Sunday, November 26, 2023

The West Has Lost The Artillery Shell Race In Ukraine

A Ukrainian serviceman prepares artillery shells [File: Kateryna Klochko/AP Photo]  

The Telegraph: How the West lost the artillery shell race and what it means for Ukraine 

As the weather worsens and front lines are frozen in place, Ukraine is struggling to secure enough artillery shells to change the equation.

President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned key shipments of 155mm munitions have dropped off after fighting erupted between Israel and Hamas last month. 

Both Ukraine and Russia have struggled to maintain stockpiles of shells after nearly two years of long-range duels across vast battlefields. 

But recently Moscow has received one million shells from its ally North Korea in 10 separate shipments since August, according to South Korea’s intelligence service. 

This has helped sustain Russian forces in a renewed attempt to capture Avdiivka, pummelling the Donetsk region town relentlessly with artillery fire. 

At the same time, the European Union has conceded its one-year target to deliver a million shells to Kyiv by next March will not be reached.  

Read more ....  

WNU editor: During the Second World War artillery was responsible for over 70% of the casualties on the Russian front. This war is no different. But what is sobering about this war is that for the past year I have been reading and hearing reports that for every shell Ukraine uses, Russia uses five. And it is not only artillery that Ukraine is in short supply. According to numerous Western reports Ukraine is now being outmatched in firepower in almost everything. This includes missiles, drones, the deployment of air resources and their ordinances, and armor. Needless to say that in a war of attrition, and this war is a war of attrition, the side that has the most resources will eventually win.


Anonymous said...

In audio intercepts from the front lines in Ukraine, Russian soldiers speak in shorthand. They describe 200s to mean dead, 300s to mean wounded, and 500s to describe people who refuse to fight.

The voices of desperate Russian soldiers trying to get out of the Ukraine war | AP News

Anonymous said...

I saw the post below. It is true.

Michael Size
Nov 24
The problem here is not capacity, but demand. NATO isn't rearming, so weapons companies aren't investing in production

Joe Biden is a mother fucker.
Scholz is a mother fucker.
Macron .. Macron is gay.

Anonymous said...

but all those individuals are all staunch defenders of the Ukraine! without them , the ukies would have no weapons.

how can you say such things.

Anonymous said...

Mathieu Gallet: Macron's gay lover? C'est faux

France election: Macron laughs off gay affair rumours

H0 (H naught) is the proposition Macron is a normal red blooded male.

H0 is clearly rejected.

A 29 year old male marries a 54 year old woman. It happens, but it is definitely at the tale of the normal or t distributions. Worse it is so rare it might be or should be considered a Black Swan event.

Macron 45
Britches 70

We are definitely into beard territory. Like the GF we hear about.

Anonymous said...

"but all those individuals are all staunch defenders of the Ukraine! without them , the ukies would have no weapons."

They make a great show of it, but fail to do more. It warms you black russian heart.

Anonymous said...

But that does not matter. They all support the Ukraine.

Do you not support victory in the Ukraine? Then you are in good company!!

Anonymous said...

Assange says he has dirt on French candidate Emmanuel Macron as rumours of homosexual affair swirl

Anonymous said...

loquaciousness in supporting Ukraine is virtue signaling

Acta Non Verba

Anonymous said...

you do not have to worry or be. sad. your friends
Joe Biden .
Scholz i
the ISI

Neocon Krystal
the Kagan cabal
all the liberals and rhinos in DC

All the MIC

all The MSM
are all behind Ukraine. Your victory is assured.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Russian pig, we can get angry enough on our own without you stirring the pot. Will you increase our anger domestically? No. Will you paint a bright fluorescent target on yourself? That is were the extra created anger will go.

Time to return the favor and stir up the stans after what you did and are doing to their people.

Anonymous said...

The Russians have proven to be vastly underestimated by the parrot media in the western world it would be refreshing to let RT broadcast again but the ministers of propaganda in the western world don't want anything resembling the truth broadcast on their channels so we look forward to one more week of slava ukraine and oh my goodness did you see the way Megan looked at King Charles???We deserve what we get ....................

Anonymous said...


yes Ukrainian pigggggg, IN MY COUNTRY I AM BIG MAN. (Watch Armageddon with bruce Willis)

You will succeed because of your rainbow flag and tranny bars. You are loved by progressive liberals and neocons everywhere. Slava Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

If you are angry. you have every right to be.

who turned the Ukraine into a divided society?

who financed the effort to divide the country?

who influenced the Ukrainian government to deal falsely in the Minsk accords?

who started anti Russian ethnic cleansing campaigns in your country?

who reneged on there agreement to the Russians on the Sebastopol naval base?

who divided the Orthodox church?
who influence your government to join NATO

who has been financing you presidential and congressional campaigns so your leadership is basically hand picked and pre-western approved?

Answer all these questions you will see who your real enemy is and how they led your people down the primrose path to depravation, war and death.

Anonymous said...

and do not forget to ask this question.

The Ukraine and the Russians had fine relations up until 2014. There were rough spots but not enough to inspire conflict and certainly not war.

Who instigated the color revolutions and turned slav brother against slav brother.? It certainly was not the russians.

Anonymous said...

As far back as I can remember the Russians have not been brothers to Ukrainians.

Some thing about the Holodomor.

And this week what do the Russians do? Take down every Holodomor monument in the occupied territories. Not very brotherly.

Anonymous said...

The Holodomor was not the doing of Russia, but the Soviet Union. Wasn't your buddy kagonovich the headmaster on that operation?

And is he a relation to the neocon Kagans in DC? and who is related to that family , why miss Vicky nulland. and who is dying in large numbers again? Why it is the Ukrainians is it not?
and besides having all the same name, what else do the have in common?

Anonymous said...

Things aren't as bad as WNU Editor suggests. When the war began Russian routinely fired up to ten times the amount of artillery shells as the Ukrainians. So this ratio of five to one that is supposedly going to doom Ukraine is half of that earlier, and it didn't defeat the Ukrainians then.

Russia shoots almost nothing except for "dumb" artillery shells, and you can be sure all that North Korean stock are dumb shells (not to mention a high number of duds). It takes a lot of dumb shells to hit a target. That doesn't mean I would want to be under an artillery barrage. Just that most of these shells aren't going to hit.

In contrast, while the Ukrainians have a lot less shells, they have a significant amount of precision guided shells provided by the West. (And a lower dud rate in general because of better manufacturing.) Which means Ukraine can have just as effective artillery - or even more so - while shooting a lot less shells. That's why Ukraine eventually achieved artillery parity and on some fronts superiority since the summer. It's why visually confirmed Russian vehicle, artillery, and equipment losses have been something like four to five times that of Ukrainian losses. It's why Russian soldiers started complaining about the ineffectiveness of Russian counter-battery fire.

Not every loss gun will result in the loss of its trained crew. But an awful lot of Russian artillery crews must have died. Replacing them will not be easy, and the new crews will likely have abbreviated training courses leading to degraded performance. But Russia hasn't bother to adequately train or equip its forces because it prefers to waste its men and equipment in high casualty assaults in a desperate attempt to prevent bad news from the front. So its performance continues to degrade and that will likely continue.

The West collectively squandered a lot of time before making the necessary investments for a long war, and there are still some European countries dragging their feet. But the idea that now Ukraine will be operating at some heretofore unseen disadvantage is codswallop. It just means Ukraine won't have the advantage over Russia it should be having in the third year of the war. It's unfortunate for Ukraine, but it isn't doom. Reversing decades of neglect takes time. Western production will not ramp up until late 2024. The front line will likely remain stable until then.

The reason the EU is not able to provide Ukraine with its million shell goal is that 40% of its production is going to third countries. If some of those countries agree to their orders filling in late, or the EU makes Ukraine its top priority and tells the other customers they'll need to wait, Ukraine's needs can be easily met. The issue is a political one, not a production one - although obviously increasing production is critical. And that means a political decision can increase how many shells are sent to Ukraine. Like a lot of Western decisions, this will probably occur later than it should, but I wouldn't be surprised if in early 2024 the EU countries finally take steps to prioritize Ukraine.


Anonymous said...

Thats great chis at 728 , general Valery Zaluzhny Is a LIAR

here is what you said

Which means Ukraine can have just as effective artillery - or even more so - while shooting a lot less shells. That's why Ukraine eventually achieved artillery parity and on some fronts superiority since the summer. It's why visually confirmed Russian vehicle, artillery, and equipment losses have been something like four to five times that of Ukrainian losses

Here is what the General said.
Russia should not be underestimated. It has suffered heavy losses and expended a lot of ammunition.

.... But it will have superiority in weapons, equipment, missiles and ammunition for a considerable time.

Its defence industry is increasing its output, despite unprecedented sanctions. Our nato partners are dramatically increasing their production capacity, too. But it takes at least a year to do this and, in some cases, such as aircraft and command-and-control systems, two years.

Does ........... will have superiority in weapons, equipment, missiles and ammunition .....

have any meaning for you, or has that airplane glue finally melted you brain.

What you said and what he says are two opposites, so one of you must be lying.

You are a liar and you suck.

Anonymous said...

Russia was the engine of the Soviet Union politically. The USSR grew out of and superseded the Russian Empire not the Georgian empire, Kazakhi more, Tuvan empire etc.

Russia is as connected to the USSR as Tang, Ming, Qing, Han and sui dynasties are connected to each other and the CCP.

There were a few minorities in the politburo and such, but as the USSR it become more and more Russian until the late 1980s when they tried to diversify. Too late

Please put in another quarter to play again.

Anonymous said...

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, also Kahanovich

Kagan is actually a common surname

Robert Kagan has roots from Lithuania.

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, also Kahanovich has roots in Ukraine and was Jewish. Ukrainian not so much.

But the usual Russian BS. Filibuster and throw up anything and everything to see if it will stick.

Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich was kicked out of the party and so the USSR ruling elite became more Russian.

Anonymous said...

And is he a relation to the neocon Kagans in DC?

Russian fucker could have looked it up on his own, but that would not further its trolling.

Anonymous said...

Avdeevka is getting pounding by the russian non existent artillery and the non existent cluster bombs. the front at kherson was a temporary joke and thoseforces are retreating.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA. you wasted a lot of time on the Kagan divergence...HAHAHA. how long did it take you to look it up?


Anonymous said...

Who said the Russians did not Use cluster munitions? No one.

Who said Russian artillery was nonexistent? No one.

Have said Ukrainian counter batter is better.

Have said that Ukrainian quality is better.

Check your privilege bitch.

Anonymous said...

Check you privilege/

really? ok snowflake. Lol what a loser.

Anonymous said...

Lets see, latest news from the front.

The Ukrainian kherson offensive is going well. They have managed to get one humvee and one Bradley across the river. Sadly, they were destroyed. The rest of the glorious vanguard is are moving in good order back across the water. The brave men on the Russian side of the river all volunteered to stay behind and act as a rear guard once they found out all the boats were sunk.

In Avdeeka, they have the Russians on the run. They are faking the russians out by pulling back from the SE zone and sending out fake radio traffic that they are running out of ammo. The 47th brigade continues to fight on without spare parts for their machines and medical supplies. I guess someone decided they would make more money sending them to Gaza.

In other news, since the 100m dollars sent by the US will buy only 1 more HIMARS and a little bit of ammunition to supply the whole front. In addition one has to take the 25% off for extraneous fees for higher rank participation awards and cash bonuses.

All in all, it is going well. Our geriatric brigades are almost fully ready and will be fully ready to go, once we get our tapioca, blood pressure meds and Provigil rations ready. If Joe Biden can do it, so can we!!

Anonymous said...

SMO continues and Avdeevka is being mopped up, including Russian forces capturing Yasinovataya-2 station--an abscess which existed since 2014 and was used by NATO forces to shell civilian areas of Donetsk. It was also the most fortified area of all 404 front.

is this true?

I do not think so. but if they have taken "the most fortified area" what does that mean

the fortifications after 8 years of work were pretty pathetic


what does that tell you abut the rest of the fortifications in the area.