Thursday, December 21, 2023

Can The U.S. Afford Fending-Off Houthi Attacks On Commercial Shipping?

U.S. Navy destroyers have shot down 38 drones and multiple missiles in the Red Sea over the past two months. U.S. Navy  

Politico: A $2M missile vs. a $2,000 drone: Pentagon worried over cost of Houthi attacks 

“That quickly becomes a problem because the most benefit ... is in their favor,” one expert said. As American warships rack up kills against Houthi drones and missiles in the Red Sea, Pentagon officials are increasingly alarmed not just at the threat to U.S. naval forces and international shipping — but at the growing cost of keeping them safe. 

U.S. Navy destroyers have shot down 38 drones and multiple missiles in the Red Sea over the past two months, according to a Defense Department official, as the Iran-backed militants have stepped up attacks on commercial vessels moving energy and oil through the world’s most vital shipping lanes. On Saturday alone, the destroyer USS Carney intercepted 14 one-way attack drones.

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: It is not only the high cost of missiles that is raising the alarm bells in the Pentagon .... Inflation Is Hitting Ammuntion Prices And Making It Even More Costlier To Arm Ukraine (September 20, 2023).


Anonymous said...

The cost isnt missile against drones. It is drones against the cost of a DDG or other US Naval ship.

Anonymous said...

They've given everything away and now can't even face a bunch of ragtgag militias?This is going down as the joke of the century

B.Poster said...

The Houthis aren't "ragtag." This is a very powerful fighting force and needs to be treated as such. With that said they aren't invincible. They can be beaten. Their biggest weakness is their extreme hubris.

Back in about 2001 I observed pursuing better relations with
Russia would greatly help us wirh regards to dealing with the Iranian threat. Unfortunately such polices weren't pursued and our leadership doubled down on bad policy. Perhaps the Houthi will overreach as ISIS did.

Anonymous said...

Houthis are ultimate trolls. I just hope that the ape-brained USA does not destroy archaeological treasures in order to save face

Anonymous said...

Bing bing bing—thus the “airstrikes” solution while Yemen rules the straight

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bposter - I remember. You were right.

Anonymous said...

Bposter: right! kiss Putin ass and elect Trump to continue that and all will be well, for Russia that is

Anonymous said...

Were you born an idiot or did you work at it all your life.??

Anonymous said...

your mouth dribbling shit shithead. 9:18

Anonymous said...

Your a liberal nut case who has no concept of reality. Still waiting for you to answer the five questions, Mr fair and balanced,.

But I have to say I am impressed by your total lack of humanity,. Still encouraging the ukies to fight against their brother Slavs,.

Ran out of orphans yet?
How about pregnant females?

No one is too good for the butchers bill are they?

This war will end. Then the ukies will see what you and your lying neocon buddies did to them. They will hate you forever.

Anonymous said...

Don’t derail the topic or people will think you are cia troll-shills

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

No allies have appeared apparently