Friday, November 17, 2023

Poll: 90% Of Palestinians Believe They Can’t Coexist With Israel

Palestinian student supporters of Hamas in Gaza wave the movement's flag during a rally at Birzeit University, near the West Bank city of Ramallah. Flash 90  

RT: Palestinians believe they can’t coexist with Israel – poll 

Many Palestinians say they will “never forgive” Israel for its military action in Gaza, according to a survey 

A significant majority of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza say that they don’t envision a future where they can coexist peacefully alongside Israel, according to the findings of a poll. 

The densely-populated Gaza enclave has been subjected to an unprecedented bombardment for more than five weeks as part of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s vow to “eliminate Hamas” in response to the militant group’s cross-border attack on October 7.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Survey finds majority in the West Bank support the Oct 7 massacre (i24 News)  

Update #2: Three in four Palestinians support Hamas’s massacre (JNS)  

WNU Editor: I would not be surprised if most Israeli Jews believe the same thing when it comes to coexisting with the Palestinians.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean that if there were two searate states as was earlier envisioned, that they could not accept that arrangement, or that they must each be at war with the other?

If they can not exist, can they flounder on as they had done under rule of Hamas? The history of Hamas in control has not been a very effective reign for the Palestinians in Gaza.

If Israel neuters Hamas, will new leadership change attitudes?
Israel knows it wants to eliminate Hamas but that nation seems not to know what will come after, though some right wingers in Israel hinted at expelling Palestiniansl and taking over the land, a nutty plan that will have to settle some 2 millions Gazans where?
My plan: since we have so many people from Central and South American flocking to the US, places they have left now have room for refugees from other areas of the world.

RussInSoCal said...

The fact is that the Palestinians can't coexist with anyone. Jordan killed 25,000 of them in 1973 (Black September). Kuwait ejected some 300,000 in the early 1990's. Egypt refuses a single Palestinian. Syria won't take any more.

Nobody wants them, not even their own people. They were left in place to rot 75yrs ago and used by Muslim nations and UN antisemites as a deliberate proxy against the Jews for 4-5 generations now. And everyone's actions/inactions - even including Israel's own choices - has made them a bigger and bigger threat. That cancer has only grown, leading to the mass slaughter and kidnapping of Jews on Oct 7.

Now Israel has to permanently excise that cancer.

Anonymous said...

Russian SoCal talking the truth. Same can be said about the Anti Russian Nazis infesting western Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

Run a similar poll in the warsaw ghetto and see what they thought about germans.

Anonymous said...

now do a poll and ask how many Arab-Israelis living within Israel prefer remaining there or moving to Gaza or the West Bank or other Arab nations.

Anonymous said...

The same can be said of the Antihuman NAZIs infesting Russia

Anonymous said...

The world would be a better place without the Palestinians anywhere. A worthless people, unable to get along with anyone. We should all give thanks to Israel and support them in their efforts to rid the planet of them.

Anonymous said...

least genocidal right-side-of-history commenter ^

Anonymous said...

I don't know where russsocal is getting his numbers(25000 in 1970) but those are certainly not backed up by any reputable historical source.I guess it falls under 'trust me bro'.

RussInSoCal said...

3:41 PM

/It's boring to have to spoon-feed idiots recent history



Anonymous said...

I don't think you read the whole 'Arafat claimed'. 25000 is unrealistically high. I'm gonna need a far better source than a biased one like that. Don't believe everything you read. Nevermind the fact that not everyone that died during that conflict was palestinian on one side and jordanian on the other.You people need to learn to interpret sources. Its a basic fact you learn in college. Learn to read a source and see how plausible it is. Did you graduate college?A good one?

RussInSoCal said...


Thanks for the smarmy lecture. Why don’t you prove that Jordan didn’t kill 25K “Palestinians.” (actually Gazans - Palestine has never existed as a nation in history). Go ahead and prove Kuwait didn’t expel 300K Gazans in 1991. Or prove through your superior sources that Egypt is secretly lobbying for the influx of a million Gazans. (They’re not). you can’t.

/but you can try ;)