Thursday, November 9, 2023

White House Says It Has Gone Through 96 Percent Of Its Funds Allocated For Ukraine.


Newsweek: White House Delivers Bad News on Ukraine Aid 

White House national security spokesperson John Kirby on Wednesday told reporters that the United States has gone through 96 percent of its funds allocated for Ukraine. 

"Of the total funds that have been provided to Ukraine since the beginning of the war, which is an excess of $60 billion—and that's not just security assistance; that's economic, financial and humanitarian assistance—we've gone through about 96 percent of what's left," Kirby said during a press conference. Newsweek reached out to the White House via email for comment Wednesday night. 

Read more ....  

Update: US has used up 96% of funds approved by Congress for Ukraine aid – White House (Ukrainska Pravda)  

WNU Editor: The media narrative is to blame Congress for not giving more money to Ukraine .... Looming Shutdown Threatens US Aid to Ukraine (VOA). But What is not discussed is that the US President does have a lot of authority to send military aid to a foreign country like Ukraine .... The Not-So-Secret Fund That's Bolstering Ukraine Military Aid: the Presidential Drawdown Authority ( 

Update #2: Does the US have the money to give away to support the wars in Ukraine and Israel? Maybe not .... Uncle Sam Doesn't Have One Thin Dime For Biden's $106 Billion War Package (Zero Hedge/David Stockman's Contra Corner).


Anonymous said...

Such schadenfreude by WNU. Let Americans worry about it not misplaced Russians.
It is still early in the game. There still is a pissing contest with Schumer. It is IRS wasteful funding versus foreign aid, the Democrats must choose a hill.

Meanwhile WNU is worried that Kherson is falling. The Ukrainians crossed the Dnieper. First HQ in Sevastopol got hit. Second, the lower HQ at Skadovsk got hit. Is there anyone now in charge in Kherson above the rank of major? Really expensive AD and Ew equipment is being wiped from the board in Kherson.

Will we soon see the Mad Minute by WNU? I think so.

Hans Persson said...

Yeah a lot of Russian EW stuff has blown up lately.

Anonymous said...

Yes there is plenty of money, just speed up the priniting press and add a few more zeros to the electronic bank account.

It is all in fun until someone loses an economy.

Anonymous said...

4:35 does not no what money is. Cowrie shells have been used as money. Yap stones have been used as money. Cigarettes have been used as money. Money is a system of chits. All that matters is that there is a system for recording transaction and it rewards actual productivity. Now, that latter the Democrat Party Fuckers have abused.

Giving out welfare actually creates inflation. Rewarding productivity with other products or money does not.

Anonymous said...

Half a million men and women and hundreds of billions haven’t been able to eject Russia from Ukraine. Keep dreaming you liberal retard.

Matthew Putnam said...

I dont think the average American likes the idea that their entire lifetime of federal taxes is paying for maybe one missile being sent to Ukraine daily and is worth 22% of their lifes wages cumulated over 5-6 decades of contribution. Remember every year that you file taxes and all that money disappears? I know you hate to see it all go. You paid for 1 fin of one of tens of thousands of missiles being sent to Ukraine for your whole lifetime of taxes. Maybe 1 missile body itself with no warhead or fuel if your very wealthy. Keep posting your blue and yellow flag; dipshits. And allot yourself to that rainbow activism crud in the months/years to come.

Fag flag democrat bootlickers like Child Pred Fred Lapides and his vocal lapdogs.

Better post your Blue and yellow flags to social media; useful idiot.

So smart.

Such good boi's.

Keep digging


Anonymous said...

I would rather not see a reconstituted USSR.

Anonymous said...

You won't. The Russians do not want all those sullen people under thier rule. Too much of a problem. This war would not be happening anyway if the uS had not sunk 5 billion dollars in to a major propaganda operation to mind-fuck the ukies into believing that the Russians were thier enemies.

Anonymous said...

The Russians are their enemies. I learned this in college, when a recent Ukrainian emigre told everyone and anon at the student union about the Holodomor back in the 1980s. They have not forgiven you or WNU.