Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Video Shows Moment Of A HIMARS Strike On A Concert In Donetsk Killing Russian Actress

RT: Russian actress killed in Ukrainian rocket strike 

Kiev used US-supplied HIMARS to attack a concert in Donetsk, authorities have said Actor, choreographer, and director Polina Menshikh was mortally wounded in a Ukrainian rocket attack during a performance in Donetsk, her colleagues revealed on Tuesday. 

The strike reportedly used HIMARS systems supplied by the US to first bomb a charity concert Menshikh wa participating in and then target the first responders who came to help. Menshikh, 40, was the head of the Lege Artis studio. 

She was in the town of Kumachovo, in the Starobeshevo district of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) on Sunday to perform at a concert for Russian troops. The performance was cut short, however, when a volley of HIMARS missiles struck the concert hall.  

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Video Shows Moment Of A HIMARS Strike On A Concert In Donetsk Killing Russian Actress  

Video shows moment of HIMARS strike on concert at Russian Army -- Newsweek  

Russian Actress Killed While Performing for Troops in Occupied Ukraine -- Daily Beast  

Russian Actress Killed While Performing in Occupied Donetsk -- Moscow Times  

Moscow Choreographer Entertaining Russian Marines Among Dozens Reported Killed in HIMARS Strike -- Kyiv Post


Anonymous said...

Bad look for Russia.

Anonymous said...

You see Russian soldiers go into a building in great numbers. What do you think would happen?

Anonymous said...

"On 5 May 2023, it was reported that Russia was able to jam the HIMARS's GPS guidance system which decreased the HIMARS rockets' accuracy." - Wiki

Did the Ukrainians intend to hit the building that was hit? I tend to think so.

Although it could have been hit due to Russian EW efforts and the Ukrainians were intending for something else. Did WNU consider it? Maybe. but let us all be honest. He selected the story and wrote the narrative to try to stoke outrage or at the very least whataboutism.

Anonymous said...

UKR sources report that RU fired a massive Kh-22 air launched cruise missile at the city of Zaporizhzhia. UKR electronic countermeasures (ECM) diverted the weapon into an open area. The blast wave of the Kh-22’s 1,000 kg warhead damaged several farm houses.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian war crimes...nothing new here, nothing to see, move along now...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Justin Bieber is next

Anonymous said...

If Justin Bieber entertains troops in Avdiivka, he could be next and it would not be a war

If Justin Bieber entertains troops in Kiev, he could be next and it would not be a war

If a large group of Russian troops in Moscow were hit at a concert, it would not be a war

If Justin Bieber entertains Ukrainian troops in Detroit, if he were be next and it would be a war crime.

3:05 I am glad to school you