Thursday, November 16, 2023

U.S. President Biden Floats A Gavin Newsom Presidency


SFGate: Joe Biden floats Gavin Newsom presidency at APEC welcome reception in San Francisco 

President Joe Biden led off his remarks at an APEC welcome reception in San Francisco on Wednesday evening by semi-jokingly floating a future Gavin Newsom presidency. 

“I want to talk about Gov. Newsom. Want to thank him,” Biden said at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, according to a transcript released by the White House. 

“He’s been one hell of a governor, man. Matter of fact, he could be anything he wants. He could have the job I’m looking for.” 

Newsom, the governor of California, has for years been a rumored presidential candidate. Those rumors have subsided slightly in recent months, as Newsom has taken on more of a surrogate role for Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign. But even a full-throated endorsement of Biden hasn’t fully killed off the presumption that Newsom is waiting in the wings, either as a 2024 last-minute replacement, or for a full-fledged 2028 run.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: If Governor Gavin Newsom does run, it is not a sure thing .... Newsom would lose to Trump if he replaced Biden atop Democratic ticket, new poll finds (Washington Examiner). 

U.S. President Biden Floats A Gavin Newsom Presidency  

Biden reveals who he thinks 'could have the job' he's running for as 2024 'shadow campaign' rumors swirl -- FOX News  

Biden says Gavin Newsom 'could have the job' of president after calling him 'one hell of a governor' -- NYPost  

Biden quips Newsom could ‘have the job I’m looking for’ -- The Hill


RussInSoCal said...

A pampered, arrogant, hyper-privileged white male millionaire upjumps the box-check idiot vice president Kamala Harris? I don't think even Jim Clyburn could sell that one.

/keep yer popcorn dry and nearby.



Anonymous said...

Great hair and a familiar name was all Justin needed in Canada. Don’t underestimate the idiocy and carelessness of the modern westerner. Popcorn on standby 🍿

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh said more or less the same thing as 3:15 AM

It was in response to a query about Schumer. Rush said something to the effect that good teeth/smile and good hair go a long way.

Ever since Carter, president have generally had good hair. Trump and Biden both do the comb over. Biden more so.

TV has generally be blamed.

In the movie Shaka Zulu, Shaka is really taken with the hair dye. That is Hollywood and we do not know how cross cultural this is, but it does give a data point about the US.

The Celts or Irish Celts anyway would not allow an amputee be a leader. Person might be shrewder than anyone around and lead the to be well, but he did not have both arms, so therefore he was no longer king. It might make sense in a world where generals/leaders lead from the front and the chief is at the tip of the wedge of warriors attacking an adjacent tribe.

Anonymous said...

No;. we want the felon, the jailbird who tried to overturn our elections and is now on trial for keeping and showing classified materials he stole.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Russian troll. Mike Pence had classified documents.

Joe Biden had classified documents in an office he shared with a Chinese spy.

Anonymous said...

Russian troll. Where did I say anything about Biden other than he had a combover like Trump?

I write combover and you go into auto dump mode.

Pretty certain that I will ask DHS to see who all is posting. I see plenty of Russian trolls get booted from Twitter, Instagram and other sites. they need to get botted form here too.

Anonymous said...

President Joe Biden’s military show of force — the armada parked off the Israeli coast in the East Mediterranean Sea — is seen by Iran and its proxies as no more than a static display. Its deterrence value, the supposed muscle behind Biden’s “don’t” warnings, has been largely ignored.

Joe Biden is a piss ant. The Iranians wound soldiers, if not trying to actually kill them and in response Biden blows up warehouse.

1 warehouse equals the maiming of 5 US soldiers? Is the the Biden calculus?

Biden is a piss ant and even The Hill says so, but it puts it more delicately.

Anonymous said...

Old FBI Files Claim Donald Trump's Second Wife Marla Maples Allegedly Had an Affair With This '90s Singer

Doesn't this say all about the US justice system

the FBI should care why?

What business is it of the FBI if an actress has an affair with a singer?

Meanwhile Diane Feinstein's chauffeur was a communist spy for over 2 decades.


Anonymous said...

Pretty certain that I will ask DHS to see who all is posting. I see plenty of Russian trolls get booted from Twitter, Instagram and other sites. they need to get botted from here too.

You have always been a nut case, but I see you have transformed Into a progressive liberal. What are you now? a Kamradenblockfuhrer for Antifa?

Get a job and go some where else to putrefy.

Matthew Putnam said...


More democrat conspiracy theories, bias of omission and low IQ binary thinking.

Anonymous said...

Hamas had detailed instructions on 'which (terror) commander should rape which (Israeli) soldiers': IDF

Liberal Academics, Democrats and Russia support Hamas!