Monday, December 11, 2023

Financial Times Poll: Half Of US Voters Believe The U.S. Is Giving Ukraine Too Much Aid

The Hill: Nearly half in new survey say US spending too much on Ukraine aid 

Nearly half of voters in a new survey said the United States is spending too much on aid for Ukraine, which comes just ahead of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Washington. 

The Financial Times-Michigan Ross poll found that 48 percent of voters said the U.S. was spending “too much” on sending financial and military aid to Ukraine. Twenty-seven percent said the U.S. was spending the right amount, and 11 percent said the U.S. was not spending enough. 

Republicans were more likely to say the U.S. is spending too much, with 65 percent saying so. About half of independent voters and 32 percent of Democrats said the U.S. was spending too much.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Nearly Half Think U.S. Spending Too Much on Ukraine (Politial Wire)  

Update #2: Almost half of Americans think Ukraine is getting too much money – poll (RT)  

WNU Editor: The Financial Times poll is here .... Nearly half of US voters think Joe Biden is spending too much on Ukraine aid

AP conducted a similar poll a few weeks ago, and it came to the same conclusion .... Nearly half of Americans think the US is spending too much on Ukraine aid, an AP-NORC poll says (AP).


Ron said...

???? Biden and TPTB don't care what we think.

Anonymous said...

Gravy train is pulling into the station.