Thursday, November 9, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War News Updates -- November 9, 2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: A lot of updates today.


Mr Nobody said...

If what he says is right, then this will be the beginning of the end for the Ukrainian army. This is the US Grant strategy.

When you know your enemy is weaker and has less capability, you have to attack and keep on attacking until you exhaust him and force him to surrender.

Union casualties were higher than the confederacy. This was the result of that "keep attacking strategy" : because in war, the defender has the advantage over the attacker.

If the Russians are changing their strategy, they better be really hard nosed. Grant was called "a butcher" for his high loss rates. But in the end, Grant prevailed, because he had the equipment and men to lose, whereas Lee did not.

But the Ukrainians do no have the talent of Lee. I think the Russians will push the Ukrainians into a position where the Ukrainians are forced to concentrate their forces and to attack again. Then the Russians can sit back and destroy them with artillery. This has been the Russian strategy since last December.

Either way, It has always been about economics and economies of scale.

Said this from the beginning.

This is Not Ukraine's war to win.

But Russia's war to lose.

If it was not for western re-supply, this war would have been over long ago. The Ukraine is looking a lot like the Confederacy in late 1864. The parallels are very similar and ugly. After Gettysburg, they also did not have enough men or equipment to overcome the enemy. Remember you heard it here first.

And as far as DC goes, I hate to say it but the Ukrainians are probably going to get the Hmong treatment.

Anonymous said...

Notice that nobody is talking about the Ukrainians winning this war. The big news now is that there are negotiations in the back ground for peace.

NOW look....
None of the big Nato/ EU leaders are saying anything about Ukrainian victory.
The prank callers to the Italian PM and to others showing that the EU "is tired" of the war.

Significant: And no one is refuting that.

Here is the bottom line.

We know from their past actions that these EU/West leaders / elites are egotistical jerks and would be the first ones to:

a. In a cruel, laughing, cackle shout out "LOOSER" at the Russians, if the Russians were failing.

b. Would be out there crowing how superior they are and how the ukrianinas are winning proves that the west is superior in its diversity and its superiorly moral culture (what a joke)

c. And how putin is hitler and Russia is evil.

(they are not saying that anymore...why? Because you are not allowed to negotiate with is bad form and morally reprehensible)

But no one is saying or doing any of those things.

Here is the deal, they would not be talking peace if Ukraine was winning this war and victory was assured. Instead they would be talking about:

Regime change in Moscow
The amount of reparations Ukraine would be receiving
The status of war crime trials for the Russian Hierarchy.

None of that is happening either and is a clear sign that the tide has turned in this war.

The way it is going now with Zelinski digging in his heels and the west waffling , you have to wonder what a "peace deal" would even look like.

Hans Persson said...

Well put.