Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Colorado Supreme Court's Democrat Appointed Judges Ban Donald Trump From The State Ballot. Declares He Is Ineligible For The White House


Daily Mail: REVEALED: The four Democrat-picked Colorado justices who booted Trump off the ballot - Ivy League scholars, a gay icon and a jazz musician - as legal experts warn they've lit a fuse under American democracy 

* The Colorado Supreme Court ruled that former President Donald Trump is 'disqualified' from serving as president under the 14th Amendment 

* Justices Richard L. Gabriel, Melissa Hart, Monica Márquez and William W. Hood III all ruled against the former president 

The all-Democrat appointed Colorado Supreme Court last night barred Donald Trump from the state's 2024 Republican ballot over his role in the January 6 riot - with legal experts warning they have imperiled American democracy. 

The bombshell 4-3 decision marks the first time in history that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment - which disqualifies insurrectionists from office - has been used to eliminate a presidential candidate. 

It means Trump has been taken off the ballot in the state - which has nine electoral college votes and which has been won by Democratic candidates in the last four general elections.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: So a bunch of Democrat appointed judges make a decision to intervene in a Republican primary and ban its leading candidate .... Meet the four Dem-picked Colorado justices who kicked Trump off the ballot (NYPost) . Here is an easy prediction. This is not going to go over well. 

 Update #1: This dissenting judge, Democrat appointed Justice Carlos Samour, explains why this ruling is dangerous .... Dem-appointed Colorado justice says Trump ballot ban undermines 'bedrock' of America in fiery dissent (FOX News).  

Update #2: We shall see .... Trump is now 'MORE likely to beat Biden' after Colorado disqualification: State Supreme Court decision will be 'rocket fuel' for ex-president in the polls and reinforces that HE is the victim, pollsters and strategists say (Daily Mail). 

Colorado Supreme Court's Democrat Appointed Judges Ban Donald Trump From The State Ballot  

Colorado Supreme Court bans Donald Trump the state ballot -- AP  

Trump barred from Colorado primary ballot for role in US Capitol attack -- Reuters  

Trump Is Disqualified From 2024 Ballot, Colorado Court Says in Explosive Ruling -- New York Times  

Colorado supreme court rules Trump ineligible for state ballot under 'insurrection' clause -- France 24 

Colorado Supreme Court kicks Trump off ballot, citing 'insurrection' -- BBC  

Trump lashes out after Colorado ruling removing him from ballot -- The Guardian  

Trump fires back at Colorado judges branding their historic ruling ‘election interference’: GOP frontrunner is furious at being kicked off state’s 2024 ballot as his team vows to appeal 'deeply undemocratic decision' -- Daily Mail  

GOP in uproar after Colorado court bars Trump from state ballot -- Roll Call  

Congress erupts after court disqualifies Trump from Colorado ballot -- Axios  

Can Donald Trump still run for president after Colorado ruling? -- BBC  

What happens next after Colorado judges booted Trump off the state’s presidential ballot? Can Trump appeal decision, does it apply to other states and can he still run in 2024 election? -- Daily Mail


Anonymous said...

Big deal! Dem-appointed judges!! and so the case will go to the Supreme Court! GOP (Trump) appointed judges!!!
two can play that game

Anonymous said...

The implication in this bs? no case should go to Dem appointed judge if the issue involves a GOP person; and of course no case should go to GOP appointed judge if the case involves a Democrat. Is that how the legal system works or is meant to work?

Anonymous said...

Judges should be impartial. How can a justice system work if there are democrat judges & republican judges? It's as nutty as a fruitcake. If the people know that the political system & the judicial system are bought & paid for & their votes do not count, then democracy will be replaced by political violence to effect political change. Keep ducking....

Anonymous said...

Judges should and often are impartials. But they are human, as as such lean one way or another politically. And that leaning is what gets them appointed by the president

Anonymous said...


You are right. I spent time in Latin America. Their justice system was the way you described it.

We of the united sates have now become the third world.

This cultural transformation is not good for us and a danger to the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

Trump's diapers are overflowing again.

Anonymous said...

The Hebrew obsession with feces reappears like clockwork. Keep it up man, great work! One microshekel has been added to your wallet

Anonymous said...

False flags are fun to watch, in a tank man kinda way.

Anonymous said...

5:56 PM is pedo Fred, I know that disgusting communication style anywhere!

Ron said...

This is just a sign of how deep and radical the trump derangement syndrome is on the left/Democrat side. If this stands the supreme court, then Red states can eliminate Biden because of the treason he is committing at the border. However this turns out, if Trump is still the candidate, on Oct. 1st of next year, a month before the election, I am going to double all my prepping because if Trump wins, the wheels are coming off the left. Not concerned about my town and county but Costco and gas stations, ect get their stuff from distribution centers in San Fran and LA. Trucks and trains might not roll from those locations for awhile.

Anonymous said...


thanks for the good advice.

Next year will be ugly.

Anonymous said...

I am going to double all my prepping because if Trump wins, the wheels are coming off the left. Not concerned about my town and county but Costco and gas stations, ect get their stuff from distribution centers in San Fran and LA. Trucks and trains might not roll from those locations for awhile.

I am not a crackpot.

RussInSoCal said...

This ruling is full on political garbage. A legally and factually absent decision. Progressive fascism writ large - again. Aside from the fact that no "insurrection" took place on Jan 6, the 14th Amendment does not apply to POTUS. It's just desperate stunt that should have these four jurist-activists recalled.



Anonymous said...

ant and the grasshopper, mr crackpot.

You think the antifa and crazy left will accept a trump victory?

No way

Do you think that the average joe conservative American is going to believe the election was fair, if crazy Joe wins again?

No way,

face it mr crack pot and the rest of the USA have been set up for failure,...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.

Good luck, loooooooooser.

Yes, you have a choice.


The Problem is the choices are all....... BAD.


you cannot make this shit up.

wake up and smell the coffee, jackass

Anonymous said...

Which political party will complete the banana republicing of America first?

Anonymous said...

You still. do not get it.

the dems and reps do not care. they want this to happen. It is the will of the UNIPARTY which is part and parcel of the BLOB.

Anonymous said...

Hang those 4. How about that?

Anonymous said...

Geopolitics explained by an expert:

Anonymous said...

This looks like they are really scared of Trump ever running again so where there's smoke there is fire as the saying goes

Anonymous said...

big war in usa comming soon

Anonymous said...

Spot on. I still believe there is a considerable risk of him being JFK’ed if the Supreme Court shuts down these dem states. What else do they have to stop him? Costco either way though.

Anonymous said...

Oh your a crack pot buddy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

With all the blob crap we have seen in the last 10 years, I would put nothing past the Blob.

look at the current situation. suddenly 3 years out if office and one year to the next election , they throw about 50 different charges against him.

Why now?