist that are shelf life expired more or less.

Joe Biden will not send them.

So I ask you. Does Xi have black ail pictures of Hunter Biden?

PLEASE @POTUS provide Ukraine additional ATACMS !

PLEASE @Bundeskanzler provide Ukraine the Taurus missiles !

PLEASE HELP expel the russian invaders!


#SlavaUkraini #StopPutinNOW #CrimeaIsUkraine #UkraineWillWin️

Stolen elections have consequences. Now we have wars in Ukraine and Israel. This is not a coincidence.

German newspaper BILD reports that Scholz and Biden are hamstringing Ukraine on purpose.

Anonymous said...

Whenever you exchange more Palestinians for Israelis, you have lost.

If the Palestinians renege on the hostage transfer on the first, second, or third time and short the Israelis it would not be a shocker.

Stolen elections have consequences.

Biden is too weak to carry two pumpkin pies.

Dr. Jill Carries Pumpkin Pies to Firefighters at Nantucket Fire Department While Feeble Joe Shuffles Along


Anonymous said...

Food prices ‘are up more than 20% from when Joe Biden took office’

Bidenomics also has “dramatically pushed up the first year’s interest cost on a typical mortgage from around $8,500 when President Donald Trump left office to well over $24,000 now,”

Stolen elections have consequences.

Anonymous said...

The west had the Military hardware to kick Russia out of Ukraine.
Yet chose to barbarically drip feed Ukraine with weaponry.

This has been more than obvious for a long time to anyone paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Asian Brothels That Serviced Military Officials and Politicians Kept “Impeccable Records” as Feds Prepare to Identify “Johns”

"running her prostitution business over the last several years,"

"According to investigative reporter Paul Sperry, “Investigators suspect prostitution ring may have been part of Chinese espionage plot targeting high-tech government contracting centers like Cambridge and Tysons Corner”"

(1) Are they legal residents?

* Han Lee, a/k/a “Hana,” 41, of Cambridge, Mass.;
* James Lee, 68, of Torrance, Calif.; and
* Junmyung Lee, 30, of Dedham, Mass.

How does the FBI not know of a prostitution ring like this one in the 1st 1 to 3 years of its existence?

Maybe they did know and TPTB chose to make an issue of it now?

Anonymous said...

only fucking dopes believe this or any election stolen and if you do believe it: PROVE IT.

Anonymous said...

You believe it although you deny it and you are fucking dope.

Anonymous said...

childish response that says nothing and offers no proof of the bullshit posted as comments

Anonymous said...

Offered the links which give the data on equipment.

All that equipment sitting around rusting.

Which will happen first? the tanks rust of Dementia falls apart?

Nothing is more childish than a college professor talking about nappies.

Anonymous said...

childish name calling is not anything that will stand up in a court of law. Time to realize you are simply an ill-educated cracker who believes some bullshit that got fed to you.

Anonymous said...

WHEN COURTS UPHOLD ELECTOONS WITH MORE VOTES CAST THAN VOTERS, there are only two things that can be done.

In the meantime suck you FSB boss off.

Anonymous said...

Never forget that Fred uses the pejorative "cracker" when referring to white people, because he's a member of a supremacist religion that despises white europeans (a group which they do not personally identify with) and actively supports any measures that ultimately weaken and harm them.