Friday, November 17, 2023

Ukraine Claims Its Marines Have Seized Multiple Bridgeheads Across The Dnieper River


RFE: Ukraine Says It Has Established 'Several Bridgeheads' Along East Bank Of Dnieper River 

The Ukrainian military says it has established "several bridgeheads" on the eastern banks of the Dnieper River in Russian-occupied territory of the southern Kherson region following a "series of successful operations." 

The Ukrainian Marine Corps said in a statement published on Facebook on November 17 that operations were continuing on the eastern banks of the Dnieper and that Russian forces had suffered heavy losses "in manpower and equipment." 

Ukrainian forces are trying to push Russian forces away from the Dnieper to stop the shelling of civilian areas on the Ukrainian-held west bank, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said on November 17.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The view in Russia is different .... Russia says it’s ‘destroying’ Ukrainians that crossed into occupied territory, vowing to inflict ‘hell’ on them (CNBC). 

The sources that I trust tell me that this bridgehead is a meat grinder for the Ukrainian soldiers who are being deployed there. Supply and logistics coupled with inadequate air defense are the reasons why this "new" offensive will not make any headway. But it is good PR and the hope is that it will raise morale.

Ukraine Claims Its Marines Have Seized Multiple Bridgeheads Across The Dnieper River  

Ukrainian marines claim multiple bridgeheads across a key Russian strategic barrier -- ABC News/AP  

Ukraine establishes 'several bridgeheads' on eastern bank of Dnipro - military -- Reuters  

Ukraine war: Marines gain riverbank foothold but front lines barely move -- BBC  

Ukrainian military reports ‘successful operations’ on Dnipro River’s east bank -- The Guardian  

Ukraine claims gains against Russian positions on Dnipro east bank -- Al Jazeera  

Ukraine trying to push Russian invaders out of shelling range of Kherson on left bank of Dnipro -- The New Voice of Ukraine  

Ukraine claims a new ‘foothold’ in the south. What does that mean for Kyiv’s efforts to keep the West on its side? -- CNN


Anonymous said...

SKYCOPE SAGA: The Canadian company SkyScope affirms it did sell anti-drone radar(s) to Russia. Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair says CDN law enforcement and intelligence agencies will conduct a “very serious” investigation of the matter.

Anonymous said...

If the bridgeheads are a meat grinder for Ukraine and the Ukrainians have no reserves than how are the bridgeheads still there and multiplying?

We do know that the Russians sent two regiments form other areas of the line to Kherson. So somebody is getting whacked.

The Ukrainians have enough time and equipment on their hands to hunt Russians on motorcycles.

Meanwhile the Russians expended missiles against Selydove and committing yet another war crime. I saw no military equipment there. Just a shattered apartment building. Is this why Bukhanka had a beer?

Anonymous said...

LOOMING AIR BATTLE: In preparation for Ukrainian F-16s entering the fight, UK Intel reports that Russia is “likely” to use its updated A-50 ‘Mainstay-D’ AWACs-type aircraft. The Mainstay-D will be used to control RU aircraft to engage UKR fighters.

Biden to Putin: "Here is the deal man. I have dragged my feet long enough on the F-16s. People are becoming suspicious, I will drag my feet a little longer until you can get in a place a counter, the A-50. For real. Not a joke."

Anonymous said...

A few Russian soldiers kicked one of their commander who sent them on a suicide assault

The video was retrieved from the phone of a dead Russian

I am looking forward to the day this becomes more widespread

Anonymous said...

Maybe the term “Bridgehead” is an exaggeration but the Russians don’t want to argue that point with words.

Anonymous said...

If it is perceived as threat then the MoD looks bad.

If you pretend they are tearing you up, but you are tearing them up, making it look bad allows you to farm them.

I look to how deeply and how often each side strikes. Naturally, since President Joe Bidet has received Russian money through his shell companies he is a worthless FUCK! I hope he or his son caught some sort of incurable VD. So for the next 3 or 4 months Russia has an edge in the air with their bombings.

But when colonels way behind the lines are dying, then maybe things are not going smoothly for the Ivan chuckleheads.

Anonymous said...

Actual mental illness to believe Pedo Joe works for the Russians through some nebulous shell companies when he openly reaped huge amounts of cash through his Ukrainian fiefdom. What are the chances your tactical assessments are also recycled ukrainian twitter conspiracies? Get a grip on reality.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden reaped money from Russia, Romania, Ukraine and China.
Joe Biden was and is an equal opportunity ho.

It is up to a bankruptcy court to determine, who holds the deed to Joe Biden in the final analysis.

How the Biden family used shell companies to enrich themselves

Now grab your favorite sex toy, you Russian fuck and take the rest of the day off.

Anonymous said...

"The Biden family and associates allegedly had about 20 shell companies that received money from entities in several nations including Ukraine, Russia, China, Romania, Kazakhstan."

I forgot Kazakhstan. Biden spread his legs for the Kazakhs too.

Did Putin pop Biden's cherry? Was he the first? If not Vladimir should get checked out for STDs.

Anonymous said...

And how does the $150 billion gifted to Putin's enemy fit into this narrative?

Anonymous said...

This war is a meat grinder for BOTH sides, Russia may win some land because they have more resources, but it’s hell on both. One tail tail sign is Russia’s difficulty with raising new commands

Anonymous said...

"And how does the $150 billion gifted to Putin's enemy fit into this narrative?"

You deny that foot dragging can tip the conflict to Russia's side and still have cover?

If Biden flatly refused any aid, he would look 100% Manchurian.

If he gives some aid but not enough, he has cover. When Ukraine had the Kherson and Karkhiv offensives on 2022, F-16s, ATACMS would have been nice.

With a more complete mix of weaponry, Ukraine might have bene able to take advantage of the Russians having no defenses i=on the left banks for a few to several days.

Just How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent to Ukraine?
Bilateral aid to Ukraine between January 24, 2022, and July 31, 2023

So Joe authorized $77 billion through July 2023. So where is the 150 billion? Yeah, that is Europe. Joe really cannot tell the EU to drag their feet.