Wednesday, November 22, 2023

U.S. Army Says It Is Rethinking How Much Artillery It Will Need For A Potential Large-Scale Future Fight


 Business Insider: Watching Ukraine burn through ammo fighting Russia has the US Army rethinking how much it really needs for when war breaks out 

 * Both sides of the war in Ukraine have burned through insane amounts of ammo, straining stockpiles globally. 

 * The war has prompted the US Army to rethink how much it should be producing and stockpiling, both for itself and its allies. 

 * A US official told Business Insider the Army is both ramping up production and modernizing its process. 

With both sides of the war in Ukraine burning through ammo at astonishing rates, the US Army says it's rethinking what it needs for a potential large-scale future fight. 

But with production, particularly of 155mm artillery shells, ramping up, the Army is also looking at how to modernize its ongoing manufacturing and stockpiles — both to continue supporting allies like Ukraine and Israel, as well as have enough ammo should the US find itself in a high-intensity conflict of its own, especially against a major military power.  

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WNU Editor: The way I see it. If Ukraine runs out of artillery shells, they will lose this war. That is the lesson that the US Army should walk away with.


Anonymous said...

full of shit think like it what a world of shit out of mind

Anonymous said...

you sir are full of shit

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is a Mother Fucker!

Having been in the DCMA "Demilitarization of Ammunition" supply chain, this is a hard economic truth that has been much ignored because the Biden Administration is trying to 'stage manage a draw' in Ukraine

everyone needs to see this and understand that all the expired rockets cost the US money to story, move, and decommission.. that is NOT a cheap process.

sending them to ukraine...

transport by air "free", we already pay for "training flights" to keep air crews numbers up
demil is free, with the russians help as "catchers".
free storage now for new items...

so the down side is????

If you are stage managing a draw you have blood on your hands.

Here is the deal. For Real Not a joke. If President Bystander had taken General Patton's advice of the Firstest with the Mostest, there would not be a need for ammunition 2 years in. The war would be over.

Joe Biden is a STUPID FUCKER.

Biden voters are DUMB FUCKERS!

Anonymous said...

You're right, the US Army has much more than 1200 ATACMS. 1200 is just how many are "expired".

The US could give much more and save money. You cannot throw rocket fuel and HE in the garbage.

Disassembly of a missile is more complicated than assembling it.

Trump will tell the stake holder, the public and Ukraine, what he intends to do and then try to do it. He also listens.

Bide like most Democrat officials lie about what he intends to to do. Biden is not helping Ukraine. Biden purposefully has Ukraine on life sup[port.

Biden is a Mother Fucker!

Anonymous said...

^^^ Whoah Spazz Zone Above

I wonder if these analysts will get medals.

Anonymous said...

Skoda you are being an idiot again.

You have no idea if those bombs were past shelf life. And if they were , why were the Americans giving defective weapons to the ukies? If the ukies are sooooo important?

Where is you criticism of such action , like your criticism of the russians buying NK ammo with a "possible dud rate" (based on a fallacy of the island bombardment that happened years ago)

Do the Americans give defective weapons to the Jews too or just to the Ukrainians?

BTW. "firstis with the mostest" was from the civil war.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Biden voters are DUMB FUCKERS!--says the commenter above
Biden seriously beat Trump with the popular vote and so your remark dismisses democracy as worthless. If that is your belief, why not move to another country . Most of us here like our country and democracy.

fred said...

Joe Biden is a Mother Fucker!

you mom tell you this?

Anonymous said...

Fred, the former, retired professor of English who claims he still has contact with intel weanies.

I am pissed.

Now I have been reading the X accounts of these two guys.

Married father of four great kids, Retired US DoD Civil Servant, Section 22 Special Interest Group list admin, Chicagoboyz-dot-net history blogger

former ADA 16/14R / intel guy 96B with a P

They are broadcasting in their names on X. One of them has more recent and better intel knowledge than you can ever claim. You were what a runner? Yes, that is dangerous. Who else was a famous runner? Hmmmm.

Anyway, they point out they is plenty of ammunition such as ATACMS that is reaching at or past its shelf life. There are inventory holding cost. There are disassembly or demiling costs. Those costs would offset or eliminated by sending to Ukraine. Transportation is free or nearly so. Pilots have to put in so many hours to keep their qualifications.

Instead fly around in circles, which I see them do where I live, they can fly to Europe and offload these to Poland.

There are over 1,200 ATACM missiles that are not part of current US war plans because of shelf life. That is they are not part of stock we are relying on.

Shipping missiles t Europe would actually be better training, It is real and has more purpose. People would take it seriously and their skills would actually be better than performing the same generic training.

You're right, the US Army has much more than 1200 ATACMS. 1200 is just how many are "expired".

Joe Biden commits war crimes against Ukraine every day he withholds old stock that would be a godsend to Ukraine. That makes Joe a war criminal.

I have been studying people like you. I want to know why you can be so blind as you are. I have an answer. It is the correct answer, but it is an unsatisfactory answer.

Anonymous said...

So is the great Fred who was in intel 7 decades ago and ran messages for his unit (which was dangerous) have a reply? Some bravery there.

Where is the bravery to defend Joe Biden's decisions to half ass support Ukraine?

There are only 3 answers to defend it.
- Fear of Escalation (We have bene through this over and over and over.)
- Pipeline throughput issues (Evidence?)
- The stocks are old. (It is war time and we are in extremis so lets shoot that bogus response down right now.)

The intel weenie's intel back ground is current or only a decade old unlike Mr. 7 decades old intel work at the lowest level.

But we are dealing with a "Vote blue, no matter who."

I expect no answer with coherence or weight.

Anonymous said...

Four hours and no defense of Biden's stingy Ukraine policies.

Run away

Shoot and scoot

shit and fly away like seagull

Anonymous said...

Does Biden work for the other side?

Ukrainians want more ATCMS.

More ATACMS exist that are shelf life expired more or less.

Joe Biden will not send them.

So I ask you. Does Xi have black ail pictures of Hunter Biden?

provide Ukraine additional ATACMS !

provide Ukraine the Taurus missiles !

PLEASE HELP expel the russian invaders!


#SlavaUkraini #StopPutinNOW #CrimeaIsUkraine #UkraineWillWin️

Anonymous said...

Biden cheated an ironically the real threat to democracy! because of his election interference! Unethically and illegally Censoring big Tech-social media platforms, newspapers and legacy media covering up the hunter Biden laptop scandal and their illegal activities and illicit business dealings in Ukraine! Then the Political which hunting which includes the wasting of 60 million dollars of tax dollars and the politicization and weaponizing of the FBI against Trump who were proved to using unlawful methods and means of creating fake charges and evidence against Him! Just for the sake of destroying his character and keep him from winning! The nonstop slander and never ending lies and mass defamation of character campaign repeating lying about things he’s Said, deliberately editing his comments, statements and speeches and claiming he said things he didnr