Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Hamas Leaders Outside Of Gaza Have Gone Into Hiding


Jerusalem Post: Hamas leaders leave Qatar for unknown destination - report 

Several Hamas leaders left Qatar for an unknown destination, turning off their phones and not accepting calls, KAN's Arabic language channel reported citing sources in Doha on Tuesday evening. 

Additionally, on Tuesday, KAN news reported that Saleh al-Arouri, a senior member of Hamas, left his usual residence in Beirut for Turkey.  

Read more ....  

Update: Hamas Leaders Flee Qatar, Enter Hiding, After Israel Declares They'll Be Hunted Down (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: My gut is telling me that they have fled to Iran.


RussInSoCal said...

Yes. Behold the Sunni Hamas "lions" of Al-Quds. Fleeing like women to the Shiites.

Where else would they go? Israel has started their countdown.

Anonymous said...

I'd say they've all gone to turkey , much harder to hit them there, and much larger political repercussions

Anonymous said...

good call.

the Israelis will be watching. if they were smart. they would have their people do the same and in the mean time try to get a hold of a WMD.

Think about it...for them , it is do or die, so who cares.

Anonymous said...

I am hoping for the success of the Israelites in hunting down the terrorists.

Anonymous said...

and just remember what you are advocating.

A foreign nation operated illegal murder operations on your territory,:

thereby giving the finger to: you, your laws, your justice system and your culture.

You have to ask yourself is that ok?

And if you say it is.


Do not start talking about war crimes or international law or the "rules based order."
Because it means, with your philosophy... NOTHING. All that international law stuff is just plan bullshit


therefore...... sign up for Vindicare. :)

"Exitus Acta Probat; The outcome justifies the deed."

Anonymous said...

8:03 AM what you say makes some sense, however, I will call the execution of terrorists "killings" and not "murders.

Hans Persson said...

What? They cant go on vacation? Wait until the Swedish union get a hold of this.

Anonymous said...

They are hiding in California from the looks of things.

Anonymous said...

They probably enrolled at Harvard.

Ron said...

When the Israelis tell you to get the hell out of dodge, you leave.

Ron said...

The Israelis are still hunting Nazis from WW2. So there is no "time frame".

Anonymous said...

None of the above apply to terrorists of this calibre .

B.Poster said...

Assuming Israel is really targeting them and I believe this to be a reasonable assumption going to Iran or anywhere else in the world won't help them. The Mossad can strike anywhere as has been witnessed in the past.

I recall when Qasem Soleimani was eliminated. While the official explanation is a US drone strike, US (un)intelligence lacks the competence to have implemented and carried out something of that magnitude. They would have needed significant help from others to do this and the most likely source is Israeli.

Essentially as long as Israel keeps up the pressure Hamas fighters and leaders are doomed no matter where they go. I doubt we'll see any US involvement as our current leadership is untrustworthy which I'm sure the Israelis will have figured out by now.

Anonymous said...

They will be dead no matter where they go. However, Turkey is not a safe haven.

Traffic accidents, a fire, heart attack induced by a covid shot....they'll all turn up dead.