Monday, November 20, 2023

Tomorrow's Emergency BRICS Summit Will Call For A Ceasefire In The Israel - Hamas War

Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets a delegation of foreign ministers from Arab and Islamic countries in Beijing on November 20, 2023. Photo: Chinese Foreign Ministry  

Global Times: Beijing hosts delegation, urges immediate cease-fire in Gaza  

Arab-Islamic delegation’s first stop in Beijing underscores trust, highlighting China’s constructive role in Middle East  

China urged an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, expressed opposition to any forced displacement and relocation of Palestinian civilians and emphasized that any arrangement concerning the future and destiny of the Palestinian people must have their consent, Chinese top diplomat Wang Yi told visiting Arab and Islamic foreign ministers on Monday. 

Apart from talks with Arab and Islamic countries, China is also keeping communication with other permanent members of the UN Security Council on the Palestinian-Israeli issue.  

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WNU Editor: BRICS will be having an emergency meeting on the Israel - Hamas war tomorrow .... Putin to take part in emergency BRICS summit – Kremlin (RT).


Anonymous said...


The engine pulling the train at BRICS is Russian and China (i.e. the enemy).

Russia is large 3rd world nation with nukes. Brasil is run by an kleptocrat idiot. Lula is a disappointment, when measured by a socialist yard stick. South Afrika is an apartheid state.
They flipped the script. Still apartheid. Indonesia is not so great. Racist against any minority. Pick one. Papua New Guineans. check. Han. Check Timorese. Check...

Anonymous said...

Why have a cease fire? Because Israel is about to destroy Hamas and Iran does not want to lose its toy, its stalking horse.

Hans Persson said...


My thought exactly. Get it done once and for all.

Anonymous said...

note this: you can eliminate every Hamas person in Gaza but the sources for funding will remain untouched for others to work with. for details, see The Economist.

Anonymous said...

Yes we know that the leadershit of Hamas live in Qatar and Turkey insulated from their warmaking. they can be tracked down by Mossad.

Obamas, Biden and Blinken will not be around forever. Biden is a demented old fool. He is not likely the Democrat's candidate for office. Blinken has a good chance of not being at State after Biden is gone. A new person, Democrat or Republican, will bring a lot of their own people. it is musical chairs and they will be more Democrat hangers-on than chairs.

What is in Blinken's future? Consulting group? University provost sinecure? Talking head? Think tank? Khameini's leman? Hamas Spokesman?

Hillary will consult with Obama if it will increase her power or to avoid him sabotaging her.

Newsom is a good boy. He will take orders.

Michelle Obama will go the identity politics/tribal way. Anti-Israel. If she gets in, she will start racking up a disapproval rating as she messes up and people express disapproval. she will go scorched earth. She might not have time to be anti-Israel. She also might shove Blinken aside for someone black and female for Sec of State.

Trump or someone similar will undo the relaxation of sanctions and that will starve Hamas of cash.

If you are Arabs and there is obnoxious Hamas leadership around with money and nothing to do but cause trouble? they might have to depart their safe havens or part with some cash or whatever. Their wings might be clipped. Arabs respect strength, they do not like losers. Hamas is losing.

Anonymous said...

Hama Hama you mama Hamas fools

Anonymous said...

Drop the bomb 💣

Anonymous said...

In an eastern suburb of Moscow, patriotic Russian citizens helped round up illegal and legal migrants. The illegal migrants were fined, deported and banned from Russia for five years. The legal migrants were sent to Ukraine…

Bunch of shit is what Russians are doing.

They treat legals like cannon fodder?

Russia delenda est.

Anonymous said...

Appreciate you, fool.

B.Poster said...

Both of you nailed it. The only reason for a cease fire would be to preserve Hamas, allow them to rest, rearm, and continue the fight.

Anonymous said...

hell is waiting 4 u all suckers