Friday, November 10, 2023

President Biden And Chinese President Xi Jinping Will Meet In California On Wednesday


DNYUZ/New York Times: Biden and Xi to Seek to Stabilize Relations in California Meeting 

President Biden and President Xi Jinping of China plan to meet in California on Wednesday, for a discussion that Mr. Biden’s advisers say is meant to stabilize relations even as it features a host of topics on which the two fiercely competitive countries disagree. 

The Biden administration, which formally announced the meeting on Friday morning, said the two leaders would have the highly choreographed discussion as they attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Chinese media is skeptical on what will come from these talks .... Washington needs to show greater sincerity on 'the path to San Francisco': Global Times editorial (Global Times). 

As to what is my take. I am also skeptical that there will be a breakthrough. The differences between the two countries on political, economic, and foreign policy issues are huge, and I see no middle ground. 

President Biden And Chinese President Xi Jinping Will Meet In California On Wednesday 

Biden and Xi Jinping to meet in California -- BBC  

Xi, Biden to meet in US next week for first talks in a year -- AFP  

Beijing is ready to improve ties with US, says Chinese vice-president -- CNN 

Biden set to meet China’s Xi next week in San Francisco for high-stakes summit -- The Hill  

WH officials confirm date, location for Biden's US meeting with Chinese President Xi -- FOX News  

Biden and Xi make it official: U.S., Chinese leaders will meet next week - Axios


RussInSoCal said...

One of the only smart things Biden has done is to not reduce or remove a single tariff or penalty on China that Trump initiated.

/betcha Biden removes them at this meeting.

Anonymous said...

I’m sure Biden will be in the room napping. I want to see who’s in the room with him, as they will be the ones actually running the show

Anonymous said...

Biden will do this and Biden will do simply do not know so close your trap and read what he does do.

Anonymous said...

Russ made prediction. This is welcomed.

Your comment (6:25) is not welcomed. The Fred persona is never welcomed. The Fred Persona is like a real life lamia.

RussInSoCal said...

6:25 PM

The problem with that is Biden is utterly predicable. Like yourself.

Anonymous said...

The corrupt, drooling dirty-old-man Biden is in China's back pocket dues to bribes paid to Hunter Biden, of which Biden got 10% as the "Big Guy".

Anonymous said...

Fred is a nasty SOB as well as being a child groomer.

Anonymous said...

Biden needs a photo op for election purposes. He needs one where he looks engaged, in charge and where people take him seriously.

Xi will do it for a price.

Russ told us that price.

Anonymous said...

We do not know it is truly Fred. It might be someone having fun impersonating Fred.

fred said...

what a pack of fucking morons!
this is Fred. I have not commented recently at this site. And yet retards need to dump their shit because that is the only way they can feel they are not the losers they truly are. But ibn so dumping your nasty crap you show the world that you are a pack of fucking losers...ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

6:29 AM is not Fred. Fred at least is in command of grammar and spelling and never uses "ha ha ha" in his posts. However the imitative profanity is pretty close.