Thursday, December 7, 2023

A Day After Venezuela Declared It Will Annex Two Thirds Of Guyana, The U.S. Announces It Will Conduct Military Drills With Guyana


CBS/AFP: U.S. announces military drills with Guyana amid dispute over oil-rich region with Venezuela 

The United States announced joint military flight drills in Guyana on Thursday as tensions over a contested oil-rich region with neighbor Venezuela prompted the U.N. Security Council to call an urgent meeting. 

A border feud has been spiraling over the Essequibo region, which has been administered and controlled by Guyana for more than a century, although Venezuela also claims the disputed area. Venezuela recently conducted a referendum, which it claims citizens supported, that aims to give Venezuela authority over the Essequibo region. Guyanese officials said in response that the country is preparing to defend itself and its borders in case of an invasion. 

The spat is drawing in the international community, with the U.S. announcement of military exercises the latest sign that Washington is alarmed at the threat from the authoritarian leftist Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: U.S. to conduct flight operations in Guyana as concerns mount over border spat -- Reuters  

Update #2: US throws weight behind Guyana in territorial dispute with Venezuela -- Al Jazeera  

WNU Editor: The U.S. has been too slow in reacting/responding to this crisis. Is the White House overwhelmed with the multiple crisis that they are trying to handle/manage right now? You tell me.

 Update #3: This is one of those disputes that if the U.S. should decide to stay out of it, it will be dragged into a war .... US Risks Being Dragged Into Third War (Newsweek).


RussInSoCal said...
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Anonymous said...

Nicholas Maduro, Socialist Hero.

Keep up the good work, comrade.

Anonymous said...

Russ, what does it smell like in your bunker?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA. What fun. "unwavering support". What a hoot!! Where have we heard that before? "Unwavering g support"..... . "For as long as it takes"


RussInSoCal said...

Deleted the first one - made a typo. /for the record I have no bunker and if I did have one, it would smell much better than the seat of your recliner. And tell me what I wrote that was wrong.

Venezuala is a close Russian ally. Their shared top priority in their relationship is energy (and like policies toward the US). It makes sense for Russia (and Iran, China) to push Maduro to invade Guyana and usurp the oil fields in the Essequibo region. It will also push oil prices higher almost instantly. The New Axis wouldn't be doing this unless they knew they could get away with it.
/but at least Maduro likes Democracy. /They voted yes on the invasion after all.

This is what happens when you have a venal, arrogant, incompetent as POTUS

RussInSoCal said...

Venezuela has some of the largest proven oil reserves in the world, but Chavez nationalized foreign oil companies and ran production into the ground, with the Chavistas cheering and waving their Red flags all along. And now that they've cratered their entire economy and millions have fled their country, they decide to steel a neighboring country's oil production under the current Socialist Tyrant.
If we had a national government and intel agencies worth a damn, it would be the Venezuelan government blowing up.

The USA could literally end their garbage in less than a week. But we do nothing.

Anonymous said...

I guess the phone of what’s-his-name’s El Guaijote’s phone will be ringing.

Anonymous said...

Funny—Garland Nixon piloted hover-craft.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Biden for a change. The US needs to support its neighbor Guyana in this matter. Venezuela is not a nation who the US should tolerate agression.

Anonymous said...

The USA could literally end their garbage in less than a week. But we do nothing.
that is macho Russ, who wants our country to do exactly what? he does not tell us. But he is sure of the outcome. Perhaps he might volunteer to lead an invasion.