Thursday, November 16, 2023

U.S. President Biden Calls Chinese President Xi Jinping A Dictator At The End Of Their Summit


CNN: Biden says he still believes Xi Jinping is a dictator 

Woodside, California CNN — US President Joe Biden said Wednesday he still believes Chinese President Xi Jinping is a dictator, even as the two leaders made progress in their relationship during a meeting outside San Francisco. 

“Well, look, he’s a dictator in the sense that he is a guy who runs a country that is a communist country that’s based on a form of government totally different than ours,” Biden told CNN’s MJ Lee. “Anyway, we made progress.” 

When asked about Biden’s latest comment at a Chinese Foreign Ministry briefing on Thursday, a spokesperson called it “extremely erroneous” and an “irresponsible political maneuver, which China firmly opposes.”  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Biden calls Xi a dictator after carefully planned summit -- Reuters  

Update #2: Biden again calls Xi Jinping a 'dictator' as China vows to be 'unstoppable' in retaking Taiwan -- FOX News  

WNU Editor: There was agreement on some issues.... Biden and Xi agree to curb illicit fentanyl and restart military communications—but remain miles apart of many critical issues (Fortune). But I would say this reaction from US Secretary of State Blinken accurately sums up how this meeting will be remembered for .... Video shows the moment Antony Blinken winces after Biden calls China's Xi a dictator, upending months of careful diplomacy (Business Insider).  

Update #3: China has responded to US President Biden's remark that Chinese President Xi Jinping is a dictator .... China Decries Biden's Off-Script 'Dictator Xi' Comment As "Extremely Wrong" Political Maneuvering (Zero Hedge).  

Update #4: Could not have said ti any better (see tweet below).


Anonymous said...

The US did not get anything. There was no win Biden to tout for the presidential campaign. the Staffers, Obama holdovers, also were miffed.

So the smartest people in the room came up with this presser for quick and easy cheap political points. It was said in a press conference not in a tweet. So it gives it more weight and dignitas.

I am so happy Joe Biden is our president. He is the greatest! He has gravitas unlike George Bush or Orange Man Bad.

Anonymous said...

Herd Animals

Al Hunt
Juan Williams
Claire Shipman
Steve Roberts
Vic Fazio
Jeff Greenfield
Jonathan Alter
Former Senator Bob Kerrey
Margaret Carlson
Mike McCurry
Sam Donaldson (Objective, non-partisan journalist?)
Eleanor Clift
Walter Isaacson
"Maxipad" Mark Shields
Judy Woodruff

They get together on sites like JornoList or read each others work and explicitly or implicitly they all strive to be in harmony and follow the herd.

Same with the Joe bide/Obama holdover staffers.

Anonymous said...

I think we all can agree, Joe is an idiot. NOW the "collective Biden" will try to clean up ANOTHER mess.

on a totally different subject

Begin article.......

My rough estimate of Population currently within Kiev controled territory

Starting point 34 million as of 2014

5 million fled to Europe 2014-21
5 million fled to Europe 2022-23
3 million fled to Russia 2014-21
3 million fled to Russia 2022-23
7 million living in DPR, LPR, Crimea
11 million

in the worst years, 90's , ukraine lost 3 million

From 2001's census 48 million to 2014 let's say they lost another 3

So 2014 =45 million

even with your exits there would be 22 million.

But exit to the west is likely 8 million and 10 million to russia or russian held territories. That would give the 32 million some say are currently in kiev ukraine.

So no less than 22, no more than 32, certainly not 11

Just to prove a point, if it was 11 million they would have had to draft university students just to have the troops they have used. Furthermore they could not have spared a significant portion of the population from any casualties in family and friends.

20-30 I think very few outside those in certain positions know any better.

end article.....

Two different get to choose which one. Note that war dead or wounded or currently "in service" manpower numbers are not included in these calculations

Either way two things are extremely doubtful,

A. that Ukraine can conduct any type of full scale, robust offensive. Example the current one in Kherson will be very limited in scope.

B. they have the manpower to win this war.

Anonymous said...

"Video shows the moment Antony Blinken winces after Biden calls China's Xi a dictator, upending months of careful diplomacy"

Why wince? Anthony Blinken is one of battalion of liars, who keep up the pretense that Joe Biden is fit for office. It is the quid pro quo for him having the top job at the State Department and capping off his illustrious cursus honorum.

Otherwise, it would be a white collar hard scrabble life for a position at a think tank, Madeleine K. Albright's Albright Stonebridge consulting group, news contributor or such. Yes, Hard scrabble. DC is expensive, mon.

With the tile of Secretary of State under his belt he can get into pissing contests with most people except for former presidents and some senior senators. He can whip it out and compare size and know he will not come out short on the DC cocktail party circuit.

Anonymous said...

Russian troll and Putin fanboy spotted at 1039

Anonymous said...

What an intelligent and useful comment, 10:45.

Anonymous said...

Biden was not incorrect when he called Xi a dictator. But he was very undiplomatic to say so, so close to their meeting.

Anonymous said...

It was more than undiplomatic. It showed weakness. If he was going to this anyway. He should have been up front about it and brought up the Uighur genocide, etc.

But he went all passive aggressive, we show that he and by extension the US are chumps.

Anonymous said...

Trump has only ever called other leaders insults remotely, up until he meets them, and then talks smack about them later.

Still remember his very 'cold' Merkel meeting.

Trump also calls other dictators his best friends.

If this was trump, he'd say, "Look, Xi is a very smart man. I'm also a very very smart man. I think we'll work great together. We are both smart, what can go wrong? Did I mention I was smart?"

Anonymous said...

1:18 P.M. sounds like Child Pred Fred

Anonymous said...

Of course the meeting with Merkel went poorly. She was an unct6ious idiot. She did not honor Germany's obligations to ATO. She had a disaster energy policy, she had an even worse immigration policy.

Merkel literally had googly eyes around Obama and Putin. Putin returned her adoration by scaring the shit out of her by bring a large dog to a meeting.

The woman was an idiot, who backstabbed her mentor and coasted or rested on the laurels of those who came before he and made the German economy great.

There were less missile launches under Trump than one year under Biden (2022). Trump used a bad cop/good cop routine on Kim Jong Un. We got a year with no missile launches.

Kim Jong Un knows Biden is chump change.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden Says, "I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you..."

Anonymous said...

Trump had no comment. busy in court or one of the many he will be there for various trials for various crimes.

Anonymous said...

Charges brought by Soros financed DAs.

Same corrupt Democrat system that when a local code enforcement officer found an illegal Chinese Biolab with Ebola and other stuff in California, the FBI said we are to busy to help crack or decode the encrypted information. The CDC said we will destroy the evidence.

Biden said let me ____ the boss.

China can play 12 Monkeys on US soil and the Democrats are interested in $$$, power and screwing everything under the sun.