Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Was The Washington Post 'Correct' To Ban This Cartoon On the Israel - Hamas War?

WNU Editor: The catoonist (two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Ramirez) has responded .... ‘Grow Up’: Cartoonist Speaks Out after Washington Post Censors Hamas Drawing (National Review).


Anonymous said...

It is an accurate visual representation of what Hamas is doing. Washington Post banning the cartoon shows it is as supine as many politicians. Have your way with her.

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides has stated on this blog he had a son who served in the IDF. Has this been confirmed? What did he do in the IDF. Lapides it's in your court.

Anonymous said...

Why bring him up. Especially, when trolls use the name also? In fact 11:44's comment looks like trolling.

Anonymous said...

He made the statement many times not I and it's of direct interest. What say you Lapides?

Anonymous said...

You may think whatever you want, but HE made the statement.

Anonymous said...

Censorship was stupid, reality sucks, suck it up Wash Post!

Anonymous said...

And here is Bibi's latest

Netanyahu stressed that "our fight is your fight" and that there is "no substitute for victory."


Where have we heard those words before?


The Mossad agents who were part of the Twin Towers Dancing Israelis group during thier interrogation with the Police.

The Israelis suck. They are two faced, lying , selfish jerks who have zero strategic importance to the United States.

It is horribly hypocritical that what amounts to genocide is going on In that hell hole and no one in the west is doing anything.

But we got a warrant on old Vlad Putin. That happened quick.
Where is the outrage now?

And as for the US, they are war criminals too for not shutting off supplies.

Just like a murder trial

... well I did not kill that family, Bibi did.

Yes, but you handed him the gun. and said nothing when he shot them.
then you let him go on and shoot even more people.

sentence for conspiracy and aiding and abetting a murder?

at Nuremberg...Death by hanging...

And remember, the Palestinians and jews deserve each other.

I am just pointing out the bullshit hypocrisy that is going on here.

Anonymous said...

If trth is the first thing to go in war, then bullshit is the first thing to arrive, as can be seen in the comment by 1:15

fred said...

F. L. learned years ago he has no responsibility to answer to comments by simpletons.

Anonymous said...

No, Mrs. M instructed you not to reply.

Anonymous said...

You made the comment Fred.

Anonymous said...

Try having responsibility for your own statements.

Anonymous said...

Why do you lie so much Fred?

Anonymous said...

Lapides runs away like the little girls he likes so much.

Anonymous said...

As unemployment in the black community climbs, Chicago Democrats hold a job fair for illegals

Democrats. They have your back until they sell you down the river.

With friends like those ,The Black community does not need enemies.

Anonymous said...

But F. L. the language of a simpleton is all you understand!

Anonymous said...

Dude you are a creepy stalker—and as such deserve no place in adult discussion. And I’m not a friend of any of your little targets.
You’re just creepy.

Anonymous said...

To bad dude, Fred said it!

Anonymous said...

Hamas Shoots RPGs at IDF Troops from Hospital, Denies it Uses Hospitals and Infants as Human Shields

Anonymous said...

Who are you to decide what is adult, do you have a super secret commission for deciding. Talk about creepy!

Young Communist said...

The truth is that Israel is born as ethnic and confessional colonial state from the start. Without any will to recognize other peoples, or consider them as equal as jewish, nor any two state solution, and use apartheid rules thanks to the lack of constitution and complicity of GB first, USA later.

All Israeli know their state become Israhell because they want all and leave nothing to Palestinian, moderate and pacifist become first targets, and care nothing about the everyday imprisoning, stealing and killing of Palestinian. And Israelian Left is almost the time part of that deceit.

The truth is sionists are only another face of fascists, and now they remain with the only opposers they want: fanatical terrorists like them.
So use Hamas and Shoah as excuses to finally act like nazis.

Anonymous said...


that guy is a lot smarter than you

Anonymous said...

Deleted the comment eh?

What was wrong? did not like me saying Gaza is Warsaw ghetto 2.0?

Too bad jackass the elements are almost identical.

A..an oppressed People put in to a small urban area.

B. People are treated like sub humans

C. People revolt against thier oppressors

D. Oppressors come in to exterminate the people.

Pretty much the same.

You do not like it? too bad.

Hans Persson said...

I remember how me and my brother laughed out loud at South Park: The Movie's thing where they did "Operation Human Shield."

Good times.

Anonymous said...

What was wrong? did not like me saying Gaza is Warsaw ghetto 2.0?

Too bad jackass the elements are almost identical.

A..an oppressed People put in to a small urban area.

B. People are treated like sub humans

C. People revolt against thier oppressors

D. Oppressors come in to exterminate the people.

Pretty much the same.

You do not like it? too bad.

Whatever you say bud buds

5 Star hotels

Luxury car dealerships



Anonymous said...

Mental drooler: "The truth is that Israel is born as ethnic and confessional colonial state from the start."

The home country of said colony?

To be the same comparison, it would have to be the British set up the 13 colonies and then all left England for America.

Mental Drooler was never a bright boy. Very gullible. Some guy writes some stuff in a gibberish GPT chat style before there was GPT-chat and he sucked it up as gospel.

Anonymous said...


you forgot one item on you list

all of that wealth and a soul of a dead pig.

Epstein did not kill himself

Anonymous said...

Epstein was Jewish? Did he practice Judaism? After he left home did he ever set foot in a synagogue?

You can be born of Muslim, Jewish or Christian parents and be an agnostic or atheist.