Friday, November 10, 2023

Pentagon Is Starting To Restrict Flow Of Military Aid To Ukraine

Zero Hedge: Pentagon Is Starting To Restrict Flow Of Military Aid To Ukraine As Money Runs Out 

No more green for Zelenskyy. 

With war funding for both Ukraine and Israel now seemingly snarled up beyond repair in Congress, on Thursday the Pentagon said that funding delays have forced the US to begin restricting the flow of military assistance to Ukraine, and the Pentagon has only $1 billion left to replenish stocks of weapons that were sent to the country, according to a spokeswoman.

“We have had to meter out our support for Ukraine,” Deputy Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters. “We’re going to continue to roll out packages but they are getting smaller.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The aid will flow but the packages will be smaller .... US will provide military aid to Ukraine, but "packages" will be smaller. Pentagon explained why (Ukrainian News).


Anonymous said...

3 scare stories in a row.

WNU should acquaint himself with the ancient American adage

"It is not the size of the dick, it is how you use it."

We have seen this with Ukrainian versus Russian artillery.

WNU did precede his quota of scare stories with one about Myanmar and another Darfur. Those were head fakes. WNU should study football.

Anonymous said...


more bs from your limited knowledge of combat.

Less ammo and less supplies means less firepower available to kill the enemy. This is a bad deal any way you look at it.

Ukraine will be defeated

Anonymous said...

11:39 Do Russia a favor. Walk into an ice flow into the wind until your are too fatigue to go on. then start walking back. It is an old Eskimo trick. Or you can apply for the job in Bryansk. A FSB colonel got taken out on Russian soil. Save yourself a buck or two. See if his old uniforms fit.

Europe has been shipping Ukraine more and more ammo.

Ukraine has upped its manufacture of AFVs despite Russia hitting factories with Putler's V2 vengeance weapons.

I told you tanks do not matter. Not as much as you think they do. Besides the Russians have no tanks within 25 miles of the river anyway. Whenever one tries, they get creamed. Something to do with the expensive Russian EW units getting hit.

Ukraine crowd funds resources and this is actually a good supply line, which is very good at supplying weapons of war that kills Orc invaders.

Around Avdiivka one Russian officer does not allow any tanks he may have to be closer than 10 km from the front lines before an assault. It helps to actually have tanks before you begin an assault. It is that dire. Russian tanks cannot be within 10 km of the front line and that is with Russia having the larger Air Farce.

When is you dinner and theatre date with Engoron?

Anonymous said...

sorry skods

your monologue does not have any effect on the iron laws of logistics. And yes, we all know that the EU send supplies, but who is the biggest supplier of the weapons and ammo...the US.

Crowd funding?? Now you are really reaching for straws HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! what fun, that is not a pittance of what the US supplies!!

So when the US reduces supplies that means:

Less ammo and less supplies means less firepower available to kill the enemy. This is a bad deal any way you look at it.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

here ya go skods...a repeat

Did not want you to miss this one. You will like it.


Notice that nobody is talking about the Ukrainians winning this war? The big news now is that there are negotiations in the back ground for peace.

NOW look....
None of the big Nato/ EU leaders are saying anything about Ukrainian victory.
The prank callers to the Italian PM and to others showing that the EU "is tired" of the war.

Significant: And no one is refuting that.

Here is the bottom line.

We know from their past actions that these EU/West leaders / elites are egotistical jerks and would be the first ones to:

a. In a cruel, laughing, cackle shout out "LOOSER" at the Russians, if the Russians were failing.

b. Would be out there crowing how superior they are and how the ukrianinas are winning proves that the west is superior in its diversity and its superiorly moral culture (what a joke)

c. And how putin is hitler and Russia is evil.

(they are not saying that anymore...why? Because you are not allowed to negotiate with is bad form and morally reprehensible)

But no one is saying or doing any of those things.

Here is the deal, they would not be talking peace if Ukraine was winning this war and victory was assured. Instead they would be talking about:

Regime change in Moscow
The amount of reparations Ukraine would be receiving
The status of war crime trials for the Russian Hierarchy.

None of that is happening either and is a clear sign that the tide has turned in this war.

The way it is going now with Zelinski digging in his heels and the west waffling , you have to wonder what a "peace deal" would even look like.


So what is your plan skods, when all these EURO elites are ready to quit?

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Chornomors'ke, to Skadovs'k ferry run of personnel, vehicles & supplies in now ended.

1 x Pr.1176 Ondatra Class
1 x Pr.11770 Serna Class

Serna class vessel, which would be the newer one judging from RCS was sunk.

Will the bodies of the dead colonels be buried at Skadovs'k or will Russia risk a naval vessel truck of helicopter to retrieve them?

Supply of Skadovs'k just got harder.

Is Skadovs'k out of supply? You tell me. Only so many trucks to go around.

Anonymous said...

Someone said the loss of the colonels was worse than the loss of the generals who are generally political creatures.

Who is in charge in Kherson? 2nd Lt. Butter Bars?

Anonymous said...

Why were 2 small landing craft sighted off the coast at Sjeverne, Crimea?

Guessing ferry run.

Anonymous said...

Jahiliyyah ... is an Arabic term that refers to the period of time and state of affairs in Pre-Islamic Arabia before the advent of Islam in 609 CE. It usually refers to the Age of Ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Jahiliyyah ... is an Arabic term that refers to the period of time and state of affairs in Pre-Islamic Arabia before the advent of Islam in 609 CE. It usually refers to the Age of Ignorance.

The destruction of historical artifacts is an attempt to enforce the teachings of Islam. Jahiliyyah is used to rationalize the destruction of artifacts as symbols of idolatry or cultural practices considered incompatible with Islam.

Let's destroy those Eastern Orthodox churches in Moscow. Heathens!

Anonymous said...

Former White House correspondent Brian Karem (writing for Salon) asserting that the Republican Party and Hamas are “both terrorist groups,” and any difference is “just a matter of degree.”

Anonymous said...

stupid fuck-wads in Washington, denuding US arsenals to benefit a foreign nation who can not win in any event.

Anonymous said...

How sweet it is to see the brainlets scrambling for whatever cope is within arms reach as the walls close in on the funny little race war they got hoodwinked into supporting.

Anonymous said...

Stupid fuckwad Russian (2:49) cannot make a convincing case. Mobik bait that Russian is.

One cause given for the fall of Assyria was manpower exhaustion. So Russia falling birth rate which is under 2.1% replacement rate. So after 310,000 casualties. If Russia wins it land bridge, the birth rate is miraculously above 2.1% for 10 years? doubtful.

2:49 is an idiot,. He is qualified to be a Russian mine detector without equipment. Add barrier troops and pint him in the correct direction for best results.

Anonymous said...

Skods, Don't be so harsh on 249

White birth rates are crashing all around the world. Not just In Russia. And you got to admit, a lot of military guys are saying now ...

That if the US got into a shooting war, today, most of our munition stocks would be gone in about two weeks. The replacement rate for weapons systems would not be good either. So even though 249 was being rather crude, his point is valid.

Not my doing, I am not the one who sent all the stuff overseas without giving thought to replacements in war time. You got Uncle Joe to that for that.

Have a good day and remember

Ukraine will be defeated.

roger29palms said...

I would think with winter coming on all activity will be reduced. Time to stock up.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday jarhead.

You are correct

But winter offensives do happen once he ground freezes. The 101 and 106 found that out.

we will see.

semper fi.