Friday, November 17, 2023

Ukraine President Zelensky Says Russia Is Trying To Organize A Coup Against Him

Kyiv Post: Zelensky Reveals Moscow’s ‘Maidan 3’ Plan: Disinformation Campaign Aiming to Spark Coup  

After deep fakes appeared in an attempt show discord between Ukrainian military and political leadership, Zelensky points to a Russian disinformation campaign meant to incite chaos and overthrow him. 

President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russia is attempting to sow division within Ukrainian society, creating “chaos” within the country. 

“Our intelligence has information, which also came from our partners,” the President explained in an interview with Bloomberg. According to Zelensky, the new Russian disinformation plan has the code name “Maidan 3,” referring to the central square of Kyiv, which was the focal point of protests in 2004 and a 2014 uprising that overthrew of the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. 

“Maidan is a coup for them, so the operation is understandable,” Zelensky added.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I am sure the Kremlin would be happy to see Zelensky gone. But I doubt that a coup is possible in Kyiv. The security apparatus around Zelensky is very good, and I have not heard or seen any real organized resistance among the military ranks to move against Zelensky. If I was in the Ukraine government I would be more worried about soldiers not willing to fight and/or disobeying orders, something that I am hearing from my Ukrainian sources is happening with increasing frequency on the front-lines. 

The Bloomberg article that quotes Ukraine President Zelensky's claim that Russia is plotting a coup against him is here .... Zelenskiy Says Shell Supply to Ukraine Slowed by Israel-Hamas War (Bloomberg). 

Ukraine President Zelensky Says Russia Is Trying To Organize A Coup Against Him  

Russia preparing coup in Ukraine to remove President - Zelensky -- Ukrinform  

Russia preparing “Maidan-3” in Ukraine - Zelenskyy -- Ukrainian News 

Zelensky warns of Russian disinformation campaign aimed at regime change in Kyiv -- Novaya Gazeta Europe  

Zelensky worried Russia plotting coup against him -- TASS 

Zelensky fears a new ‘Maidan’ – Bloomberg -- RT


Anonymous said...

Since he says that the information on this came from “partners,” it is even possible that the U.S. is trying to “shake-up” the social-psychology situation amongst would-be “constructive” putschists and even to hint or foreshadow propitious paths to success.

Anonymous said...

One possible strand, out of many possibilities

Anonymous said...

Turnabout is fair play, after all.

Anonymous said...

Interesting admission that by his estimate "maidan revolutions" are foreign engineered coups. Really activates the almonds, doesn't it?