Thursday, November 9, 2023

Russian Foreign Minister Says The West Is Pushing For A Big War In The Middle East

© Artem Geodakyan/TASS  

TASS: Lavrov blames Anglo-Saxons for pushing Middle East towards big war  

According to the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, this line of the West traditionally leads to surges in terrorism and multi-million flows of refugees 

MOSCOW, November 6. /TASS/. The Anglo-Saxon forces are pushing the Middle East towards a big war, which is leading to a surge in terrorism and millions-strong refugee flows, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"We can see the Anglo-Saxons literally pushing the Middle East to the brink of a big war," he pointed out, addressing the Znanie (Knowledge) marathon at the International RUSSIA EXPO. 

According to Lavrov, the West’s policy is on full display in Ukraine, Iraq, Libya and Syria. "The outcome of this policy also includes a surge in terrorism and extremism, broken lives, shattered families and millions-strong refugee flows," the top Russian diplomat added. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I hope he is wrong. 

Russian Foreign Minister Says The West Is Pushing For A Big War In The Middle East  

Russia says West is pushing Middle East to brink of a ‘big war’ -- Middle East Monitor  

Lavrov: Anglo-Saxons Pushing Middle East towards Big War -- Palestine Chronicle  

Lavrov Says West Pushing Middle East Region To Brink Of A "Big War" -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

Russia ain’t the bad guys, we are folks

Anonymous said...

I doubt it. Russia wants a big war because it will suck away the assets from Ukraine. Putin/Lavrov can't win on the battlefield but they can win by Ukraine losing support due to a bigger land and sea war and Ukraine having to settle with Putin.

Anonymous said...

Why are we fighting Russia through Ukraine again? Why did we torpedo any chance of negotiations? Why are we supporting Zelensky indefinitely postponing elections, essentially disallowing the Ukrainian people to have a voice and put an end to the conflict? Shut the fuck up you war mongering troll

Anonymous said...

We can fight Iran and support Ukraine. Iran is fragile. They have a water shortage problems. the Ayatollahs are too corrupt to care.

Stop giving aid to the Houthis and interdict and search all ship to Yemen. The Houthis missile problem will disappear quickly.

A war with Iran means cleaning out the IRGC from the US border and Isla de Magarita and the rest of Venezuela. Joe is to busy stealing money to consider it. Obama is too dumb and wants America to fail anyway.

Unless the Iraq government helps the Shia Militias the US is no jeopardy in Iraq or Syria. The only real threat is Hezbollah. They are along the border in Mexico too. they also have a lot of missiles. If Obama, Biden et all quit telling Saudi Arabia no, the Houthis are not threat.

It is really telling that Obama a Muslim favors Iran over Saudi Arabia. I guess hating America takes precendence of the religion of his Sunni father.

Anonymous said...

" the right thing to do!" Lololololololol

Anonymous said...

It is really telling that Obama a Muslim favors Iran over Saudi Arabia. I guess hating America takes precendence of the religion of his Sunni father.

anyone who says dumb shit like this needs to be spanked for being so phucking dumb

Anonymous said...

Obama clearly favors Islam over secular Democracy and Christianity. Take for example his Cairo speech.

Obama went out of his way to kiss up to Iran.

We have Hezbollah setting up shop on the Mexican side of the southern border.

We have the IRGC in Venezuela at the Isla de Magarita

We have an unknown number of sleeper agents form Hezbollah and others in the Us thanks to Biden and Obama

Phucking? That seems Fredlike. Is someone imitating him? Should I call Fred and find out if someone is occasionally posting as him here?

Anonymous said...

Do you understand what you are saying?

Obama is a sunni. Yes?

Iran is Shia. Yes?

Sunnis and Shias hate each other and consider the other sect to be apostates.

So why would OBummer who is Sunni support Iran over Saudi Arabia (the home of islam)

You post is cracked.

Anonymous said...

good just the way i like it big big big war u fools

Anonymous said...

No big war yet. Might be coming. Russia is getting low tech weapons from the norks with chinese ok's.

Anonymous said...

The right thing to do. How about that illegal occupation of Syria and the theft of its oil? How about actually helping the people in Hawaii? How about allowing the people of Ukraine decide their future? Forcing them to commit genocide on themselves is not helping anyone you fool