Monday, December 18, 2023

Amid Claims Of Fraud Serbia's Ruling Party Has Said It Won The Country's Snap Parliamentary Election


Euronews: Serbia's ruling populists claim sweeping election victory  

Near-final results show that President Aleksandar Vucic won 47% of the vote, despite the opposition claims of voter-bullying and bribes. 

An early official vote count appears to confirm Serbia’s governing populists’ claims of a sweeping victory in the Sunday election, despite the complaints of the opposition. 

The party of President Aleksandar Vucic, the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), won some 47% of the ballots in the parliamentary vote, followed by Serbia Against Violence with 23%, according to a near-complete preliminary tally by the state election commission. If confirmed, this result would land the party around 130 seats in the 250-member assembly, giving SNS an absolute majority and the ability to form a government on its own.  

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WNU Editor: Serbia's opposition leaders feel betrayed by the EU (see below).

Amid Claims Of Fraud Serbia's Ruling Party Has Said It Won The Country's Snap Parliamentary Election

Serbia’s opposition takes to the streets claiming election fraud in Sunday’s vote -- AP  

Vučić tightens grip in Serbian election marred by fraud claims -- Politico 

Serbia’s elections held under ‘unjust conditions’, say international observers -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

Didn’t get the help they wanted in throwing the election. The west is pro in that field. So now let’s claim fraud. Aren’t they charging Trump for denying the election results?

Anonymous said...


cry like babies when it does not go thier way.