Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War News Updates -- November 21, 2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: I know the weather is awful right now along the front-lines. Snow and mud is everywhere, and I predict there will be no major advances for the next few weeks. But there is no real pause in the war. I am still reading and hearing reports of horrible casualties for both sides in this war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Putin Pardons Cannibalistic Satanist

Member of a gang of murderers and Satanist Nikolai Ogolobyak has been released from punishment due to participating in the war against Ukraine. He was supposed to serve his sentence until 2030 but was released after six months of service as part of the Storm Z group and being wounded, Arbat.Media reports.

A gang of Yaroslavl teenage Satanists committed a brutal murder in 2008. The killers dismembered the bodies of killed young women and presented the crime as a ritual sacrifice “dedicated to Satan”.

Thus, according to the files of the criminal case, the gang got two girls they knew drunk and took them to the forest in the summer of 2008. The criminals lit a fire and then stabbed the victims with daggers. After the bodies of the victims were dismembered, the criminals ate some of their body parts.

Investigators claimed that it was Ogolobyak who took the lives of the girls - he cut their throats. Moreover, he was the only adult in a brutal gang.

The Satanists were sentenced on charges of murder, desecration of the bodies of the dead, and desecration of burial places, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy.

The leader of the gang, Ogolobyak, was supposed to be released only in 2030, but received a pardon from Vladimir Putin. After fighting for six months as part of Storm-Z, he returned to his native Yaroslavl. The criminal is now recovering from a serious injury.