Sunday, November 12, 2023

White House Says Resuming Military Ties Are A Priority For This Weeks Biden-Xi Meeting


Reuters: Biden will push China to resume military ties with US, official says 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden wants to re-establish military-to-military ties with China, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday, days before the president and the Chinese leader are set to meet. 

Biden will meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in person for the first time in a year on Wednesday during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco. It will be only the second in-person meeting between the two leaders since Biden took office in January 2021. 

"The president is determined to see the re-establishment of military-to-military ties because he believes it's in the U.S. national security interest," Sullivan said in an interview with CBS' "Face the Nation." "We need those lines of communication so that there aren't mistakes or miscalculations or miscommunication."

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I can see the Chinese saying yes to reopening military communications with the U.S., and then ignoring it if they do not like what the US is doing.


Anonymous said...

From Fortune's Why a group of ‘everyday people’ in Iowa have been invited to dinner by Chinese president Xi Jinping

In 1985, Gary Dvorchak’s parents gave Xi his bedroom, decorated with Star Trek items, in their Muscatine home. Dvorchak and his sister Paula, who talked to the future Chinese leader about American movies, are on next week’s guest list.

So is Luca Berrone, then an Iowa economic development official, who drove Xi around to company sites including Monsanto Co., Cargill Inc. and Quaker Oats, grain and livestock farms, the Amana Colonies — a religious community known for its farming heritage and communal living — and Iowa State University in Ames.

“He wanted to learn how to feed his people,” Lande said in a telephone interview. Xi had read Mark Twain “and he really wanted to see the Mississippi,” she said. She hosted him for a potluck at her home overlooking the river.

The reason why the Chinese are so patient with us is because Xi has had personal experiences that have shown him the American people are not the same as the pedophiles at the helm of the empire. What does Joe know about our competitors? That they don't donate as much as Israelis?

Anonymous said...

why is it that those with little or nothing to say (as above) feel the need to spout it?

Anonymous said...

The 1st comment is a Fred-style comment. Par for the course.

Anonymous said...

nope, Fred would not criticize Joe.

might be skoda or mr fair and balanced

Anonymous said...

Why a group of ‘everyday people’ in Iowa have been invited to dinner by Chinese president Xi Jinping

Pray tell, where Biden is criticized in the article?

Fred-style != Fred

Anonymous said...

If there were no fred would you have anything to say or stay in the shitter and pull your tiny dick?

Anonymous said...

Your jealous. you transitioned and no longer have a dick tiny or otherwise. What are your pronouns?

Anonymous said...

Glad my comment short circuited your 9 volt brains. Have a good morning.

Matthew Putnam said...

Hahaha there goes the WNU comments section child Predator and Partisan Boot Licking Jester *Fred Lapides*:

"Trump needs to be executed for treason!!!"
"The border is 100% secure because the points of entry have guards on duty"

"I know you are but what am I?"
"If you dont have anything intelligent to say why speak?"
"Name calling shows how unintelligent you are!
"WAAAHHH You are a little girl and have a micro penis ReeEeEEEe!!!" "The economy and inflation are fine!"
"Our most popular president WITHOUT ALZHEIMERS who can definitely hang and salute a wreath for veterans day and fall up stairs repeatedly, and cannot finish a sentence is definitely in charge and things are going smoothly!"

"Trump will start ww3!!!!!!!
"Stolen nuclear codes!"
"The media reportedly allegedly supposedly said ________ and we know its true because the sources are so secret and anonymous and where else can you get such reliable info from outside the MSM?"

"Comey Truth Bomb dropping any day now so keep pushing, but wait for the evidence about Hunter!"

"4 indicted orange ham sandwiches are GUILTY!!!!!!!!

No one owes you an argument or an intelligent interaction when you offer nothing beyond muffled deepthroat noises from the other room.

Little bitch.


Anonymous said...

TBH 10:14 does not read like the Fred of old. But I did read the article and it does not look good for Biden, but in a surreptitious sort of way. Old-Fred or Fred-Pretend would not catch it.

The difference between the cost of Brazilian and Iowa soybeans is the cost of the diplomatic maneuver.

The benefit for the Iowans is the difference between the price the Chinese paid and what someone else would have paid assuming the market is not saturated and the Iowans could move their beans. Marketing costs not necessary is questionable. They will continue to market regardless of this year’s beans are sold or not. They might dial it back a bit. Unnecessary or deferred marketing costs would be 5 or 6 figures? Zero?
Price difference x the vol. is the issue. Can people in the state department do multiplication? Asking for a friend. Should this good will gesture impress foggy bottom? Yes and no.

Unfortunately, I think it will dazzle Blinken and The-Befuddled-in-Chief.

Anonymous said...

I love how that 90 year old brooklyn jew lives in your heads. Fred could've died from a heart attack while looking at his vintage porn collection 3 months ago and nobody would even know it but you clowns will keep accusing each other of being him until the end of time. Mahalo and god bless.

Anonymous said...

Russia is done now

Anonymous said...

The real Fred lives in Easternish CT near the coast.

Matthew Putnam said...


The point is to poke at, and shit on the guy. Ever since he took on the Anon name like damn near all the other pathetic craven trolls on here, the Fred accusation has just been a way to lump all the stupid anon cunts into one ball with the humor to occasionally try and discern or just attach everything stupid to him.

Best you dont join if you cant keep up. Its not like the comments section is very productive anymore, so why open the box every time to the same surprise? Wait, what is going on?

Much Love,

From TN.