Thursday, December 7, 2023

EU Warns There Is A ‘Huge Risk’ Of Terrorist Attacks Before Christmas


Politico: EU warns of ‘huge risk’ of terrorist attacks before Christmas 

Ongoing Israel-Hamas war has knock-on effects for Europe, Ylva Johansson says. 

There is a “huge risk” of terror attacks in the EU ahead of Christmas, European Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson warned on Tuesday, linking the threat to the ongoing war in the Middle East. 

“With the war between Israel and Hamas, and the polarization it causes in our society, with the upcoming holiday season, there is a huge risk of terrorist attacks in the European Union,” she told reporters before the start of the Justice and Home Affairs Council. 

Johansson’s comments follow an attack near the Eiffel Tower in Paris last weekend during which a German man was killed, and others injured, by a man who had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group, according to a French prosecutor. “We saw it recently in Paris, unfortunately we have seen it earlier as well,” Johansson said.  

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WNU Editor: The Canadian government does not appear to be worried .... U.K. says terror attack ‘very likely’ to strike Canada as Ottawa labels threat ‘medium’ (National Post). 

EU Warns There Is A ‘Huge Risk’ Of Terrorist Attacks Before Christmas 

 Senior EU official warns of huge security risk in Europe over Christmas as Israel-Hamas war rages -- AP

'Huge risk' of Christmas attacks, warns EU -- BBC 

"Huge risk" of terror attacks in EU over holiday season -- CNN 

Europe faces a 'huge risk of terrorist attacks' over Christmas, EU official warns amid growing tensions over -- Daily Mail


Matthew Putnam said...

Good thing the EU has unfettered open borders, along with an incoming illegal migrant population in the millions mostly consisting of military age males from a region in the world where terrorism is most accurately suspect and manifestly represented, and with zero vetting taking place. Just like with the United States, you would almost be a "right wing extremist" and "hateful bigots raycisms (TM)" to say as much, and assert that those governments have become more and more illegitimate for not fulfilling their most basic mandate under the social contract and constitutional Law, and thus are in need of usurpation and aggressive prosecution of all leadership with open public trials, and new elections with paper ballots and voter ID being conducted concurrently.

Anonymous said...

They're just covering their behinds. If they had clear data as opposed to 'chatter' they would act on it not just talk about it. This way if something does happen 'we told you so'. Its also a way of sowing doubt among would be attackers.To make them think that maybe they do know something.

Anonymous said...

And we, the meek and feeble, lie down and just let it all happen. What good little bitches we are Matt

Anonymous said...

The Canadian gov. public enemy no.1 is its own taxpaying law abiding citizens everyone else is a good guy