Friday, November 17, 2023

Was Anything Accomplished At The Joe Biden-Xi Jinping Summit?


National Interest: The Joe Biden-Xi Jinping Summit: Nothing Accomplished? 

Despite Washington and Beijing’s apparent satisfaction with the meeting, the tensions at the heart of the relationship show no signs of abating. 

 After meeting on the sidelines of the APEC summit in San Franciso on November 15, Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping (separately) announced several agreements that reflect their shared interest in reducing U.S.-China tensions. They agreed to resume military-to-military exchanges at both senior and operational levels. They also agreed to improve cooperation on counternarcotics, primarily aimed at ending the flow of Chinese-origin fentanyl into the United States. In addition, Washington and Beijing will expand dialogue on addressing the potential risks of artificial intelligence, continue to hold working-level consultations on a wider range of bilateral issues, and seek to increase educational and cultural exchanges between the two countries. Biden and Xi also hailed the agreements announced earlier in the week on enhanced bilateral cooperation on climate issues.  

Read more ....  

Update: U.S.-China Summit: Did Joe Biden Get Anything from Xi? (National Interest).  

WNU Editor: Both National Interest commentaries believe nothing of substance was accomplished at the Biden-Xi summit in San Francisco this week. I have to agree.


Anonymous said...

San Franciscans got a 1-week reprieve from all the street shitters and some farmers were able to sell a bunch of overpriced soybeans. Bidenomics baby.

Anonymous said...

check your gas prices ass...job reports? and sure mommy can now afford your nappies

Anonymous said...

Gas prices are low despite not because of President Bidet.

For instance, many OPEC countries are cheating on production caps.

About the only area that Present Bidet can positively affect oil prices is to relax sanction against the sale of Iranian oil.

"There are multiple factors keeping companies from drilling even more — supply chain shortages, trouble hiring workers, or for some companies, a lack of good sites to drill."

Why is there a lack of good sites? One reason is that President Bidet has put so any potential leases off limits.

RussInSoCal said...

One huge important thing was accomplished... Biden org managed to NOT remove or reduce any of the Trump sanctions on China. /as far as we know now.

Anonymous said...

Newsom went to China and met with Xi recently. Then Xi came to California and met with Biden. During that time Biden also publicly stated that Newsom was presidential material. It is really simple math. I expect the tik tok algorithms to start pushing Newsom for Prez before too long

Anonymous said...

It could have been worse. Biden called Xi a dictator. He could went to his favorite standby of lying dog face pony soldier.

Roger29palms said...

I think biden is now a figurehead whose inputs, if any, are of no value.

Anonymous said...

Cooperation aimed at ending the flow of Chinese-origin fentanyl into the United States is an accomplishment, assuming this cooperation works.

Anonymous said...

Devil worship fools

Anonymous said...

Devil worship fools