Sunday, December 17, 2023

Drones Have Become A Significant Threat To Tanks

Warzone/The Drive: Tank Runs For Its Life Under Constant Barrage Of Attack Drones  

The video is reminder of how low-end FPV drones are drastically changing warfare and how prevalent they are becoming on the battlefield.  

Among the most notable developments in the war in Ukraine is the ubiquity of First Person View (FPV) drones, a highly maneuverable loitering munition both sides are using to devastating effect. They are now dominating the battlefield to a degree. We have showcased numerous videos of the FPV drones damaging or destroying tanks, trucks and even individual soldiers. Less commonly seen are incidents in which vehicles survive multiple such attacks. 

That was the story, however, behind a lucky T-80BVM tank crew recently. The video below shows the tank as it runs for its life while coming under sustained attack by a succession of explosive-laden FPV drones. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: More evidence that the outcome of future of wars will be determined by who has the most drones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


no countermeasures at all, on the tank?

Because that was an unbelievable escape from destruction.

That crew has a guardian angel looking out for them.