Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Is Ukraine President Zelensky About To Be Replaced?

Thomas Fazi, UnHerd: Is this the end for Zelenskyy?  

The Ukrainian president is facing calls for regime change 

 Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Western public has been sold the story of a Ukrainian front united in its unwavering commitment to a total military victory over Russia. Over the past few weeks, however, this narrative has started to crumble. 

Despite the failure of Ukraine’s Nato-backed counteroffensive, which is now universally accepted, Zelenskyy continues to stick to the maximalist victory-at-all-costs narrative — that Ukraine must go on fighting until it retakes every inch of lost territory, including Crimea, and that Putin should not be negotiated with. This is understandable: he has staked everything on achieving that objective — anything less would probably mean the end of his political career.  

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WNU Editor: I personally think his position is secure for the next few months. He has the support of the West, and more importantly, the personal support of President Biden. Replacing him right now will be a military and political disaster for the West, and an admission that their support for Ukraine has failed.

But back in Ukraine all of my friends/contacts/and family members who have always supported Zelensky are now having doubts not only on where the war is going, but on the leadership of Zelensky. 

This is something new, and indicates to me that if the war continues to go as bad as it currently is, support for Zelensky is definitely going to be tested by the spring of 2024. Both inside Ukraine and outside.


Anonymous said...

good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Putin will be dying soon so real good riddance.

Anonymous said...

russkies here kiss putin behind and dribble down vodka swollen lips

Anonymous said...

From your comments, it can be seen, You ukies. rah rahs continue to be idiots and and that is one reason the Ukraine is losing this war.

Anonymous said...

zelinski is well hated in he Ukraine and has been for a while. The common people have not believed the BS he has been spilling for months now, especially when they hear the news from the front.

The are like Americans, do you believe half of what the government tells you?

Anonymous said...

Zelensky has led the charge (from the rear) that bled Ukraine dry of its young men. Now that Ukraine has lost, he should be hanged and his assets returned to the nation's treasury before he flees. Wonder where he will go? Maybe Great Britain.