Friday, November 17, 2023

Where Are The Landmines In The World?

Statistica: Where are the Landmines?  

Due to their indiscriminate and devastating effects, the long-lasting threat posed by their presence and the painstaking efforts required to remove them, anti-personnel landmines have been prohibited by the United Nations since 1997 - a treaty joined by over 150 countries. Nevertheless, there is still an alarmingly large number of them contaminating countries across the world.  

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WNU Editor: On the Belarus border Ukraine has just finished laying 500,000 mines .... Half a million mines laid on the border with Belarus (Euromaidan).


Anonymous said...

Lukachenko and Putin have shown themselves to be fggts and attack through neutral 3rd countries like Belarus.

Ukraine has to take unprovoked attack form the Belarus direction seriously, because it has happened less than 2 years ago.

But Belarus does not have to worry about an unprovio0oked attack from Ukraine.

Lukachenko better hop Russia wins or there will be successful hit squads released against him by more than 1 country. Taking out his sons would be easier and sideways. No heir for the throne would make his position shakier.

Anonymous said...

Russian Carlsberg staff arrested after business seized

Russia being Russia.

Anonymous said...

"It is appalling that the efforts of the Russian state to justify their illegal takeover of our business in Russia has now evolved into targeting innocent employees," the company said in a statement.

Anonymous said...

Not to question the experts, but aren't French farmers semi-regularly being injured by dug up UO still? Isn't that basically the same thing as a landmine?

Anonymous said...

Basically, UXO is like a landmine and sometimes worse. A landmine might kill a person. A buried, unexploded 2,000 pound bomb might kill several.

Along eastern France they have a red zone due to UXO from WW1.