Wednesday, December 6, 2023

German Media Now Admitting That Ukraine Is On The Brink Of Losing The War

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces Col.-Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky, right, and Roman Mashovets, deputy head of the Presidential Office, look at a map during their visit to the frontline city of Kupiansk, Kharkiv region, Ukraine, Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)  

REMIX: ‘Has Kyiv already lost?’ – Germany’s Welt newspaper claims Ukraine is ‘crumbling’ and that Orbán was right but ‘nobody dares admit it’ 

In a shocking admission, top German newspaper Welt notes that Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán’s views on the Ukraine conflict were right all along Germany’s Welt newspaper, perhaps the most popular publication in the country, is well known for its pro-Ukraine stance and ran numerous articles in the past about the likely success of Ukraine’s military offensive against Russia. However, in a column published yesterday by the paper’s chief correspondent, Sascha Lehnartz, the assessment of Ukraine’s chances in the war is decidedly bleak. 

Entitled “Has Kyiv already lost?” the article describes Ukraine’s military growing increasingly despondent to the point that the country’s commander-in-chief admits there is a “stalemate” at the front. 

“Winter is just around the corner. The counteroffensive seems to have failed. The allies are weary. And since the beginning of November at the latest, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has a new opponent who was not necessarily to be expected: his own commander-in-chief, Valery Zaluzhny,” writes Die Welt.  

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WNU Editor: The German press is not the only media that is speculating on Ukraine losing. The UK press, known for its strong pro-Ukraine reporting, are now publishing stories that give a detailed look on how bleak the actual current situation is for the Ukraine Army .... Ukraine soldiers in 'hell' as there's not enough men: 'Some soldiers can't even swim' (Express).


Anonymous said...

It will no longer surprise anyone that the Russians are no longer trying very hard to hide the fact of their direct participation in the war with Ukraine since 2014. But it’s still interesting to see how things like this appear:
Russian Major Sergey Truntov, a posthumous certificate of awarding the title “Hero of the Russian Federation”. And the inscription “Since 2014, was a participant in a military special operation in Ukraine”

Russian fucks have pretended that the DPR was indigenous. it was all Moscow form the beginning.

This war is headed into its 9th year. Malaysia should forward a petition to kick Russia out of the UN for the shootdown of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

WNU needs to be expelled from Canada as an enemy alien.

Matthew Putnam said...


WNU needs to be expelled from Canada as an enemy alien? Really?

Your starting to annoy me like Child Pred Fred Lapides and his unpersoned anon lapdogs. Stop spending hours of your life on here queefing at WNU editor because you disagree with his content. You sound like just another leftist NPC punk. Fuck Russia and Ukraine, but realize Russia won so you can go be a asshole botfly in the comments section somewhere else now. Stunted zealot.



Anonymous said...

Russia won? If Joe Biden walks away form it, then sure.

It is said that the US only gave 20 ATACMs. They probably demil that many in a month.

I do not care what big round number that people throw out. Given purchasing power parity, what I want to know is how much ammo and systems that are given not their dollar value. The sticker shock overawed and killed, the Russian would all be dead.

20 ATACMs versus how many missile the Russians shot? They Europeans gave fighter aircraft. What they had. Joe Biden?

One of the reasons the offensive stalled was there were not sufficient aircraft or air to air missiles. The breaches were blocked by artillery, helos and aircraft. Take out the latter 2 and the push may have been more successful.

The Us can secure the border and provide aid to Ukraine at the same time. Biden refuses to do both. It is not an either or. The show down between the republicans and the Democrats is much needed. If the republicans lose or back down then we live in a one party state.

If we lose Ukraine, we are war directly in 3, 6, or 10 years. Take you pick. That is what the Poles and Germans say. The Poles say 3. the Germans who have the Poles as a buffer say 6 to 10.

After Russia get Ukraine they will take Belarus.

Then it is Barbarossa in revers ... going west.

You might put down you Jack Daniels and GF and fucking something!

Roger29palms said...

Just comparing population numbers at this war's beginning my money was on Russia. I even bought a few shares of a Russian stock fund that finally closed shop awhile back!

Anonymous said...

The NAFO twitter army did a lot of great work repelling middle-of-the-road people away from the cause that they supposedly supported. Have to wonder if Matt kinzinger is a kremlin op after witnessing how dislikable that entire group was/is.

Anonymous said...

Byzantium had more people than the Bulgar Empire. Yet Bulgaria could beat the Byzantines because they had other military obligations in Italy and against the Sassanid Persians.

Bigger does not always mean a win or a win you can live with.

Hercalius took Back Syria and Egypt from the Persians and then routed them o their home turf. Their core territory in lower Mesopotamia. Within 5 years it was gone.

Ukraine might be at a break poit, but if the lines hold rrussia may very well be at one too.

On December 5, 1998 44 heavy bombers and 1,068 X-55 cruise missiles were destroyed by Ukraine to keep Russia happy. The US was the guarantor.

1,000 cruise missile could take down the Kerch sSraight Bridge, if for no other reason that Russia would run out of SAMs locally and could not reload fast enough.

Let's not forget, we took Ukraine's nukes too.

What is always said. if a country Iran, Nort Korea , Syria, Libya has nukes it will not be invaded. Well Ukraine has no nukes, so Putin invaded.

The US gave security guarantees. If they do not live up to them, they should have no alliances? Fortress America Mathew? So if you stay in your fortress how are you going to get your cobalt for your fighter planes?

Mathew is a pogue. Heck is not that. He is lower than a pogue. Hiding under his GF's dress.

Matthew Putnam said...


Butchered english. I speak 3 languages and still had a problem with a lot of that. The last sentence I am guessing was an insult? Well done.

The US should absolutely secure its borders and clear all of its debts before a single dollar goes anywhere outside the US. The idea that US aid is an expectation/entitlement to others is half the problem with our spending here at home. A good part of that is the federal income tax abomination that fuels much of this constant entanglement. At $35+ trillion debt and near $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the rest of the world can go fuck itself and get its shit together - Ukraine, Israel, and the rest!

If "we" lose Ukraine? We? Ukraine is a European problem first and foremost. The US helped rebuild Europe for decades post WW2. 3,6 10 years until the Drunkard Russian bear stumbles into your backyard? The Europeans should have been contributing their mandatory 2% GDP or more to that bullshit post war idealistic collective defense paper tiger called NATO. Instead they became pacifistic and weak, and touted their socialist entitlement system of government while forgetting what is historically one of the most expensive expenditures in running a country: national defense. Better scramble to defend yourselves and stop begging the US. Lets see how your fellow "allies" in Europe actually feel about "collective defense". Hint: every nation for itself, one by one. Its going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

US politics is fickle and reliably so. The mind boggling, extreme changes that can take place between one administration to another is just nuts. Ukraine was a brief fad for politicians and everyday useful idiots lacking a purpose driven life who needed to feel important, so they took up the banner of the day - posted the yellow and blue flag on their social media and gave the politicians the go ahead. Its no longer the shiny object, and the passionate activistic goldfish memory of the public doesn't like the costs involved now. For a week it was Israel, then the all inclusive democrat island of unwanted toys deemed Hamas and the Palestinians the underdog and immediately took their side because any underdog is necessarily abused and oppressed and needs their help. Jews are white adjacent and Palestinians are brown, so thats half the moral calculus for the democrats right there. The response to Venezuela invading Guyana will be interesting. I imagine the democrats will side with Communist Venezuela, because obviously.

Anonymous said...

Butchered English maybe. But the problem there was typing. Way to deflect that you are a pogue.

Anonymous said...

What are your 3 languages? English, Swardspeak and polari?

Anonymous said...

"The Europeans should have been contributing their mandatory 2% "

Poland pulls its weight. The Brits have been reliable allies. They were with out in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Brits are such great allies they played step and fetch for Obama.

Germany could have contributed more, but Obama never made an issue of it. When trump did the euro-trash assumed he would be gone to be replaced by an Obama acolyte. If the every US administration had been firm and consistent with Germany since George H.W. Bush, it would not have bene a problem. Trump would not have to bring it up. If he did they would not titter.

The execrable Angela Merkel would not use the argument but we pay 3rd world countries cash money for aid and that counts toward the 2%. she used the argument. Angela was a dimwitted fellow traveler or a foreign agent.

Matthew Putnam said...


Matthew with 2 T's.

I am guessing the butchered english on your part comes from poor reading comprehension, and partial blindness? At least I have a name.

And Pogue? Using terms you don't even know the definition of, clearly. You were probably never in the military to begin with. I was. You are Just another Anon lacking personhood parroting Pro Ukrainian propaganda. "$300B and one more push, and we reach Moscow!" Sure dude.

"Hiding under my GF's dress"? Insults from 1950's Slovakia, and my interaction with you feeling like watching grapefruit in the toaster oven brown is what I am walking away with here.


Anonymous said...

On this day in 1998, #Ukraine and the #US signed an agreement to eliminate Ukraine's 44 heavy bombers and 1,068 X-55 cruise missiles.

Oxymoron: American Security Guarantees

Anonymous said...

Posting as Matthew Putnam is posting anon. you could be slightly more anonymous. You could post as John Smith, John Q. Public or Publius.

When you said you speak 3 languages, you forgot to add you play 3 dimensional chess with Spock.

Anonymous said...

324 you are an idiot, as usual. Mat hit the nail on the head.

You want to know where all that US investment went and why they do not have more ATCMs?

One reason is that Zelinski and yermalk got a big slice of the money pie and tract did not leave enough over to by the. equipment needed.

The other reason is the ATACMs were too little to late anyway.

And what do you know of Pogues?

You have never been in a combat zone.

You are just a keyboard nitwit who somehow thinks that russia winning is the end of the world.

Yes it is the end of the world. For the NEOCON idiot masterminds that you worship. Hillary , Schumer, Graham , the Kagans and Nulland are all crying big tears right now . But they will never admit they were wrong. They will blame Blinky or uncle Joe, the Ukies or some other bs line.

You lost jackass. You and your progressive creep buddies and thier homo agenda just lost and will go no further.

Thank God!!

Matthew Putnam said...


I agree with regards to Poland and some others. The Eastern European soviet era satellite states and those close to them take the Russian threat a lot more seriously than Western Europeans. I went to the university of Tartu in Estonia and the University of St. Petersberg in Russia 2015-2016 and that provided an insightful contrast to Western Europe. I definitely have a lot more respect for Eastern Europe than Western Europe.

Anonymous said...

905, 916

Is a democrat bootlicker who deepthroats the US government for living. Work for it baby. Never stop parroting and achieve high excellence in regurgitation and partisan hackery.

Goooodd Booiiii

Anonymous said...

So your languages are English, Russian and Estonian(Finnic)?

Anonymous said...

"One reason is that Zelinski and yermalk got a big slice of the money pie and tract did not leave enough over to by the. equipment needed."

Aid does not work like that mother fucker

1) The dollar value is for cash and stuff provided in kind. Stuff provided in kind is not as fungible as you would like people to believe

2) There are monitors on the ground from Defense Security Cooperation Agency.

So no, you did not buy an ATACM. You were too busy licking yourself like a dog.

Anonymous said...


Don't know what side of hell you are on, but there is no 905 or 916 on this thread.

Skods is that you ? Been dinking the scrumpy again?? Say hi to fazzy while you are at it.

Isn't amazing how all the lies are just starting to fall from the sky like bird crap? Just wait, it is only going to get better. When zelinski runs away, all will be revealed.

Ukraine is being defeated.

Anonymous said...

Russian trolls are not noted for their brains, but for their ability to kiss ass.

Anonymous said...

skods? what is that supposed to mean?

You are getting unstable again.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Well said Matt

Anonymous said...


I know more that you do, yo yo. DSCA is not everywhere in Ukie land. And they are not reliable because they have been told to keep only certain records in ukie land because the corruption is so bad. So 1/2 the stuff we give them, no one knows where it goes.

Add to this you fool , Ukraine can buy these systems on thier own., And they would, if your thug buddies had not siphoned off millions of dollars into their own pockets.

next time study your logistics manuals and the FAR before you make stupid comments.

and skods

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

"I know more that you do,"

why? Because you are a Russian FSB officer?

I would expect the DSCA to be not within 10 km of the battle zone. that still provides some coverage. Between unofficial soldiers in country, informants and agents, there is more coverage than just DSCA.

I have been meaning ask for a long time. Do budding FSB agents have to blow their prospective boss to join the club?

Anonymous said...

KIU ✪ Russian Officers killed in Ukraine 🇨🇿🇺🇦
Cargo 200, allegedly in Rostov, date unknown.
Each transport crate contains a “zinc coffin”.
Russian society still accepts these losses.

Anonymous said...

Yea , at least it is not whole brigades of Marines like down at Kherson

Anonymous said...


You are even a bigger fool that I thought, Those guys are no where near the front line. They rely on Ukrainian and PMCs to get the info for them. The MILGRP will not let those clowns anywhere near the two way rifle range.
That means any info they get is automatically supect.

And your lack of military knowledge is shows your ignorance. For corps or Army level arty 10k is way too close to the front. Those people are more like 50 k and further away.

Bottom line bozo, they have no idea what is being used and what is being sold.


you forgot this most important part.

Add to this you fool , Ukraine can buy these systems on thier own., And they would, if your thug buddies had not siphoned off millions of dollars into their own pockets.

Anonymous said...

Word has it that some Ukrainians stole a stinger to sell on the black market. You know where they hid it? Up you ass.

Now here is the weird part. You had room for a second stinger.

Anonymous said...

well genius I guess you had nothing intelligent to say, so you had to impress us with your low life vocabulary HAHAHAHAHA..... what a maroon. You are about two steps below plant life and getting more befuddled as time goes on.

The corrupt turds running Ukie land will come to a bad end. From the weak structure of your argumentative skills , I would say the same goes for you. imbecile.

Anonymous said...

Intelligent, ad hominem or in between, right or wrong, you would deny all. So do i care what your replies are? No.

You do have a lot in common with the butt bomber. Remember he went to his iman who told him that is buddies plugging him up the butt was not a sin since it was for jihad. So do not fell a twinge of guilt when your boyfriend orders you to bite the pillow.

When Mother russia runs out of T55s to use as VBIEDs, she is going to use you.

Anonymous said...

You are a joke who cannot make a decent argument , has no logic, and is a liar. you have no military experience and as one once said are a qualified dunce.
The corrupt turds running Ukie land will come to a bad end. From the weak structure of your argumentative skills , I would say the same goes for you. imbecile.