Monday, December 25, 2023

German Tabloid Bild Says European Intelligence Thinks Russia Might Attack Europe During The Winter Of 2024-2025 If The U.S. Finds Itself "Without A Leader" Following The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

Dagens: European Intelligence Warns of Potential Russian Attack on Europe in Winter 2024-2025 

According to a report by the German newspaper Bild, European intelligence sources have raised concerns that Russia may launch an attack on Europe during the winter of 2024-2025. 

This potential aggression is contingent on the outcome of the 2024 U.S. presidential election, particularly if the United States finds itself "without a leader" following the election.  

The Presidential Transition Period as a Window of Opportunity 

The intelligence source suggests that Russia could seize the opportunity during the three-month presidential transition period in the U.S., spanning from the November 2024 election to the inauguration in January 2025. 

The risk is heightened if President Joe Biden does not secure re-election and former President Donald Trump, known for his criticism of aid levels to Kyiv, is re-elected. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Bild: Russia may attempt to attack Europe next winter, European intelligence source says (Kyiv Independent)

Update #2: German tabloid says European intelligence thinks Russia might attack Europe next winter (Ukrainska Pravda) 

 WNU Editor: The message from Germany's Bild (and its sources) is very clear. If Trump is elected in 2024, Russia will attack Europe.


Anonymous said...

This is why europe should fend for itself. Europe was safe with President Trump. Putin began attack preparations in the early Biden admin.
Pure gaslighting by Bild and those bankrolling it. To hell with them.

Anonymous said...

Europe has more chance of being attacked by Godzilla. When Trump becomes president there'll be a deal made to end the war that was started by the USA & Britain in 2014.

Anonymous said...

The gays win again.

Anonymous said...

Preposterous. More CIA Psy-ops

Anonymous said...

seldom does read so much crap as this post makes available. Putin has Trump as but boy and Fat Trump wants to abandon NATO to serve his master Putin. Top secret stuff still missing from Trump's stealing and we still have no knowledge of what took place between Trump when Putin visited him!
The election has not taken place as yet, and so this shit is to somehow rattle us. Putin can not even get a big win in Ukraine and so he will take on Europe?

Anonymous said...

1242 is pretty well right.

Who wrote the story for Bild?
Were did they get the information from?

This has all the markings of a Intel disinformation operation in which you accomplish 5 future tasks.

A. Reinforce the Russian boogie man narrative that Putin is going to attack NATO. It is inevitable, only a matter of time.

B. Don't vote for Trump. Why? Do not show disunity in the time of crisis. Aka "do not change horses in mid stream"

C spend more on defence and keep supporting the ukies, because the ukies are defending Europe.

D. Get This story out there so it can be picked up by the Euro press and World wide press, so the story can be legitimized by sheer volume of republishing.

E. Get the story out there so in the next 12 months it can be used as a reference for updated press stories and commentators, and think tank papers all saying the same thing.

Such is the way of propaganda. Joe Goebbels was a pitiful amateur compared with these guys.

Anonymous said...

Agreed very very much!

Anonymous said...

With only a few days of 2023 to go these guys are having a last ditch attempt to win the most ridiculous headline of the year award. It's the only possible explanation.

Anonymous said...


Russia will attack IF Trump is elected

How come Putin in his own speech proclaims that one of the reasons they are fighting the west IS BECAUSE OF THE WOKE GAY agenda and PEDOPHELIA?

Trump was not pushing woke pedophelia. That is the demonic Biden administration

And know this:
IF the US pushes wokeism to Europe any further, WE WILL JOIN RUSSIA to fight the demonic left.

If Trump wins there will be peace

Anonymous said...

Come on WNU ffs. You're as bad to promote this stupidity. So.... Why do you? Hmm

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how Team America continues to influence the German press.

Anonymous said...

Jump from neutrality into a military alliance with what you suspect is an unstable (possibly leaderless?) empire quicker than the opposition can even bring it up for debate. Most sane Baltic strategy 2022.