Thursday, November 16, 2023

New Report Says 90% Of Americans Will Die In A Nuclear Attack Worst-Case Scenario

A map predicts the worst-case scenario if the US was attacked by nuclear weapons. Credit: Sébastien Philippe, Svitlana Lavrenchuk and Ivan Stepanov 

Scientific American: Who Would Take the Brunt of an Attack on U.S. Nuclear Missile Silos?  

These fallout maps show the toll of a potential nuclear attack on missile silos in the U.S. heartland 

 Last March the U.S. Air Force released a two-volume, 3,000-plus-page report detailing the environmental impact of its plans to replace all 400 “Minuteman” land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) with new “Sentinel” missiles by the mid-2030s. The program is part of a $1.5-trillion effort to modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal and its command-and-control infrastructure. The report, required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970, covers the “potential effects on the human and natural environments from deployment of the Sentinel system” and from, among other things, the refurbishing of existing missile silos and the construction of new utility corridors and communications towers. But it doesn't mention the most significant risks to surrounding communities—namely, what happens if these missiles, which are intended to serve as targets for enemy nuclear weapons, are ever attacked. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Nuclear Attack Worst-Case Scenario Would See 90% of Americans Wiped Out -- Newsweek  

Update #2: Nuclear war in the US would wipe out 300 MILLION people from radiation, experts claim -- Mirror  

WNU Editor: A sobering assessment.


Anonymous said...

Scientific American is a rag. They could run the scenarios or report on it for Missile strikes in Europe and the USSR rump state.

Run and report on the scenarios side by side for the US and Russia.

Since it is SCIAM, there has to be some agenda. They do climate change or whatever the crowd is doing on the Left.

Will John Kerry march in another Nuclear Freeze protest funded by the Russians and which Ayatollah will he cuddle up with tonight?

Need to know the sleeping arrangements so Kerry can get the proper shots depending on which Ayatollah.

Anonymous said...

Everything is a lie and a rag except Newsmax and Breitbart!

Anonymous said...

I don't read Newsmax. I will hit Breitbart once a week, maybe.

Insert another quarter and play again.

Better yet, you should be subjected to Shermer on a repeating loop. Shermer use to be a great columnist and then something happened. Insufferable now like the rest of SCIAM. SCIAM and Discover were my two main sci mags.

Anonymous said...

Nothing but Chinese driven propaganda, Trace the author, the magazine, follow the money. Why is this not being done where we blow Russia or China into dust?

Doing just to scare entitled Millennials and GenZ. They are total dopes who'd sell their country away to China to keep the TiKTok drug running. They are drug addicts for clicks and likes.

All these "scientist's" have "democrat" as their first name and "far leftists" as their middle name.

All bullsheet.

Anonymous said...

Gee skods

according to that map you are not going to make it. Well, too bad. I did looked forward to meeting you , but that's the way it goes. As for me. It wont have much of an effect.

Anonymous said...

oh I forgot

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Nukes never bothered me versus the various chemical and biological ordinance out there. I still remember the films they showed us about what various chemical and bio ordinance could do to living animals. Yeah, the majority of my career was during the cold war.

Anonymous said...

In a nuke war its actually a waste to wipe out 90% of everyone on the other side. Most countries collapse from just a few hits.A continental sized country would not survive the loss of about 1/3 of its major cities.Simple math makes that clear.The numbers needed to police such devastated regions would overwhelm the actually small number of first responders that exist. Nevermind the fact that many would be dead or injured before they got a chance to do anything. Germany and Austria-Hungary in WW1 only lost 4% of their populations and still complete state disintegration followed. A nuke strike focused on only naval and air force installations would wipe out about 40% of all the cities in a major country due to how these bases are chosen. Afterwards looting anarchy and everyone for themselves. Especially once surviving cops abandon their posts and run wherever. The biggest thing about nuke wars is that the average civilian overrates how bad these weapons are since the average civilian understands human nature. But the average person in government underrates them since they usually don't get human nature ironically enough.

Anonymous said...

In a nuke war its actually a waste to wipe out 90% of everyone on the other side. Most countries collapse from just a few hits

Send one. Send them all.

No e of this we hit you 5 times, please give up America.

Fuck you pussy. You trying to condition the populait0on to give up.

Fuck you you Russian pussy?

bend over for your boss in the agitprop department.

Anonymous said...

"In a nuke war its actually a waste to wipe out 90% of everyone on the other side"

Dude, it is about reducing the likelihood/numbers of a counter-attack

So when you look at the map, you should see that a lot of midwestern areas are hit. Why? That's where the silos are.

But the map is wrong, as in a worst case scenario the economic and population centres would be hit heavily too.

Anonymous said...

I hate to correct you but even the russians are unlikely to target the silos. For a few reasons. Starting with simple accuracy and nuke yield. You need pinpoint accuracy and a decent yield to make sure x silo is gone. If you do the math it would actually require almost 1000 very accurate hits. Not exactly easy. And all it does is eliminate only a small part of the US arsenal. Too small in fact.Neglijible to be accurate in nuke terms.Nuke wars are not about winning because your currency ceases to have any value with only a few hits.Yes the moment you start getting hit even a couple of times the traders on the currency markets start dumping your currency like crazy. And there's nothing you can do about it short of forcing everyone to still use it. Which you can't. Once no one uses your currency anymore you're gone regardless. Because you need a currency to trade and nobody is gonna trade with a nuke hit country in their currency. Not anymore.

Anonymous said...

Yuppers, a few hits and and the ruble is rubble.

Anonymous said...

Alas, Babylon